Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Side vines growing slow
Date Posted
cweibz |
Karns City PA
My side vines seem to be starting very slow any advice on giving them a boost? I have been feeding them 15-30-15 once a week just one scoop to one watering can, also fish and seaweed once a week about the same amount should I feed a little heavier or just let them take their course? My plants in the past have seemed to be a little thicker and more aggressive. Maybe I am just getting anxious lol they have only been in the patch for 35 days
6/12/2014 8:14:22 PM
Slim |
Whitehall Montana
My plants always seem slow for the first 30 days but they are growing a good root system during that period.Then the next 15-30 days the side vines seem to explode and are really hard to keep up with.I am going through the latter right now.It all takes its own time.Good luck
6/12/2014 9:00:49 PM
cntryboy |
East Jordan, MI
need more N (in nitrate form) if main is growing and sides not. How warm is the soil? N will become more available once the soil warms. Did you put a lot of OM in the patch? If so, it is probably taking all of your N to break it down. Calcium Nitrate (don't go crazy -- it doesn't take much) is your friend in cold soil or if you need a boost.
make sure you aren't over watering, this can slow growth too.
6/14/2014 7:34:40 AM
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