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Subject:  Fertilizer Injector Question

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Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

I plan to have some sort of fertilizer injector in place for next season and I've been looking at options. I would love opinions from people that have one now. There are three options I'm looking at 1- EZ-Flo injector, 2- Dosatron (MiniDos), 3- generic venturi injector like this http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Garden-Irrigation-Device-Venturi-Fertilizer-Injector-Switch-Water-Tube-Kit-New-/311021644397?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item486a55aa6d
I pump water out of a river with a high pressure, high volume pump with a 1-1/2" hose that feeds into a manifold and reduces to 6 zones of 3/4" garden hose. I would like something right on the main line with the ability to add a specific nutrient that would be sucked up and injected into the line. Accuracy is not really important as I figure I would add an amount that is recommended for my patch size and water until its gone. Does the EZ-Flo or Dosatron reduce the water flow? Do you think the simple venturi injector would actually work for my situation? Any suggestions, comments, or advice if you have an injector would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. John N

10/29/2014 2:17:50 PM



Dosatron reduce sligtly the water flow but nothing to worry about since the connection is wide. I m using a big one to still have the right water flow and pression. Very simple to use, very accurate settings up 0.2% but expensive to buy. It needs stiff PVC. Venturi injector is way cheaper.

10/29/2014 3:47:55 PM


East Jordan, MI

ezflo does reduce flow depending on which insert you put in it, it works best under low pressure and even low flow. It is designed for use with a 5/8 garden hose. Also I have busted 3 tanks due to high pressure (about 80 psi). it also adds water to the tank making the first part of the injection stronger and the end much weaker.

The venture injector requires a certain amount of flow to create enough suction to pull the fluid out of the tank and does not dilute what is being injected, keeping the dose constant. There are different sized venture injectors based on flow. Dan the Irrigation Man from Columbus Irrigation can help you get the correct setup for your flow. He is a pumpkin grower and an expert in irrigation systems....http://www.columbusirrigation.com/

I don't have any experience with the dosatron.

10/29/2014 8:19:29 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

Thanks for the replies. I looked into the Dosatron and with my flow rate of 60 GPM and 50 PSI I would need the model that costs $2500. YIKES! I'll contact Dan the Man and see what he suggests. Thanks again.

11/1/2014 8:40:55 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Look into the Mixrite injector available at Dripworks. I had a very low water flow from my source and it worked perfectly with driptape. No batteries, purely hydro mechanical and adjustable. Sold mine to Dr. Bob.

11/1/2014 12:09:15 PM

Andy W

Western NY

I use the cheap venturi. A little trial and error, and you get the hang of how they mix.

11/1/2014 12:16:35 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Talk to Dan at Columbus Irrigation before you buy in Ohio.He knows his stuff.

11/1/2014 3:44:00 PM

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