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Montoursville, PA

For me it amounts to about four inches of manure and three inches of "ground up" leaves, 20 lbs of organic 2-1-2, twenty pounds of blood meal, my lime if needed, greensand this year, gypsum, a good dose of molasses, some corn meal and a kelp cocktail. On top of this goes the rye cover crop.
This is for a two plant one thousand square foot patch.
...What else do others do in the fall?

10/26/2003 10:26:26 AM

Green Rye

Brillion Wisconsin

This year I'm going to add some rabbit food pellets to my soil. They are 100% compressed alpha....still shopping for the best price. Dean

10/26/2003 10:36:30 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Pickup after pickup loads of ground up leaves. Which will probably be around ten to twelve loads. Seven fully loaded pickup loads of cow manure. Four hundred and eighty pounds of gypsum. Two hundred pounds of corn meal. Five gallons of molasses mixed with one hundred gallons of water sprayed over the whole patch. Most of this is done already and has been tilled in. All i need is some more good weather and it will be all done and the soil can feed off of everything as the soil works during the winter months and the soil can rest until the spring time comes to start growing a Giant Pumpkin again.

10/26/2003 11:16:48 AM



Loads of leaves till they stop falling.15 yards of cow manure,15 yards of mushroom compost.Cover crop of Hairy Vetch,Canola Rape and Winter Rye. So far Spring will come with what ever my soil test says is needed.Looks like I need to look into the Mollasses thing.


10/26/2003 11:45:26 AM


Montoursville, PA

OOPS! I forgot. My wifes 32 year old Arab died. There was feed left over. It's going in there too! Senior horse food is right down to almost meal. Lots of good stuff in there.
....If nothing else it will be a super nighty night for the worm population to make casts with.

10/26/2003 3:06:19 PM


i live in the woods. i don't get full sun, but i get all the leaves i could ever dream of, and then some. also i live in the dairy state, so cow shit isn't exactly hard to find. (but if you're like shannon, you go down the road to the llama farm instead)

10/26/2003 6:10:44 PM

Billy K

Mastic Beach, New York

sorry to here about your lost doc..i feed my horse's the same stuff "senior" ....but i gotta wait until the horses are done with it first, orders by wife..lol

10/26/2003 6:17:56 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

How about tossing in all your carved pumpkins after Haloween is over? I know that I will have over 1000 lbs of pumpkin to add. I know Ben does it so it must do something.

10/28/2003 1:24:07 PM


Montoursville, PA

I turn all healthy fruit and vines back to the soil. Questionable material goes to compost pile to get cooked a little.

10/28/2003 7:13:03 PM

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