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Subject:  T-tape or drip tape?

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Has any one tried Queen Gil drip tape? It appears to be similiar to T-tape from Drip Works, just less expensive. It can be seen at www.queengilusa.com and prices found by using the link to Wilson Companies. Does it work like T-tape? Thank you.

2/14/2004 3:42:57 PM


Montoursville, PA

I'm very happy with the product and the service from Dripworks. I would ask Dripworks why they reccommend their T-Tape and or Queen Gil how's come they appear to be significantly less expensive. There usually is no free lunch. If the differece is great there must be some reason.
Dripworks answered my every question with a reasonable statement. Dripworks is almost a family business. They know and appreciate quite a few pumpkin growers. I was one of the first to go underground. They said I was the first in their company knowledge. Nothing special there except they actually called to see how the system was working for me. That flipped me out. When is the last time that happened? In my case the answer was never.

...They owe me a coffee for speaking so kindly towards them. Hee Hee.

2/14/2004 4:21:40 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

T-tape works very well. Make sure you don't skimp by not getting the inline filters or you'll wish you had if it clogs.
I'm happy with my set-up and found it to be worth the cost.

2/14/2004 4:35:50 PM

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