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Subject:  mobile, immobile and in between

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I would like a helpful eductional resource that would specifically address the various mobilities of all the nutrients within the plant? Thank you.

2/21/2019 3:29:02 PM


Decatur, Indiana

Brandon I sent you an email the other day. Did you get it? Unrelated to this topic lol.

2/21/2019 6:19:03 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I will check...

2/21/2019 10:40:56 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I came across a list that says N P K Mg Zn are mobile. Ca B Cl Co Cu Fe Mn Mo Se Si and S are immobile. I still hope to find more info that explains nutrient transport of the mobile vs immobile nutrients.

2/28/2019 3:11:58 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

I found some info and a chart showing what areas of the plant are first visible by various nutrient deficiencies at: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/identifying_nutrient_deficiency_symptoms_in_field_crops

I found it quite interesting that mobile nutrients will move to areas of new growth/high demand, leaving areas of old growth brown if there isn't more of the nutrient to replace the old.

Immobile nutrients stay in one place and deficiencies show up in the new growth, according to Michigan State U.

I also found this article to be quite informative: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/anions_and_cations_in_plants_oh_my_but_why_do_we_care

Oh my, I never gave magnetism any thought when it came to the garden. This webpage has a chart of the various plant nutrients as they move through the soil. Most soil has a negative charge.

This is all new info to me.

Is that what you're looking for?

3/14/2019 6:02:46 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thanks SG.

4/10/2019 5:10:17 AM


Syracuse, NY

I could be VERY wrong here, but I'm not thinking that the negative and positive charges mentioned actually are directly related to magnetism, per se', but, rather, indicative of the electrical charges that move elements and molecules and so forth throughout the plant---for instance, removing clothes from the dryer, (STATIC), that is not magnetism - could I stick a magnet to a shirt? Naaahhh... Granted, some of the forces of Nature are at work, all related, but distinctly different here. Correct me if I'm wrong---eg

4/11/2019 1:05:18 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The word magnetism is... uh... correct if we are talking about electron charge? But now you're getting into physics eg!!! I was always better at chemistry...

4/11/2019 1:50:51 AM


Syracuse, NY

No, that's just it. Magnetism can INDUCE electricity in a coil of wire and electricity can PRODUCE magnetism from that same coil of wire. Friggin' awesome, but I'm just saying that the forces that are at work in a plant are not 'magnetism'; And, please read my VERY FIRST words I typed today. I KNOW about these things, but, it's very late and I need to ARGUE in life to get my points across most of the time, lol---eg

4/11/2019 2:37:46 AM


Morgantown, WV

Yes, the way soil picks up and lets go of fertilizers is through electromagnetic attraction. Positive particles of fertilizer stick to negative particles in soil and the ability of your soil to do that is measured in CEC or Cation Exchange Capacity. This tends to be the more simple end of things to understand when it comes to nutrient movement.

Inside plants however, there are three ways that nutrients are moved. There is passive transport, where the roots absorb the higher concentration from the soil due to a lower concentration in the roots. This is simple diffusion from higher concentration to lower and uses no energy to do so.

4/11/2019 8:48:55 AM


Morgantown, WV

Some larger ions and molecules cannot pass through the cell membrane due to size, so are then assisted through Facilitated transport by using transport proteins embedded within the cell wall that have larger passage holes. Again, this is a process that requires no energy from the plant.

Active transport is when there is movement from areas of low concentration to high concentration (against the normal flow of things). This requires energy use, and I believe is where movement of your mobile elements comes from, as it will steal from around the plant to funnel to where it is needed.

Phosphorus is a clean example of how leaves can be healthy and beautiful, but by the time your fruit is mature, the margins are yellowed and turning necrotic. What was once in the healthy leaves has been sacrificed from low concentrations in leaves to pack into high concentration of fruit when it wants more.

4/11/2019 8:59:34 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think we are close to bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and physics. I want to know what seed you are you growing Dustin... And you've set some state records right. I have high expectations!

4/11/2019 11:54:11 AM


Morgantown, WV

LOL! I didn't SET any state records. Qtip grew a carrot, in the same year, that was 10x the weight of my state record carrot, and he was humble in securing his World Record. Cheers Chris! WV is small time compared to PA, OH, NY... Watch out though, we'll be squarely on the map as a Southern Powerhouse this year. I simply saw the need for better record keeping, and took the step to effect change.

I contacted my *new* state department of agriculture, as I'm from Pittsburgh, PA originally. Told em I was an avid competitor, built a relationship over the summer, and got our system updated and overhauled with current records if submitted. I won't keep track of those who don't care to claim their own, unless it's my goal to beat, in which case won't matter until I do, in fact, weigh one heavier, in which case I will submit my own.

Just trying to pass some of what I've been exposed to in pursuit of my BS in Horticulture. I've only started learning properly, so I may make mistakes here and there. The basis of what I normally try to post though, is to try to communicate in terms people can relate to, which is where science and I fall apart.

All I hope is to encourage people to research what I try to help with, to decide if it would help themselves or not. We all have different soils, different climates, different resources. CEC is a major component in fertilizer delivery to root systems beyond what mychorrizae can do on their own in that it is the excess holding capacity that can be pulled from. If it is not held, it cannot be pulled from, if that makes sense? Without a proper understanding though, the cost of amendments adds quickly while adding frustration that you didn't hit the marks you were looking for.

4/11/2019 8:55:03 PM

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