Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: My cal mag melted!
Date Posted
Wolfpack83 |
central Nc
Picked up my granular NPK Industries Cal Mag from last year and it had half liquified. Could feel some granules at the bottom but the top was almost clear. Anybody know why? I'm guessing either the Mg or Ca is in an unstable form? It was stored high and dry at room temperature
5/4/2020 8:59:37 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
If it is a salt it will pick up moisture from the atmosphere. The bag must be sealed tightly to prevent atmospheric moisture from entering.
5/27/2020 8:08:00 AM
Wolfpack83 |
central Nc
Thanks John. That must be the culprit!
5/28/2020 8:07:41 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Ureamate does the same thing.
5/28/2020 10:04:06 PM
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