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Subject:  Sulfate of potash vs 20-20-20 soluble

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Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

So i know I needed potassium and for the life of me couldn’t find anything over 20 soluble without a lot of nitro as well. I have 20-20-20 which has helped my plant so so much (wish I had it from the get go) but now I worry about continuing to use it. So I got some potash and sprinkled it around evenly... then the rains came (hardest rain in weeks)... still raining. How fast does potash work? I know the soluble works faster.

Main pumpkin past the 30day, growth curve steady, but slow. Trying for a little boost as on the west coast here only a few weeks left before colder nights start.

8/22/2020 2:57:15 AM


Central Illinois

Can you order it from Ebay or go to a farm supplier and get Sulfate of potash.

8/22/2020 6:17:31 AM


Central NY

Id probably just switch to a bloom formula of the blue water. Keep it simple. The 20-20-20 would prolly be alright for that one. How big is it?...still be awhile but be careful when you lift off the platform, they are heavier then they look! What are the naysayers saying now!?

8/22/2020 9:01:51 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The only advice I can give is they put a lot of potassium in winter lawn fertilizer. Oh and I am in the same boat where I have applied granular. So I am refraining from soluble because I dont know how much of the granular will be accessible. I am waiting for signs of deficiency in the older leaves. If I had bloom booster on hand I would probably use it but I dont want to bloat my leaves with the high nitrogen stuff. So for me... either another trip to the store or just wait and see.

8/22/2020 1:11:06 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

I'm not sure if Kelp4Less, Alpha Chemicals, or Amazon would work for you in Canada. /waves Hello to Canada

Wishing you lots of luck, Twins! Looks like we have good weather on tap for the rest of August and into September, woot!

8/22/2020 2:48:20 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Well I experienced for the first time what a good rain does for the plant. Rain was so hard at times with thunder risk, it was bouncing off surfaces.... I was worried... but holy flip one night of growth surpassed what it did in two days. Maybe it has something to do with the potash I put down? I wasn’t really sure how much potash to use, if anything I didn’t use enough, but I know I didn’t overdo it which to me is better as I can always add more. I just honestly have no clue how fast the granules work. Like sub said I have some good weather (not hot and not cold) coming and I want to make the most of it growth wise.

As for size, last I measured it was 34 inches circ... the seed obviously isn’t Atlantic... it’s some hybrid giant and no idea what that means growth wise. Feels close to 30 lbs when I lift it. Won’t be bad lifting it as might be close to 100lbs but doubt it will be over. Has a flat bottom now, putting on weight lately.

I couldn’t find the bloom blue water, I went to a garden center and a nursery. Closest thing was something made for pot plants in the size of a salsa jar, for a whopping $125!!! I was like, is there gold nuggets in there too dude? Lol.

8/22/2020 3:29:53 PM


Syracuse, NY

so, you got great gains? after a big rain?
hmmm...if something is working for you, stick with it.
which means, 20-20-20...('zat water-soluble?)...why change anything? seems to me that the amount of water is key. wait a day or two after the rain STOPS and then every other day, water as you can, AS IF it were raining; i guess the potassium wouldn't HURT, but, follow the directions? they want it to work for you, right? which reminds me to turn off my 3-hours-now drench on my 301.5 - she's a beauuuty!---eg

8/22/2020 10:24:36 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Got gains because two days prior before the rain I put down granules (potash) I’m thinking because I didn’t use the 20-20-20 this time. When I use the 20-20-20 the plant goes into crazy grow mode - tertiary vines come out and flowers out of no where lol. My normal growth is 1 inch a day and has been since forever. I got 1 1/2 inches for the first time. So either the rain or the potash or both perhaps.

Maybe my pumpkin seed only is meant to grow an inch... on a bad cloudy day I get 1/2 inch or in cooler weather. I was hoping to boost for 2 inches :) plant is so very perky today! Might need another day or so to be sure like you said - not supposed to rain really all week, so I’ll monitor it. I have been watering (in 32-40c temps I had no choice lol) and plants never wilted tho the hotter 42c day was a close call... I almost had to ice the kin it was too warm. I think it likes the current weather better :)

8/22/2020 11:14:06 PM


Syracuse, NY

i am criminally hypocritical, in that i have 3 fruits on the same vine of my 2003 Haist, all the same cross; what some growers do is pollinate every pumpkin in the patch with a seed that is possibly the only one they'll ever have, like, a relic 801.5 Stelts or a 2145 would be the pollinator for all others, to see down the road the effects of that one magic seed as the pollinator. so, 3 on a vine, each about 2 leaf nodes apart, and whoops! i had said at some point, don't overload the circuit - the one i poll'd on like 7-25-'20 for seeds-only is aborting, whereas the later 2 are doing fine, but i noticed the leaves 'flagging' (wilting) between the 2nd and 3rd fruits a few days ago, but the fruits were as taut as could be, like cantaloupes at the store. bummer, 'cause i do believe that the fruits need about 50-60 days to have viable seeds in them, and it's gonna be close for the remaining two fruits if they even get to any viable size. totally an experiment, but still...
't's okay, though; my 2003 Haist X Self, other seed fruit is doing all right - took me 4 hours to even PRUNE that plant today, and the majority was getting rid of 'pig weed' that gets to 6 feet high and blocks my sprinklers, lol---only 7 plants to go, even just pruning...i may do some vine burying just to say i did, to be the last in line like usual, lol---eg

8/24/2020 4:18:58 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Wow pumpkin pal, that is a lot of pruning... makes me think of my cherry tomato plant which grows like a weed even tho i can wack half the plant off, give it two weeks and you’d never know i trimmed it back in the first place, lol. You might still be good... if the leaves wilt, maybe dose it up with some 20-20-20? I know when i do it to mine everything perks up big time. Still a newbie when it comes to this potash... i cant even tell if its doing anything. Now i see why people like soluble, as i see results within 48hrs.

I def want diff seed for next year, some seed that does a few hundred lbs, and then maybe ill move on to 1k. I feel i still have a lot to learn, but I’m ready to move on to an Atlantic giant for sure. Ill be day 40 soon, so i should have seeds from mine, even if i only end up with the one kin.

8/24/2020 5:24:31 PM


Syracuse, NY

Naaahhh, avoid seeds from the one you have that's open-pollinated - official crosses only(!). Then you can blame someone for any problems you may have, lol---IIIIIIIII will have seeds for you---my own Gerry seeds for blaming ME and a few Tops to choose from - then, we can blame HIM for any problems, lol---or, more likely, celebrate your 900-pounder, minimum! later---eric g

8/25/2020 1:51:42 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Lol. Right now I’m mad that im allergic to cats as I could use one right now in my yard to chase or kill whatever it is that’s munching in there. So I blame me for getting small seeds and ME for not being able to own a cat lol. I’d love some seeds from you, then we can have friendly competition. Then I can bribe sub to drive across the border and help me move it next fall... eg...hehe.

I’m still saving the seeds but not for me they are for a friend who wants to try next year. Doesn’t want giants but not tiny either... 50lbs or so, maybe 100. Right now her fave is sunflowers, she adores them. I’m going to give them a go next year in my patch.

I’m going to create a 3-4foot by (didn’t measure length yet) est. 20ft raised bed and then let vines grow off and down as needed. I’m done with my ladder... once the pic posts from tonight you’ll see why in my diary. Quite comical actually... I had a good laugh. I dosed with 20-20-20 this morning again... time to get out the space suits pumpkins to be!

8/27/2020 5:32:11 AM


Syracuse, NY

okay, even IIIII couldn't fill in that last gap there, lol---good thing i'm not a dentist.
okay, i'll have ones for her, he he he ...
they'll sprout with fruits already on the seedlings, eh?
ha ha ha okay, seeing the ladder pic later---should i just laugh now? eg

8/27/2020 10:45:59 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Well when you see what happened with my tree... you’ll go, just get a ladder and.... oh wait, the ladder... (smacks head).

8/28/2020 1:53:45 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

I do love the surprises the patch can bring... i swear its the 20-20-20 soluble with micro nutrients i use... just wish the nitrogen was half of what it is. I need to find something just like it with half the nitro strength. The potassium potash did fix some leaf issues (yellowing on edges improved a lot) i had, i knew i needed it. Pumpkin growth has slowed a lot, due to colder nights (10c-12c ish). Days are warm tho 22-25c. I do cover it with a blanket. So potash isnt helping with growth lol, but leaves it did.

8/28/2020 2:02:25 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Lol about the pumpkin vine in the tree!

That's a good sign for your patch that you have a Madrona tree growing nearby. Madronas like warm micro-climates here in the Pacific Northwest.

I would love to visit Canada again! Not sure what the Corona Virus situation will be like next spring.

Night temps are cooling down lately, fall is right around the corner.

8/28/2020 2:27:45 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Madrona tree? Is that what its called? Landscapers picked it for the front of our street side housing, never knew the name of it. Want to know something about the madrona trees they put here... they were planted a day before we had those crazy cold temps and snow a few years back before Xmas. I was like poor poor tree, hope you dont die. THEN that summer we had the worst drought ever, the rivers that will overflow typically in wet season literally dried up to a stream. Water restrictions got so so bad we were not allowed to water (remember that year? I’m sure you had it too). I did everything i could for that tree... i used to scoop buckets of bath water on it when i was done as that kind of watering was allowed :)

Why is the Madrona a good sign tho? Does it suck up all the ferts i put down lol. The tree has seemed to like it so far, that it even coaxed the pumpkin plant up into its arms for a hug and thank you. Just thinking ahead for next year on maybe having to put more down if the tree will take a good chunk of it.

Yeah the temps are hurting me a bit, but I’m not in the running for a contest or anything, so taking this as a learning experience more than anything. Ive already surpassed many peoples expectations around here of what i could do with my little space. My goal now is to see how long i can keep the plant healthy enough before all the leaves die etc.

Yeah come to canada next year if borders allow it. I’m only about half hour to an hour across the border depending which one you go thru. I have a friend in Blaine who i cannot visit either.

8/28/2020 4:01:44 AM


Syracuse, NY

I figured it was a DOG tree, 'cause it's so BARKY - hhhaaahhh, hhhhaaaahhh, hhahhh - i was literally gonna ask you what kind it was 'cause i've never seen one like that, with the vine growing up it and all---i had one do that last week, but gravity gave it the heave-ho, and i have yet to prune that plant, lol---yes, i was already laughing at the missing ladder scenario - then, somehow, there was another page the same as the one with the tree - it went away - i fig'd you wanted to get the pic upright or just make me fall over looking at it again, lol---nice topper for a good day otherwise; lotsa laughs at work, even - ha ha has (plural has) or 'ha ha has anyone seen my ladder?' g'night---eg

8/28/2020 5:03:45 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

lol pumpkinpal!

Madronas are interesting trees, as they grow the outer layer of paper-like bark peels off. Madrona wood burns long and hot when used for firewood, and is difficult to split.

Madrona trees need warmth to grow well, so your patch is most likely a warm spot, which is great for pumpkins too.

Oh my, I remember that summer, it was like an oven outside all season long. My tomatoes loved it that year, lol! As for me, not-so-much, lol!

I visited Victoria a few times as a kid and loved it, would like to visit again after the 'Rona thing winds down. There are some excellent growers in Canada that would be worth a patch tour, too.

8/28/2020 5:44:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Paperbark maple.

8/29/2020 12:06:39 AM


Syracuse, NY

Gee - i don't smoke, but i feel the need for a cigarette. muh muh myyyy Madrona!!! Paperbarking up the wrong tree, lol---somebody stop me---eg

8/29/2020 9:52:36 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA


8/29/2020 1:37:19 PM


Syracuse, NY

forgot one 'muh' - it's okay, though - Jenny never answers, but i know SHE's the girl for me, anyway; lol---eg

8/29/2020 4:50:55 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Jennie's phone never stops ringing! Like, Oh my gawd! lol

8/29/2020 9:20:49 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

I think G.Kins is right its not a madrona, i looked it up and mine never has berries on it. The leaves on mine are oblong but also like when you draw a Xmas tree, it has outward pointed parts of the leaves. The tree grows slowly, and is very barky thats for sure (i tried a muzzle but it didnt fit, lol) and the bark collar was a waste of my time as the tree was so barky it cost me a fortune in batteries!!! LOL!!

My plant is dying... the stem by the stump rotted (not sure why) there is about 2 inches of brown. We dont get the pesky vine critters here so i dont know what happened. Was not buried in soil, it was above it. The rest of the vines are ok, just sadly that vine is the main that goes up the ladder which my pumpkin sits on, and hasn’t grown in a few days.... now i know why, sigh. Leaves are wilting as of this morning. I sprayed neem oil today on the rot part and all leaves hoping it will help. I have a feeling all leaves on the main vine will be dead in the coming days. Then is there any use to keeping the other vines up? Can it bring juice to the pumpkin even tho a different vine entirely — even if the main vine say breaks right off by the stump? I have sulfur dust (safer brand) but it said not to use on squash so i didnt try to sprinkle or paste it onto the rotted stem.

On the bright side tho super late in the season (but got a week of nice hot weather coming in a couple of days) i have a pumpkin growing IN MY TREE lmao.... totally unplanned... bees did it. There was two, only a foot apart and one aborted while the other kept growing. If it keeps growing for the next week, that will cheer me up. Just get to volleyball size even. Also have another (that could have been my “big” one had it have pollinated earlier in the season) that is not even 10DAP yet that i have hope for.

Also if i have to cull my pumpkin off the vine, (assuming if vine dies off i will have to) will it be healthy enough to be stored till halloween? I am to

8/30/2020 3:56:26 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Pumpkin pal it was so windy today, the wind almost snapped my patio umbrella. It did snap two of my pumpkin leaves stems. Yet, the vine in the tree is not even affected one bit... so weird lol. Since the photo posted its about a foot higher... and higher there isn’t ANYTHING to hold on to no more unless it curves or bends. I was waiting for the wind to knock it down or snap it. Id cut it myself if i could get up there. Maybe i jinxed myself by saying i needed a ladder and promptly my vein rots, thereby will give me my ladder back — food for thought i guess, lol.

Regardless of what happens, ive learned a lot and look forward to starting off better next year.

8/30/2020 4:08:23 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Hmmm i think i should call my tree pumpkin Jenny and the 8DAP one Sharona just for shits and giggles.... eg... hehe. If one pumpkin could talk to the other, i think they’d say “your barking up the wrong tree!” LOL.

8/30/2020 4:21:48 AM


Syracuse, NY

gee, your keys are probably still warm from typing as i type this, right about 8 minutes behind as i'm seeing your posts---i dunno what to say about Jenny and Sharona having a chat, but, 'This is not good...Worlds are colliding! Eric's getting upset!' is the likely dialogue here...I don't foresee any indirect part of the plant being able to redirect sustenance (sp?) to the fruit in-question; if a fruit is on the main vine, for instance, and the stump rots away, though, the fruit can still be supported by the vine roots if there are any; it was windy, rainy and dismal here today, and yet my fabulous 301.5 fruit is super-lovely (500-plus) and so is my 100 fruit (387-plus), as i realize i've got one month to get a trailer hitch onto my car and become proficient again at plucking them from the patch onto my car-pulled trailer that has not hauled a fruit in two years or so; last year, i didn't have anything i was self-impressed by, nor was anyone interested in buying NOR even getting one for pretty much FREE...and each weighoff was at least 3 hours from me - this year is much more optimismally-evident, if you know what i mean. i hope so, 'cause i don't, lol---later---eric g

8/30/2020 4:49:00 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Ya ive been up as i cannot sleep, been worried/stressed about the plant. As for the main vine, yes part of it has roots buried but AFter the pumpkins, not before. The main vine prior to pumpkin is going up the ladder. The buried stretch is once it went down the other side i looped it around and its in the ground after that, but terminated since. not sure i have enough rooted in to support it properly, but maybe enough to keep it on the vine... ill know in a few days if it all collapses etc. It is possible a virus got into the rotting stem. Possible a damn rodent bit into it also, since i found another vine (not rotten at all) with a pulled up vine piece leaving a pinky finger sized gap. Neem seems to kill lots of diff things, so maybe just maybe it will help.

Glad you got some bounty’s — i got a jeep but no ball joint to haul anything. I have a good friend of mine, shares the same name as me actually, and from highschool (tho we weren’t friends then)... she was offering to come with her truck bed to get my pumpkin if needed. Now that i dont think it will grow no more due to the vine issue (we will see) she wont be needed this season. Ha! The weigh off here is about 45min away give or take traffic (the one i know of at least). i will use Atlantic giant seeds next season and plan my patch better.

8/30/2020 6:02:34 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Sorry to hear about the vine, Twins! That sucks!

I've never heard of a paperbark maple until this thread, but there it is, lol!

All kinds of learning going on in this thread, lol!

8/30/2020 2:12:23 PM


Syracuse, NY

Well, we're ROOTING for you---Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Ahem, clear, clear, lol---

I had said i had three pollinations on a spare vine of my 2003 Haist - each a week apart, each about two leaf points apart; the first was on about July 25th? the next, about a week, the next, about a week - just worked out that weigh - i gotta be there, lol; well, the first and second ones aborted, and i had said that after i had poll'd the third, latest one, the leaves were flagging really badly for a brief time in-between the 2nd and third. hmmm...SO, the point is, when pollinating later and later fruits on the same vine, possibly, as i have seen, the newest one gets all the plant's attention, since, since then, the little bugger near the end of the vine is looking like it's about to BURST because it's growing so fast(!); perhaps this will be useful in the future to anyone whom needs to know - it IS logical and nothing new, but, i thought 'THREE with the same cross? Oh, Boy!!!' must've said it out loud 'cause a deer ran away, lol---it's okay because i have the same cross on another spare vine, so, two of it isn't a disappointment---later - eg

8/30/2020 2:12:45 PM


Syracuse, NY

PS---(SILLY ME) - WHAT am i saying previously? ANY part of the plant that is viable should be able to contribute to the growth of the pumpkin, as the survival of that species depends on it; anything that is buried and/or rooted down will do what it can to keep any leaves alive as well as the fruit; if you ever cut a fruit or a part off the plant, the juice of the plant will indicate how much WAS going to that part of it - sometimes it's distressing to see it, but somehow, it coagulates and the remainder survives, if it's meant to be;
Chin Up! just...don't bump your head, lol---eg

8/30/2020 2:20:37 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Sharona can help answer Jenny's phone this way, lol!

8/30/2020 4:13:17 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

I have hope... and yeah the vine up the tree was like you said 3 one after the other a week apart. I let it go as it’s late season and I wanted to see what would happen. It’s a different plant than my main plant, used mostly to pollinate the other. It did however a week ago spawn a fantastic female that is growing good. That plant isn’t wilting it’s more healthy than my ladder plant. The only vine flagging and drooping is that one (main) on the ladder plant... which is what leads me to believe the rot is a factor as the other vines r not affected at this time. I’m a bit optimistic but might be a tad less flagging today. Could also be that I’m right about the mosaic virus... pumpkin does have a bit of blotchy colouring to it when your close up. I’ll post a pic of the flagging whenever it shows up.

8/30/2020 4:18:47 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

The splotchy leaves look suspicious to me, for sure!

8/30/2020 4:39:15 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Which club runs the weigh-offs in your area?

I'm a member of both the PNWGPG (Washington) and the PGVG (Oregon). Someday, after the 'Rona goes away, I'll actually get to participate in the PGVG events, woot!

8/30/2020 5:05:12 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

It’s a place in Langley as a guy around here is usually always the winner... he holds like 3 titles or more. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s in this group or was at some point. There are other weigh offs too I’m sure, but with Rona and my non Atlantic seeds I didn’t research much further into it.

Yeah my leaves are dotted spotty light green tiny dots all over... woke up one day and every leaf was like tnat then the flagging began and plant started to look ill. Also found the rotted vine the same day. On the dotted leaves they didn’t have mildew but due to ill health now whatever it is, the mildew is showing up easily and I think unless the plant perks up I’m in a losing battle. It has been in the ground since April so I still think I did good my first time :) and I got one healthy (mostly) plant left, again in ground since end of April.

8/31/2020 12:39:24 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

4 leaves around pumpkin today wilted 90% dead :( pretty sure my pumpkin will be harvested this week or next unless I have a miracle lol. Two other pumpkins reaching day 10 soon, their size is off about an inch from each other. I think one is a day or two older than the other.... praying for two basketball sized ones... nice weather ahead for a full week... it’s possible based on that :)

8/31/2020 11:49:36 PM


Syracuse, NY

New meaning to Over The Top (OTT)---your back yard has more going on in 8 seconds than most growers' do in a month! too funny for me whilst just about to hit the hay, but, i will say this: say goodbye to your lawn if you wanna grow a MONSTER pumpkin next year - it's the only weigh! it is perfect for a 150-square-foot challenge, which i have never done, and my weeds have always been 6 feet high or higher for 20 years, so, i don't see that changing for me, but YOU have a shot---great action shot, by the weigh, (eh?) OH! good night! eg

9/1/2020 4:33:25 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Good pumpkin soil grows amazing, dark green lawn, woot! You can re-seed the lawn if and when you decided to stop growing pumpkins in your yard.

9/1/2020 2:51:43 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Go Twins Go! Still rooting for ya!

Sorry for double-posting, "Ummm, yeah, I'm still airheaded after the dentist, yeah, that's it!" lol

9/1/2020 2:53:54 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Oh no, here's a triple post!

As far as the planters are concerned, most growers plant AG's directly in the ground to prevent root binding. When things grow well, the root ball is massive. My smaller pumpkin (574.5 lbs) ended up root bound in the ground. It was growing in 41.25 cubic feet (1.16807 cubic meters) worth of pumpkin soil.

My 77 cubic foot (2.180397 cubic meter) pumpkin pit did not become root bound, thankfully.

9/1/2020 5:49:40 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Sorry for sounding dum but what is root binding and root bound? Is that where they run out of room?

And my planter is going to be bottomless - think of it more like a retaining wall... just holds dirt in and for a few reasons: the damn mole ate my roots on the one plant I think. When I pull it up (will be soon as it keeps withering away) I’m likely to see it. Going to put mesh on the bottom to keep the little bugger from digging up into it.

Yeah my yard has some stories to tell, lol. Glad it entertains you and gives you some laughs. Being a girl I tend to ramble sometimes too, lol.

9/2/2020 4:57:20 AM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Well my yard grass is going to be going to crappers anyhow because I cannot kill off the damn creeping buttercup and clover. That’s why you see the dead grass as I managed to but because the landscapers mow bagless and my neighbor has more of it than I do, even I managed to get rid of mine it will come back just from them mowing my neighbors lawn and mine right after. Even all the garden shops around here had signs up saying “nothing we have will kill buttercup clover etc”. Add in the mole or vole that is digging holes all along the fence line of 5 different homes and well... yeah a big OTT mess lol. I can manage to not destroy the yard anyhow, I won’t bury side vines all the way. I’ll use pool noodles or cloth planting bags to bury any nodes that need to be if they go out on the yard far enough. I grew 9 feet on my lawn this season out of the planter without too much destruction. The mole did more damage than I did!!

I had to sling up the vine in the tree this morning. Pumpkin is SO perfectly round and growing even faster than the ladder one did at this stage. I’ll have to actually sling the pumpkin itself too somehow... thinking pantyhose with a hole for the blossom end? How much weight can the stem of the pumpkin hold if the vine itself is fully supported ya think? 20lbs?

9/2/2020 5:20:29 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Yup, root bound is where a plant has more root than soil, usually with seedlings that grow too many roots for their starting container.

I've never had an occasion to need a sling in the garden. A shop rag or maybe an old diaper would work too.

Best of luck, Twins!

9/2/2020 3:32:46 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

I wasn’t planning on it sub, but the pumpkin keeps growing and we are going to get great weather for the next two weeks due to that typhoon way west of us on other continent... 27c-30 plus next week. It’s like perfect timing for these pumpkins to grow late season, so I’m gonna sling the one up enough to hold a basketball sized pumpkin as I figure that’s where it will end up when the weather goes colder again.

9/2/2020 9:52:03 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Yes indeed, the weather is so nice here this September that I somewhat regret not growing this season, oh well. It will give the bugs a chance to clear out for next year.

9/2/2020 10:35:37 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

It's just a strange year all the way around.

9/2/2020 10:36:30 PM


Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

Sure is.... this weather will get me my 2nd kin. I figured out a way to string Jenny up... posted a diary log but pic may or may not be approved when you read this. Might give you a chuckle or a “what the bleep is that !?” See if you can figure it out lol.

Thought I had a third going but looks like it’s aborting for whatever reason. added some Epson salts today... the dotted spots I think are magnesium deficiency. A few days should tell me if I’m right or not. On another note my freezer decided to stop working and leak water all over when I had intended for ice to chill my drink. I lost all my ice cream and didn’t get my ice cold drink *throws toddler tantrum*

9/6/2020 5:38:11 AM

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