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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  Conditioning municipal water for your patch?

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Salt Lake City, UT

The only watering option I have is municipal watering. I am concerned that this will keep me at a disadvantage due to the chlorine etc. If I put it in barrels and let it heat up in the sun will this allow the chlorine to dissipate? Anyone else dealing with this dilemma? I think Calai talked about his problems with municipal water in Holland's 2001 video.

4/7/2004 11:36:52 PM


Omaha, NE (N41-15-42 )

I've been looking at this issue as well. My city (Omaha, NE) puts chloramine in the water, which is a chlorine/ammonium compound. Supposedly safe for humans but toxic to fish. (Actually I think Warrior-T has the same statement on their label.) The city always cautions people not to use tap water to fill fish tanks. The only type of filter that can get rid of this is a carbon filter. Charley's Greenhouse sells them for about $60. Plain chlorine can be neutralized using some other types of filters as well that use electro-chemical reactions to break up the chlorine. There is a product out there called Gard'n Gro that utilizes this method.

I've heard that putting the water in barrels will help to dissipate the chlorine to a fair extent.

4/7/2004 11:51:50 PM


Now I don't know much about this, but I would maybe go to the local Pool and Spa store. They do water tests and sell chlorine and stuff, so perhaps they would know how to reverse the chlorine effects as well. They'll have shelves of all kinds of fun chemicals.

4/8/2004 12:25:52 AM


canal winchester ohio

Having the water sit in barrels or whatever else you use will cause the chlorine to dissipate.

4/8/2004 6:49:46 AM

Green Rye

Brillion Wisconsin

Look at wal-mart or other discount stores that sell aquariums for a product called Wardley-Chor Out. One 4 0z. bottle will treat close to 700 gallons of chlorine or chloramine treated water. Its cheap around 2 bucks a bottle. Dean o

4/8/2004 8:34:36 AM



charcoal briquettes
non treated

4/10/2004 8:24:14 PM

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