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Subject:  Lack of calcium?

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA


Splits in leaves. I'm pretty sure with the cool damp weather and probably excess nitrogen its outta whack. What else could it be? Boron? Thx

5/23/2021 4:01:19 PM


Fullerton, California

Isn't that bird damage?

5/23/2021 11:30:10 PM

26 West

50 Acres

So, that's where the feathers came from. :>)

5/24/2021 8:51:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Lol. The things YouTube wishes they knew...

5/24/2021 1:30:35 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

I had to chuckle when I saw the feather mulch. It is certainly creative! I bet the plants will respond to all that reflected light. My plants seem to really grow when I use hay or straw as a mulch. I have always assumed it is because of the greater light reflection.

5/24/2021 8:44:08 PM

Green Toe


Lack of egg shells

5/24/2021 9:08:15 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

I have asked this before, but are you self diagnosing, without actually ever have completed a soil test. So you are cooking in the kitchen, just adding seasonings and going off of if it looks salty or spicy.

5/25/2021 7:40:37 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Watch Connelly's bushel gourd video. He throws the kitchen sink at his plant. You are 100% correct that starting with balanced soil would help but suppose you spray the plant with fish or kelp fertilizer... then you've instantly unbalanced everything. So then what was the point of doing the soil test? I agree having balanced soil to start with would help but it's kinda like wearing a clean suit & tie to a spaghetti dinner.

5/25/2021 12:30:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Anyhow I think it's micronutrients and weather related. My (yes, wacko illogic) is that I'm spending the $55 I saved on not doing a soil test on a $46 tissue test.

Probably a waste of money because I'm certain its calcium related I'm just curious to see what the other cofactors are.

My weak logic aside... I will get results @ the end of the week hopefully & we can all learn something... and yes there are cheaper options than western labs but it's just a hobby and I do throw away a little money here & there.

5/25/2021 12:41:53 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

For beginners out there
.. starting with really well balanced soil is the best way to learn how a plant should look & behave. If my methods are too unsuccessful then follow Hollands or Wallace's methods.

5/25/2021 1:03:06 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Yeah, I’ll stick to Holland and Wallace.

5/26/2021 10:58:18 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA


5/26/2021 1:24:10 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I was asking for advice here, not looking to give advice. You just pick on me for no other reaso than I'm being different. This is America were great because we have the courage to try new things :) Most people are smart enough to avoid the trolls but not me...

5/26/2021 1:35:15 PM


Washington State

Brandon, send Joel and picture via email so he can look at it. We did have some hail storms the last couple weeks in our area, and if your plants aren't covered well they might get damages. Take care, MLH

5/26/2021 3:23:09 PM


Anderson, IN

Interested in seeing what you find out on this. I'm seeing a hand full of these also, had my soil tested with Western Labs and added the amendments suggested. I had been giving a gallon once a week with Seaweed and Humic/Fulvic acid and have stopped just incase that was causing it.

5/26/2021 3:43:35 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Not potentially bamboo stick damage when the wind blows? I have had that, but the tears are bigger.

5/26/2021 4:26:46 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

It's in multiple different spots and it's not hail or bugs.

Yeah I'll post the tissue results here Lmichael... if I sent a big enough sample.

Sorry for being a pain in the rear everyone!!!

5/26/2021 7:43:47 PM


Fullerton, California

I really thought it was from the birds, but I have read it may be too much N.

5/26/2021 10:27:10 PM


Syracuse, NY


5/27/2021 1:23:33 AM


Syracuse, NY

Not the leaves that he details, but the one on the FAR RIGHT is a prime and similar example - I'd have bet my life on it:



5/27/2021 2:23:32 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Here is the tissue results taken a day or two after the splits. I know its partly weather related. Eg... in your link it looks like it was a cool wet stretch of weather there maybe?

Tissue results:

6/2/2021 2:02:50 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Picture of the plant (closest I have to the date the sample was taken):


6/2/2021 2:15:14 PM


Syracuse, NY

They are out in the middle of the leaf like the one at the FAR RIGHT of pumpconn's picture; until determined otherwise for us all, slugs mosey out onto a leaf that is susceptible from other attacks (or about to be, lol) and chew a hole in it, hence the randomness and location. They feed all they want and then retreat to parts elsewhere to digest. This is all just MY opinion. If you have anything under pressure or tension and put a hole into it, it'll look like that; If any new ones develop, immediately look for slime trails to and from the splits/holes. I know I HATE when I'm even planting a plant out and one or two are already SMELLING it and are on their weigh to the feast! Think about it - What WOULD slug damage look like?---eg

6/3/2021 6:52:25 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

For me the slugs eat the cots and old flowers but they arent into climbing up the leaves. I dont think that's what slug damage would look like... but... it can be a Rorschach leaf where everyone can have their own opinion :)

6/3/2021 1:47:54 PM


Upa Creek, MO

I know there are a variety of slug species, but the ones we have here leave a dried up slime trail and are easy to spot.

6/3/2021 2:48:16 PM


Anderson, IN

I have similar spots on my leaves. The other day I noticed a small green caterpillar one one leaf. I wonder if this is what is going on then the leaf grows and the hole is more noticeable.

6/3/2021 10:47:51 PM


Syracuse, NY

Sure, man, I'm open to all this - I'm very Open-Yawn-ated, lol, so, when I see this, i may have to look for some slugs that are shaking their (heads?) and a caterpillar (what a name) that may also be lying to me and a now-molten hailstone...good talk. If I don't say so myself. Tx---eg

6/4/2021 3:29:18 AM

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