Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Sea Weed Extract
Date Posted
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Joel Hollands video of 2002 mentions that sea weed extract may enhance the weight of fruit and even throw out heavy to the charts. Has anyone expierenced this to date? I have noticed a few of his pumpkins that year did weigh heavy after he was using foliar that summer. Also I have noticed some growers are producing heavy to chart fruits frequently. Is there any commonality here?
4/17/2004 10:37:28 PM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
I try and give all my plants exactly the same soil and treatments I get very differant weights compared to the charts on differant plants and pretty similar ones from differant pumpkins on the same plant.My heaviest otc pumpkin didn't have any seaweed extract.I think it is genetic just my experiences so far.
4/18/2004 5:16:13 AM
docgipe |
Montoursville, PA
Kelp Meal in the soil and Kelp Foliar in conjunction with fish and molasses is part of any good soil building program. When balanced nicely any combination of products like kelp will be part, only part, of the success. No one can buy a patch in a bag or bottle. It has to be developed over several years. The records will show that three years is about how long a good learning process takes. This includes grower's improved technique and management.
Much more important after good balance is achieved is the personal attention to patch management and grower's own personal technique improvement.
4/18/2004 8:31:06 AM
Think Big |
Commack, NY
Well said Doc
4/18/2004 8:52:34 AM
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