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Subject:  How to grow giant root vegetables

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719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I am also trying to grow carrots, rutabagas, and onions to a large size this year. Curious if any one could tell me start dates, fertilization, and pot size. Also want to know how to amend the soil. Any help would be much appreciated.

2/12/2020 4:58:44 PM


Central Illinois

you may want to try one of the giant vegetable clubs on FB

2/13/2020 7:03:54 AM


From what I have read on this site they all should have been started by now and transplant until outside.
I would ask this on the European forum and hope some of them will answer. If you look at the diaries of the European growers you will notice a lot of different stuff being grown.

2/13/2020 7:44:28 AM


Or I would post in the other vegetable forum because some of them including some knowledgeable N.A. growers might answer (might take a few days)

2/13/2020 7:51:01 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I am trying onions. January was the start time recommended but I grew Walla Wallas a long time ago and I think a fall start could be even better. I've read myco wont benefit the kohlrabi/ cole crops but it should benefit the others.

2/13/2020 2:55:35 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Okay thanks for the help. What is FB? Also what are walla Walla? I am just worried about the onions and carrots. I already started the rutabagas back in mid January. I am hoping to start the carrots and onions in a few days.

2/13/2020 4:34:07 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

FB - facebook
Walla Walla - posibly similar mild onion variety that grows large but more flat than Ailsa Craig.

2/13/2020 7:25:03 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Alright. I did plant them all on last Thursday. What fertilizer will be good.

2/17/2020 7:43:30 AM


Central NY

Onion fertilizer

2/17/2020 8:59:09 AM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Okay, Porkchop, where can I get that? Which number should I focuss on? N,P,or,K? Would fish or seaweed be benefitial? Also i am growwing Ailsa Craig onions, do they grow giant? I don't remember the carrots name, I just saw on a seed catalogue "Giant Carrot" and thought i would grow it. My rutabaga is laurentian I think. Will these grow well?

2/17/2020 2:31:37 PM


Central NY

Dixondale farms has a blend for onions...you can google them...I just plant mine as early as possible with some thier onion food...then I’ll hit em with the 0-0-0-21 a few times to try as many leaves as I can...that gets me some bigger than a softball...if yer talking growing at a competition level as many do on this site,, you need more info on the tips and tricks...like “start onions the October before the season starts”....or “giant carrots should be started around Christmas” if going for a record...other wise, good gardening practices apply....good soil numbers is most important...oh- what’s a rudabaga?....

2/17/2020 8:21:35 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

Alright, so high potassium. A rutabaga is also called a swede. (Also on another note, I checked again and won't be able to have a soil test done). Thanks for the help.

2/19/2020 4:49:36 PM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 12/22/2024 1:02:15 AM
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