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Subject:  Seed question

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Ray, North Dakota

I just received a catalog from Stokes seed. They claim that their AG seed was collected from a line that produced a 600 lb pumpkin. Would this be worth starting out with, or in a deeper sense are they saying that 1 pumpkin out of 100 grew to this size?

11/21/2005 3:38:30 PM



herbie stick with the people here on BP.At least you know what your getting!!

11/21/2005 3:44:21 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Please Herbie do not plant a seed catalog seed. I will send you some proven seeds if you send your address. You will kick your self if you don't.

11/21/2005 3:44:49 PM


addison Il

take a look at my diary and you will see what exactly you will get from unproven generic altantic giant seeds bought from an internet seed company if you want to grow big your first yr like i wish i would of done ask for seeds here and grow only seeds with known backrounds your setting yourself up for a big disapointing yr if you grow from anyone claiming they have big pumpkin seeds ask here and you shall recive more seeds then you can possibly grow your first yr. Me and sis bought seeds from a online source that even had pics up stating seeds where from a 400pdr and 700pdr and a 1000pdr and that was before we knew anyone can paste a pic of a big pumpkin on a packet of seeds and call them ags to grow big you have to go with real seeds.

11/21/2005 4:35:49 PM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


Don't waste your time. You can get much better seeds free from this site.

11/21/2005 4:41:02 PM


Taber, Alberta

I start all my flowers and veggies from seed and get them all from Stokes. Their quality and selection for these are great and am getting my order for 2006 ready this week. However, I will NEVER buy their giant pumpkin seeds again. I went from 141 pounds with theirs, to 716 in one year, with a seed I got from someone off of this website.

11/21/2005 5:23:30 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Pretty much tells the whole story...buy some bubble envelopes and some stamps. Folks round here are great. Peace Wayne

11/21/2005 9:43:38 PM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

herbie, not that is hasn't been mentioned here already. I planted catalog seeds for many years before getting seeds from these growers or purchasing the VWO package from seedoutlet.com. With the VWO package the first year it produces 977, 865 and 713lbs pumpkins. This year it produce my 1020.5. It takes as much work to grow the 300 lb pumpkins from the catalog as it does to grow the 700-1000. Good luck and grow them big.

11/21/2005 11:53:01 PM


Santa Cruz, CA

My son and I were new growers last year and we wished we had known about bigpumpkin.com and all the great help here especially in the seed department. I recommend going immediately to the "Seed Exchange" section of this site and ask any of the growers that have offered free seeds for one. It only takes the price of a bubbler with stamps. (oh, and don't forget a note too thanking them for the seeds and let them know which ones you want.) All these growers are great!

11/22/2005 1:46:52 AM

Dean S

Hensler North Dakota


Send me a e-mail and I can help you out with seeds

11/22/2005 3:43:57 AM


Ray, North Dakota

ALRIGHT DEAN. Another pumpkin nut from North Dakota. I know Somers from there. Dean, does the hot, dry weather out there hurt you or have you had some good luck. Drop me an email, I have been waiting for some ND feedback. Our two locations are very very different so I probably cannot use all of your info. Thanks everyone, I will follow your advise on getting seed from here. Love this site.

11/22/2005 9:04:42 AM



Usually by now someone has recommended you run away from the insanity but it seems like it's already too late. So...

Welcome to the Brotherhood Herbie.

11/22/2005 9:51:29 AM


Ray, North Dakota

Heh heh. I do not know what it is about pumpkins either. I love to raise fresh vegetables, but there is just something extra about a pumpkin patch. My kids ages 5 and 3 love watching them grow, and carving them in October. We had good luck with some Big Max this year, and they would giggle when you could see a daily difference in their size. The giants are the next step. In my 60x60 garden, I figure I can fit two AG plants in there somewhere and still have room for corn, peas, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

11/22/2005 10:10:40 AM

Snake Oil

Pumpkintown, SC

Don't bet on it Herbie...lol. Have fun, BF

11/22/2005 10:23:03 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Herbie you will find there is a thing called the farmers market. You just can't waste patch space for some vegetables that are obtainable elsewhere. Please do not make the mistake of planning to interplant with the AG's. Section them of and keep them controlled.

11/22/2005 10:33:46 AM


Ray, North Dakota

Does everyone grow just giants or do they have a regular jack o lantern patch as well?

11/22/2005 10:34:24 AM


addison Il

Thats what happened to us when we went with seeds that we got offline plenty of carvers lots and lots in fact lol but nothing big enough to wow the crowds we where still proud and got some learning out of it but next season watch out lol just remember its all about the fun of growing when you stop smiling its time to give it a break

11/22/2005 10:47:21 AM


Ray, North Dakota

And if you have success to save the seeds right? All of them? I imagine if every seed chamber is filled in the fruit there would be lots of seed.

11/22/2005 11:16:29 AM

Andy W

Western NY

heed the warnings. it's an addiction. always shooting for heavier and heavier.

you'll put in 2 plants that will take up half your garden next year, then it will be a minimal amount of space allotted for "normal" vegetables from then on.

trust me. i once grew vegetables.

11/22/2005 11:52:49 AM



I know a few growers who devote patch space to both hard & soft stemmed pumpkins. Tom Pencil sent me seeds from both of his 2005 efforts.

11/22/2005 12:06:36 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Hot weather in North Dakota? LOFL don't let Duster hear that :)

2005 was the last year my garden has room for anything but AG. And plus there is just no time left after all this work.

My neighbors grow plenty of veggies I can get hold of. Good luck Herbie.

11/22/2005 12:37:17 PM

Papa Bill

Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

Herbie...some very good advice here. Take my word for it...I tried to grow 3 AG plants in the middle of my regular vegetable garden(even smaller than yours!!!)You would NOT believe how big and how fast these plants can grow......LOL.... Next season, with the exception of a few tomato plants and hopefully some giant onions, my garden will be just AG's and perhaps one squash. Here's hoping that you have as much fun I had this past year!...all the best!

11/22/2005 1:15:39 PM


Ray, North Dakota

It will be hard for me to give up room for my corn (Sugar Buns I recommend), fresh peas, and garden cucumbers are a must. Will the addiction take these from me or should I rent a quarter section of land for my AG's? lol

One row of corn, one of cukes, and one of peas should leave me plenty of room as I have figured. But anyone with experience is telling me different.

11/22/2005 1:26:00 PM

Dutch Brad


Herbie, I grew a Stokes in 1989 and got it to 200 lbs when the record was around 700 lbs. Stokes has sold 1000s of seeds and apparantly there has been one 600lber. That's not that much. You will notice that their seeds are quite a bit smaller than what you will get from the great people here.
Stokes got me started way back in 88 so I guess I owe them one though. But we have moved on.

11/22/2005 1:26:07 PM


Ray, North Dakota

How do I get to peoples diaries that they tell me about?

11/22/2005 1:27:32 PM

Dutch Brad


I just upgraded from 1000 sq. ft. to 3000 sq. ft. I just figured out I have a lot less room for vegetables this coming year. Weird hey?

11/22/2005 1:30:52 PM

Dutch Brad


Go to growers diaries. Click on the heading and the names will be alphabetized.

11/22/2005 1:31:26 PM


Ray, North Dakota

Another thing, you people that are devoting an entire garden to pumpkins must run into some disease problems? With all of the inbreeding in this variety, there cannot be too many defensive traits left.

11/22/2005 1:32:06 PM


Ray, North Dakota

Giving up some of your own vegetables must be a tough decision. I am starting to sway in the directions of pumpkins now dammit. I'll just buy some Green Giant corn next year out of my grocers freezer. lol

11/22/2005 1:34:00 PM

Dutch Brad


Herbie, I am growing corn around the border of the patch. Keeps out inquisitive eyes. Sunflowers also work.

11/22/2005 1:35:03 PM



We grow veggies and A.G.s. Our Main garden is about 80' X 100' ft. I plan on using 80' X 25' for three A.G.s.
We have another garden that is about 60'x 20'. You can grow both, if you have the room, and the time.
Can you make your garden bigger?

11/22/2005 1:43:41 PM


Ray, North Dakota

The question is, will my wife let me make my garden bigger? Haven't asked yet. There is about 6 inches of snow on the ground right now, so it is hard to visualize what it will look like next year. This has turned out to be a great subject that really isn't on the subject anymore. May have to start a new talk. Looks like other people are just as busy at work as I am right now...lol

11/22/2005 1:57:25 PM


Ray, North Dakota

At best, I think I can dedicate 40x60 of my garden to AG's

11/22/2005 2:01:53 PM



I'd personally allow at least 20' X 20' for each AG. plant. For breeding, or smaller pumpkins, you could decrease the growing area.
As for seeds, it's amazing what a seed with good genetics can do, given decent soil, weather, and care.

11/22/2005 2:21:02 PM


Windsor Maine

perhaps you can grow some corn if you must,... for to help with WindBreAk along one edge...also trellis the cukes and of course, the peas...saves space and-
gottA protect the punkins'!! ha~HA! I think Doug's right- shoot for 20'X 20'per AG plant... and``prune,...prune...prune! heh~heh!

oH! and get the Books" "How to Grow World Class Giant Pumpkins" by Don Langevin if you can,...(t'would make fer awfully nice Christmas presents and excellent reAdin' this wintAh'...eh~

oh! and you can graph out your garden, and lay yer christmas-tree 20'x20' cut-outs of each ag plant on top of the graphed out paper garden every which way to see how you might fit em in..
Two plants may be perfect for your set-up this first year-(give ya' a bit o' breAthin space)... then, go fer bigger size garden if'n when ya can...

I seem to remember having a similar sized garden as yours, once my two plants went in,..3rd one never made it out of the kitchen! i found i was playing cAtch-up the rest of the seAson!
They truly grow like ya' read about in the- Jack n' the BeAnstAlk tale!
(and i had such greAt plAns fer all those other veggies too!!(they never made it into the ground!heh~heh!(wait til' next year!)

"stunner" told me-- fasten yer seatbelt! anddd`` hold on! its gonna be a wild ride! (& it wAs!! ((greAt fun!- vRRy exciting- wAtching these Monsters grow!( they can also break yer heart...beware...heh~heh! whatever happens- HAve fun!
and as Tremor mentioned.. weLcome to the insanity! :-))
~Tom from Maine.

11/22/2005 4:10:14 PM

Marty S.


I have 2 gardens one for pumpkins 80-100 and the other stuff is 40-40. I like to keep them apart.

11/22/2005 6:37:39 PM


Tipp City, Ohio

If you would like some hard stem pumpkins, I have some that were from controlled pollination. They were sibbed from my 47.5 pound pumpkin from last year. Just email me and I'll send you my address.
Tom Pencil

11/22/2005 8:25:01 PM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

Hey Herbie....Andy mentioned addiction.....yep, I think it is.......my entire beautiful, green, lush California backyard lawn has been ripped out. It is now a pumpkin patch that grows ONLY AG's. I have some tall corn and sunflowers growing around it, but there ain't no room for nothing else !

I actually think my wife is getting used to it !..................best of luck

11/23/2005 1:52:27 AM

Boily (Alexsdad2)

Sydney, Australia

Same story as Andy here! I used to grow normal vege's, lol. They don't even get a look in now!

11/23/2005 6:34:47 AM



ditto ...
except I grew two tomatoe plants this year ... they were in pots in the front of my house. the back yard garden is all pumpkins. :)

11/23/2005 9:26:28 AM

Dutch Brad


Just a curious question. Do you have community gardens in the US? (called allotments in the UK). Most Dutch lawns are too small for even 1 AG, so a community garden is great. It costs about $40 for 3000 sq.ft. per year. You can buy in manure and even ask them to run a plough through your patch at some gardens.

Anybody have one in the area?

11/23/2005 10:40:29 AM


New Jersey

There are some community gardens in one form or another. Many of them are simply vacant lots in the city that community members created the gardens to spruce up the place a little bit without really renting out space as any sort of business... Another rendition is the co-op farms where you pay a certain amount of money to recieve a boxful of vegetables each week from whatever is harvests, you can help work the farm too if you want, but again this isn't really renting the space either...

11/23/2005 11:00:16 AM



I've seen community gardens here in the US, usually in or just outside of larger cities for apartment dwellers & often for the "needy inner-city" folks. They're usually free to those who qualify (poor). I never have seen one with plots that were large enough to grow an AG in. Nearly all of them are over run by weeds by July but some folks really stick with it & enjoy the effort.

11/23/2005 7:27:40 PM


addison Il

We have a communtiy garden here but most grow sunflowers and such things that can stick to one area as they pay for the plot and unless your lucky enough to get an outer plot theres o growinig pumpkins but why take that risk when the outside is mowed by the city and kids and peaple would just mess with it

11/23/2005 10:23:25 PM


Ray, North Dakota

Yep will definately trellis the peas and cukes to save space. Gotta have my veggies right out of the garden. I posted a new message about my brothers family and my mother thinking how crazy I am to try and grow the giants. I may become a cult celebrity because of this. DON"T THEY KNOW BETTER?

11/24/2005 1:47:43 PM


Cologne / Germany

In most of our community gardens here you are told what to plant, how big, how high etc. Many rules, sometimes close to absurdity.
Having AG plants there, they will probably kick you out LOL

11/25/2005 5:03:48 AM

Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

You better watch out or your mother and brother will be thinking you have been smoking herbs. This hobby has a way of completing a gardeners life very easily. Before no time you will be consumed with this web site and swamped with seed trading envelops. Run Forest Run!

My last year before Agp's I had all the standard veggies. This year my 3rd I have only tomatoes and they were giants from Martin Reiss. It gets in your blood so deep you forget about everything else. It was hard for me to even cut the grass this year. The lawn weeds are rampant and the flower beds are driving down my property value faster than rising interest rates.

I used to hate mulch in my flower beds. I would eagerly spend a few hours tending the beds with a hoe and hand clippers. Now that time is spent pruning vines and layer of Cedar wood chips are now in place amongst the perennials to keep the weeds down.

I often tell my neighbours that anybody can grow grass. Growing AGP's is not only fun, it's a challenge of skill that puts to rest who is the best gardener very quickly come October 1st each year.

11/26/2005 6:27:53 PM


Ray, North Dakota

Back to a seed question. I have had offers from people already for some good seed (thanks Marty), but a couple of friends of mine want to try some as well. If anyone has a few extra seeds laying around, please email me. This is already turning into a contest among friends. I'm sure some side bets will appear after a few beers at the local pub!

11/29/2005 1:04:44 PM

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