Soil Preparation and Analysis
Subject: b4 and after test results
Date Posted
UnkaDan |
Those that have read my diary know that I am setting up a patch in "new" dirt, meaning an area that has just been cleared and is for the first time receiving any amendments. I had a feel for some of what would be needed from previous tests done on different areas on the farm and started adding the basics hoping to get closer to the recommended levels that AG's seem to require. I sent in a sample from the soil in the adjoining dirt that has seen nothing added yet, these are the results: ph 5.7 O.M.2.9 p 115ppm k 53ppm Ca 520ppm mg 40ppm CEC 2 boron 0.5ppm manganese 15ppm zinc 5.3ppm sulfate 3.9ppm
The test lab was the U of Wis soil and forage analysis lab
5/7/2006 6:26:14 AM
UnkaDan |
These are the results on the 2400sq.ft. patch area that I have amended with: 100lbs of pelletized (calcified) lime 100lbs of pelletized gypsum 4 yds composted papermill waste 6 yds 2 yr old horse manure 100 lbs alfalfa meal 20 lbs bone meal 5 gal bkt of hardwood ashes 5 lbs calcium nitrate
These were added and tilled in to a depth of 8/10 inches in early April, with little rain(.5 of an inch) to kick in the "blending" these are the results of samples I pulled on April 21st: ph 7.0 O.M. 6.3 p 130 k 350 Ca 2220 mg 160 CEC 11 boron 0.6 manganese 30 zinc 10.3 sulfate 92
I have added 12 yds of 5 yr old horse manure ( basically black dirt) while waiting for these results to come back. I intend to do a molasses/kelp drench over the whole patch and a final till b4 the plants exit the hoops. Our labs do not show N tests due to the types and availabilty of them in the soils. I'm open to any suggestions as to anything else that might be done here for AG's at this late date,,I am pleased with what shows in the results so far, and am thinking things have to be even better with that xtra "primo" manure added.
5/7/2006 6:56:50 AM
RogNC |
Mocksville, NC
Rock, and Roll Dan! Wish you a personal best!
5/8/2006 2:18:12 PM
UnkaDan |
Hey thanks Rog,,,first year,, anything IS a personal best !!!
Still waiting for any suggestions on last minute corrections or additions here. I am still working around the hoops and have some time.
5/10/2006 10:23:14 AM
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