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Pumpkin Growing in Southeast USA

Subject:  ga how are your pumpkins

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Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

i was just wondering how everyones pumpkins where doing and how everyone was doing is all ok hope you had a good year or still growing

8/18/2007 9:47:10 AM

Jason D


Well I have had a lot of ups and downs this year due to svbs and disease but my pumpkins are still going strong so far. I have 10 plants left and 10 pumpkins left each set about 10 too 15 foot on the mains. Ill post pictures soon I just have to send them to my e-mail. This is my first year really with AGs and I have some that are quite immpresive I think. Good luck

8/20/2007 8:35:26 AM


Bowdon, GA

I had one left that was growing good after the vine borers and drought, but I think the heat must have got it. It had plenty of water but the leaves just turned brown

8/22/2007 4:50:16 PM


Cairo, Georgia

Mine weighed in at #300. Had to cut it before it rotted. I wasnt satisfied but I got what I got. I'll just try harder next year! Heat got all of mine too. Leaves died quick this year due to the heat. Had a beautiful plant but mother nature said it wasn't meant to be this year...


8/29/2007 10:02:30 PM




Shade cloth & misters would help. I'm sure we can walk you & Tyler through it for next year.

8/30/2007 1:07:09 AM


East Bend, North Carolina

I live in NC and have considered installing misters for next year especially since we have had several days over 100 degrees this year. Any help that I can get here will be great. What type of misters are recommended?

8/30/2007 8:38:39 AM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

Hello from Carrollton,Georgia,
The best one in our patch belongs to my son Matthew, it is taping 101" circumference for 280 lbs. I am hoping it weighs a good bit more than this, it is wheel shaped so I don't know how the cir. measurement will work on it. We still have one plant we are trying to set a squash on. Maybe we will get one since it is cooling off a little.
Take care and grow them big,
Doug Adams
John 3:16

8/30/2007 9:10:45 AM

Jason D


Well Im down too 8 pumpkins. I had to two split at the stem deep so I applied daconil and then caulked them so hopefully theyll still make good display pumpkins. Other then that I have three or four pumpkins in person that are just mind blowing. I got exactly 30 days until the weigh off so its hard to get to sleep lately. Good luck to all

8/30/2007 9:46:56 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Keep em together Jason, and can't wait to meet you on the 29th...maybe a bunch of the GA. growers can come on up to Bear Wallow Farms on the 29th...the more the merrier!!! LOL We are expecting folks from 7 or 8 different states to be at our first ever official GPC, Atlantic Giant weigh-off!!! All are welcome, and thanks to a lil brotha from WV, our prize money is now in the "respectable" range, and will prbly pay thru the top 10. We will also have a giant melon contest with prize money!!! YAHOO!!! Hope you Ga. folks, can form a wagon train and c'mon up!!! Peace, Wayne
PS...our weigh-off is at a very family friendly site, so bring the whole fam damily!!!!

8/30/2007 6:19:47 PM

Jason D


Wayne believe me Im gonna to whatever I can to keep them together. I look forward to the weigh off and seeing some huge pumpkins and getting my little ones weighed. Ill see ya there Wayne I forget whats the latest ya can come to get the pumpkins registered. Im about 5 hours away so I might get a little lost. I hope some more Georgia folks come over as well I worked hard to repersent Georgia hopefully the dirt on my hands paid off.

8/31/2007 8:41:04 AM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

I wish yall would quit talking about the weigh off, yall are making me want to come. lol Jason we are hoping to be in North Georgia this weekend, I would really like to stop bye and see you and your patch. Would like to call also, got something important to ask you about.
take care and grow'em big and make ga. proud,
Doug Adams
Jon 3:16

8/31/2007 9:06:46 AM

Jason D


Hey Doug what part of North Georgia are you gonna be at?Unfortunetly Im gonna be In Bama most of this weekend. Ill e-mail you my cell phone number well actually my girlfriends cell phone I just gotta ask her what the number is I have no clue I really never even talk on the phone Im more of a computer guy. As soon as I see her after work Ill e-mail I gotta come to work tommorow so Ill email in the morning. Ya just coming up for the labor day weekend to spend some time relaxing? Well take care and talk to ya soon. I feel honored though that ya wanna see the patch considering that your the Georgia Pumpkin King and all.

8/31/2007 9:54:58 AM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

Not really sure yet Jason. We just want to take a little day trip, maybe spend one night. I will call ya in the morning when you send number.

8/31/2007 2:32:09 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Jason, registration is from 8am til noon, eastern time. Peace, Wayne

8/31/2007 3:34:22 PM

Jason D


Thanks Wayne ill see what I can bring. Bear wallow website is preety good and looks like a lot of fun.

8/31/2007 3:54:06 PM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

what weigh off and where and time

9/3/2007 2:20:23 PM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

Hey Lee,
it is in ky. on sept 29th.
jn. 3:16

9/3/2007 6:14:44 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Lee, details are posted on weighoff board, down a ways now. under title of 1st ever Ky Gpc Weighoff....or somethin like that. The more the merrier. Hope you can make it. Peace, Wayne

9/3/2007 7:09:39 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

Can anyone recommend a good shade cloth supplier where I can get a reasonable amount of shade cloth not too too expensively?

2/26/2008 7:38:08 PM

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