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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Big Rain

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CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)

Well the remains of hurricane Dennis blew through here yesterday afternoon. We ended up with 2 ½” of rain (I had just finished applying 1” with irrigation). The patch is now a mud hole. High winds knocked out power in the area had I had some of my shade structures blow off. Its too wet to go in there right now to replace them. Hopefully tonight. Thankfully there was very little damage to the vines. One more stress in an already stressful season.

7/15/2005 8:38:57 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

I was surprised that the really nasty stuff missed me. We had thunder and lightning and some rain. But, when I heard that there are hail warnings, I figured it was finally time to get a shade structure up. So, I did. But, no hail. Oh well. I needed it up soon anyway.

7/15/2005 9:10:28 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

I had minimal wind damage here. This time the wind breaks held up well in the strong winds. !.75" of rain in two storms on Wed. and Thurs. I even had a 6" gain yesterday on a squash from the 695* clone Landry 04... Things are looking up here in Thornton.

7/15/2005 10:36:16 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

The rain missed us here in Cameron. I watched the storms pass by me. We are desperate for rain as we haven't had any in over a month, but we've had record high temperatures almost every day. I'm hauling 200-400 gals of water a day in the back of my pick-up to satisfy my thirsty pumpkins. Send some of that rain my way guys!!!!


7/16/2005 6:39:42 AM



SHES FINALLY COMEING DOWN!! we missed all the other rain that fell, well not this one, we have recieved 10 mm in the last 5 hours and another 10-20 mm is expected from now till sunday. this should really get things moveing.

I just wish I would have applied some granular 10-10-10


7/16/2005 2:45:14 PM



TOO MUCH Rain.... Looks like i'm putting a new roof on the house this week, Was sitting in the computer room this afternoon heard a drip drip drip noise, went into the bathroom and sure enough water comeing in threw the roof
:-(... Not a good time for this to happen, went outside noticed the water pouring over the eves, went up and noticed the roof was peeling pretty bad. unclogged the eves and water seems to be flowing better now, Both 45 G rain barrells were filled within first hour of rain fall and shes still comeing down at 10pm. patch is one hudge mud pit ground is saturated pretty good, dew worms are up and crawling around so you know the ground is pretty wet when you see them come up at night.

7/16/2005 10:07:44 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)

Another 2/10ths last night. That makes 3 3/4" in two weeks, plus the 1" I put on with the irrigation......whooo
I just wish we had some of this a month ago.
New problem....wild vine growth and new flush of weeds....just when I thought I was getting ahead of them....Damn manure.....lol

7/17/2005 8:48:08 AM



Total rainfall for Kitchener in 1.5 days was 130 MM 5.5" of total rainfall. Sure I asked for rain, but heck not this much . ground is just soaked, patch is just soaked
going to be a hot humid week so it should dry up a tad. both 45 G rainbarrells are full once again :-)


7/17/2005 10:05:29 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

We managed to only get 1/2" of rain in the last 2 days. The storms just kept going around, missing me by just a mile or so. The 1/2" is welcome, but we need more.


7/18/2005 6:06:18 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

We've had some rain here too. And, I didn't think it would be a problem until I pollinated today. Eventhough I snipped the fowers and put them in the fridge overnight, the pollen still seemed wet. It didn't just fall off like the last two times my pumpkins made love.

7/18/2005 9:14:43 AM



Crammed, I normally pick my males the night before they are about to open usually between 8-9 pm place them in cool water and put them in the basement were its dark and cool. then in the mourning i bring them up around 5am place them in front of the oven with it turned on low till they open up then go out and do the pollination, My father has been doing the same thing with great sucess, The problem i found last year with putting them in the fridge is the dampness they recieve after you take them out of the cold and put them into the warm


7/18/2005 1:16:42 PM

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