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Subject:  UGPG Auction List

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The auction is Dec 13th - at 8 pm Eastern U.S. Time.

Lot 1: 1201 LaRue 2005 (1068 Wallace 03 x 1139 Sherwood 04)
1180 Krug 2007 (1432 Carlson-Peterson 04 dmg x 998.6 Pukos 05), 1134.5 Rose 2005 (723 Bobier 99 x 1260 Weir 01) & 519.5 Veader 2007 (1260.4 Weir 01 x 998.6 Pukos 05).

Lot 2: 1193 Rose 2006 (1370 Rose 03 x 1068 Wallace 03), 1068 LaRue 2006 (1370 Rose 03 x 1142 LaRue 05), 1200 Trumm 05 (1370 Rose 03 x 1097 Beachy 02) & 1238.5 H. Bruunst 05 (1370 Rose 03 x Self).

Lot 3: 1376 Bobier 2007 (1231.3 Pukos 05 x 845 Bobier 00)

Lot 4: 1121 Bobier 2007 est. (845 Bobier 00 x 898 Knauss 01)

Lot 5: 1139 Sherwood 2004 (822 Hester 03 x 695 Handy 05)

Lot 6: 1028.5 Sherwood 2005 (695 Handy 01 x 1104.5 Hester 03)

Lot 7: 1142 Van Kooten (1066 Vezzolo 02 x 1367.5 Rose 03)

Lot 8: 670 Daigle 2003 (810 Dill 99 x 1230 Daletas 01)

Lot 9: 1207 Young 2007 (1370 Rose 03 x 1068 Wallace 03)

Lot 10: 848* MacKenzie 2004 (895.5* Hester 00 x 756.8* Kennedy 03)

Lot 11: 1195.5 Glasier 2005 (1144 Hester 04 x 1109 LaRue 04)

Lot 12: 1248 Ford 2005 (897.5 Davies 04 x 664.5 Liggett 03)

Lot 13: 275 Van Hook 2006 (1443 Palmer 05 x 1407 Wolf 05)

Lot 14: 1065.5 McKie 2006 (1407.3 Wolf 03 x 1068 Wallace 03)

Lot 15: 1097 Beachy 2002 (845 Bobier 00 x 723 Bobier 99)

Lot 16: 985 Werner 2006 (1370 Rose 03 x 898 Knauss 01)

Lot 17: 1407.3 Wolf 2005 (723 Bobier 99 x 1180 Daletas 03) & 125 Wolf 2005 est (658 Wolf 03 x 723 Bobier 99)

Lot 18: 1446.5 Werner 2006 (998.6 Pukos 05 x 1068 Wallace 03)

Lot 19: 1450 Wallace 2006 (1068 Wallace 03 x SIB)

Lot 20: 1502 Wallace 2006 (1068 Wallace 03 x 1354 Checkon 04)

Lot 21: 1225.3 Pukos 2006 (1231.3 Pukos 05 x Self)--- why hasn’t this been grown more?!

Lot 22: 1231.3 Pukos 2005 (1446 Eaton 04 x 1420.5 LaRue 04)

Lot 23: 998.6 Pukos 2005 (1420.5 LaRue 04 x 1446 Eaton 04)

12/5/2008 4:19:30 PM



Information on all lots is thought to be accurate but not guaranteed. Bidders should verify all information independently.

Rules: Bids are in U.S. Dollars. Bidding shall be in increments of $5. Proxy bidding is allowed. The UGPG may bid on lots for proxy bidders. To set up a proxy bid with the UGPG email Gordon Tanner at s1tanner@yahoo.com. UGPG proxy bids must be receive by 6 pm Eastern US Time, 4 pm Utah Time (2 hours before the auction starts). The UGPG reserves the right to reject any bid from any person for any reason. Winning bidders will need to email Gordon Tanner at s1tanner@yahoo.com to verify their name, their address (where seed will be sent), winning bid, lot number, and to receive instructions on where to send funds. Acceptable forms of payment (US dollars) are cash money order and check. Money Orders and checks are to be made out to UGPG. All sales are final. Seeds will be shipped using first class US mail after funds have cleared. UGPG cannot be held responsible for funds or seeds lost or damaged in the mail. (If something happens let us know and we will work in good faith to see what we can be done, if anything.) The UGPG must receive payment from winning bidders by February 2nd 2009 or their Lot(s) will be retained by the UGPG. Names of any non paying individuals will be posted on BigPumpkins.com and given to other clubs.

Gordon Tanner
President UGPG

12/5/2008 4:20:26 PM



The UGPG would like to thank BigPumkins.com and all the growers who donated seeds!!!

Lot 1:
The 1201 grew 1107 Pugh 06, 1106 Swarts 07 and 1006 Whittier 06.
The 1180 grew 1370 Carlson/Perterson 08 dmg.
The 1134.5 grew 1070 Pugh 06.
The 519.5 grew 1156 Veader 08 dmg.

Lot 2:
The 1193 Rose grew 1243 Rose 08 dmg.
The 1068 LaRue grew 1160 Clark 07.
The 1200 Trumm grew 1275.5 Carlson-Peterson 06 and 1038 Isom 06.

Lot 3: The 1376 grew 1459 Sundstrom 08.

Lot 4: The 1121 grew 1248 Sundstrom 08

Lot 5: The 1139 grew 1308.5 McKie 06, 1174.5 Swarts 07, 1131 LaRue 05, 1068 McKie 07, 1041 Swarts 06, 1032 Daletas 07 and 1022 Swarts 05.

Lot 6: The 1028.5 grew 1367 Sherwood 08, 1347.5 Sherwood 07 dmg and 1319.5 Wilson 08 and 1229 Platte 06.

Lot 7: The 1142 grew the 1536.5 Van Koonten 08, 1384 Holland 07, 1287 Van Kooten 05, 1176 Daletas 07, 1162 Carefoot 06 and 1098 Roulst 08.

Lot 8: The 670 is amous for dark orange pumpkins and grew 1250 Kline 06. 1233.5 Reiss 05, 1158 Ceja 08 est, 1130 Kline 07 dmg and 1101 Northrop 04.

Lot 9: The 1207 grew 1428 Revier 08, 1354.5 Young 08, 1265 Marsh 08 dmg, 1118 Peters 08, 1079.3 Frei 08, 1079 Frantz 08 dmg, 1071 Treadway 08 dmg, 1059 Hooker 08, 1041.5 DAamico 08 and 1038 Brinkley 08.

Lot 10: The 848* is probably the most famous squash seed ever and grew 1131* Urena 07, 1131* Timm 06, 1121* Jutras 08 dmg, 1073* Landry 06, 1063* MacKenzie 05, 1055.5* Pitura 06, 1053* Werner 06, 1052.3 Timm, 1037* Carlson-Peterson, 1031* Werner 07. 1025* Sherwood 07 dmg, 1018* Gibson 07 and 1003* MacKenzie 05. *=squash

Lot 11: The 1195.5 grew 1389 Glasier 08, 1212 Miller 06, 1172 Miller 08, 1158 Glasier 07 and 1075 Glasier 06.

12/5/2008 4:28:26 PM



Lot 12: The 1248 grew 1427 Kopp 07, 1357 Ghaye 2008, 1270 Marsh 08 dmg, 1163 Revier 08, 1138 Ford 06 dmg, 1082 Ford 06, 1044 Starr 07 dmg and 1042 Zuhlie 08.

Lot 13: The 275 grew 1394 Burton 07 dmg, 1114 Mudd 08 and 1087 VanHook 08.

Lot 14: The 1065.5 grew 1327 McKie 07 and 1049 Ellenbecker 08.

Lot 15: The 1097 grew 1432 Carlson-Peterson 04 dmg, 1357 Vogler 07, 1193 Vader 03, 1187 Werner 04, 1170 Wells 04 dmg, 1159 Barlow 03, 1136 Barenie 04, 1130 Willson 04 est, 1127 Holland 04 dmg, 1114.5 Vader 04, 1103.5 Rose 05 dmg, 1076.5 Ceja 05 dmg, 1076 Cheam 06, 1064 Jutras 04, 1050 Pugh05, 1032 dieffenbaugher 05, 1010 Seals 07 and 1000 Pitura 05.

Lot 16: The 985 grew 1500.5 Revier 08 dmg, 1472.5 Werner 08, 1446.5 Rose 08, 1363 Werner 07, 1350.5 Starr 07, 1273 Lyons 08, 1166 Breznick 08, 1129 Orleck 08, 1125 Werner 07, 1118 Greene 07, 1112.5 Park 08, 1082 Sweet 08, 1042.5 Butler 08 and 1005 Pizza 08.

Lot 17: The 1407.3 grew 1445 Marsh 07, 1412 McKie 07, 1105.5 Bowles 07 dmg and 1065.5 McKie 06.

Lot 18: The 1446.5 grew 1387 Connolly 07 est, 1362 Poirier 07, 1244 Burgess 08, 1175 Werner 07 dmg, 1154 Marsh 07 dmg, 1152 Rea 07, 1115.5 Nesbitt 07, 1113 Conley 07 and 1039 Les Quatrouilles 08.

Lot 19: The 1450 grew 1566 Rodonis 07, 1306 Jutras 07, 1279 Wallace 07 dmg, 1244 Zunino 07, 1239 Werner 07 dmg, 1048 Rahe 07, 1018 Van Hook 07 and 1018 Langevin 07.

Lot 20: The 1502 grew 1470 Wallace 07, 1349 Sherwood 08, 1311 Companion 08, 1307 Peirce 08, 1194 Christen 07, 1174 Ghaye 07, 1151.3 Whitter 08, 1101 Cater 07, 1095 Palmer 08, 1090 Checkon 07, 1088.9 Carter 08 and 1008 Ghaye 08.

Lot 22: The 1231.3 grew 1445.1 Marsh 07, 1376 Bobier 07, 1346 Pitura 2006 dmg, 1342.2 Krug 07, 1289 Holland 07, 1289 Holland 07, 1236 Barenie 07 dmg, 1225.3 Pukos 06, 1195.5 Neuville 08, 1194 Pitura 07, 1161 Pitura 07, 1161 Rodonis 07, 1160 Whittier 06, 1150 Jaser 08, 1116 Joynson 08, 1092 Teeter 07, 1082 Beauchemin 07 dmg and 1062 Ford 06.

12/5/2008 4:28:56 PM



Lot 23: The 998.6 grew 1689 Jutras 07, 1468 Richards 07, 1462 Gibson 07, 1446.5 Werner 06, 1404 McKie 07, 1394 Werner 07, 1297 Ghaye 07, 1296 Kurkowski 07 , 1281 Hebb 08, 1264.5 Werner 07, 1260 Gibson 08, 1254 Urena 08, 1246 Lombardi 08, 1242 Chambers 07, 1232.5 Bailey 07, 1219 Boudyo 07, 1190 Holland 08, 1178.9 Lovelace 07, 1175 Skinner 08, 1170 Vincent-McGill 08, 1157 Companion 07, 1149.5 Pukos 07, 1147 Ceja 07, 1146.5 Young 08, 1141 Nesbitt 08, 1122 Ceja 08, 1107 Lenozi 07, 1096 Glasier 08, 1054.5 Tanner 08, 1041 Landy 08, 1023 Gibson 08. 1022 Stucker 08, 1017 Kurkowski 08, 1011.9 Reiss 08, 1010 Daletas 07, 1004 Whitter 07, 1002 Isom 07 est. and 1002 Paton 06.

12/5/2008 4:29:05 PM



The UGPG will accept PayPal only if you do not live in the United States and pay in US dollars.
If you want to pay with PayPal you must let UGPG know in your email to us during or right after the auction. The UGPG will add 6% to your bid. (This is what PayPal charges us). You will also be charged a 2.5% exchange rate fee by PayPal. PayPal will also provide the exchance rate.

12/5/2008 5:53:31 PM


Oakley, UTAH

hi gordan been promoting this auction as best i can. thx for all ur hard work. i wish us the best of luck, Curt Saxton ,(lave on the net) see u in March

12/6/2008 10:37:13 PM



thanks Curt.

12/8/2008 11:29:38 PM

matt mcconkie

Mtn. Green, Utah

great lineup-- i can't wait! matt

12/10/2008 7:30:06 PM


West Jordan, Utah

This auction will be great. Please come and support our group this Saturday!!

12/11/2008 3:44:22 PM

Total Posts: 10 Current Server Time: 7/21/2024 9:16:15 PM
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