Compost Tea
Subject: New Worlds Hottest Pepper grown with 'Worm Juice'
Date Posted
Monster Grower |
Redmond, Washington; U.S.A.
The Ghost Chili has been knocked down to 2nd place with this new hot pepper from Australia. One of there secrets was using 'Worm Juice' from a local farm to help enhance there soil substrate. P.S. I want some seeds if anyone knows where to get them. Here's the link to the article.
4/13/2011 3:21:24 PM
mossyoak |
Martinsburg, Pa
I think the hottest is the trinidad scorpion, butch T / at 1.46 mill. scvl.units. scary hot
4/13/2011 11:23:17 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Do they judge the pepper as a whole by multiple trials to judge hottest or is it THE hottest found. The only reason I ask is that heat can be manipulated in pepper plants. I've made jalapenos hotter than habaneros by simply letting the plants dry out right before fruit maturation & then flooding the plant. This will increase the scvl. unit greatly.
4/14/2011 3:44:14 PM
Monster Grower |
Redmond, Washington; U.S.A.
Just saw it on yahoo the other day. Its the hottest pepper ever recorded in scholeville units. Unfortunately for me last year we had very little sun up here. I had peppers with no heat. I enjoy growing jalepeno's, they can get down right hot if grown in the right conditions like you said Huff. We had an awefull tomato year last year also. I have used Worm juice on jalepenos before and they love it.
4/14/2011 5:37:20 PM
curtlave (team extreme) |
Sourthern Utah
I thought, the butt joluka's was the hottest peppers out there,,,, from india i believe .. apparently,, I'm wrong,, lol
4/14/2011 6:26:31 PM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
Hot enough curt. I grew them in the style I stated above last year & put a whole one in a tunafish sandwich. Needless to say after 45 minutes of hell I was almost ready to call it & ask to be hit in the head so I couldn't feel it.
4/14/2011 7:04:33 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Everyone, beware...these thing are way HOT!!! First story I heard about Ghost Chili's went something like this...native folks used "one" in a 300 gallon pot of chicken soup, for a festival in their home town!!! Most people could/would not eat it!!!! Wear gloves!!! LOL Peace, Wayne
4/16/2011 3:27:53 AM
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