Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Trophy Cup for Biggest Tomato of the Year
Date Posted
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
Last year I offered to put up a big metal trophy cup (I'm talking probably on the order of the size the GPC hands out to the orange blazer, it's the largest one my parts and bits supplier stocks) for biggest tomato grown that year and listed, on behalf of the GTG, if someone would present it at Niagara.
I got no response.
I'm willing one more time to put the cup up under the same condition, as I will not be able to make Niagara. It would be passed along to the top one every year. (2010 Phil and Jane Hunt would have gotten it; this year so far Marv Meisner would be the one in the running).
10/6/2011 8:01:50 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Okie, sorta thinkin I heard somewhere, that GPC is gonna Bust em OUT, in Vegas this year!!! LOL Might just be a rumor tho!!! LOL Peace, Wayne Great Idea!!!! Will it have Nick(09) & P&J(10) on it awlready? Peace, Wayne Okie, if you build it...I will go to Vegas!!! , not sure if GPC will let me present it..., or if Mr. Meisner will be there... but I will go!!! Peace, Wayne
10/7/2011 2:01:14 AM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
Yes, I will be also providing three small ones, for Nick Harp (09) Phil and Jane Hunt (10) and Marv Meisner (11) and Marv will get to keep the big one for the year, plus I'll put all three names on the base.
10/7/2011 7:39:01 AM
sammypammy |
okie, could you clarify something for me? under the GPC rules for early tomatoes ITEM 3 says " grower must designate which GPC sanctioned site the entry will be sttached to..." if it is attched to "Early Tomatoes" listed in NY, then how can that entry transfer to a local site?? It seems most sites seperate early tomatoes from those entered at a local site. thanks
10/7/2011 1:28:35 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
As we've interpreted that, the early form has to be tied to an official weighoff, and that weighoff is responsible for processing the fruit with correct judging and weighing; and reporting it to the GPC list. (using the rules, our trained weighoff judges, and our certified produce scale)
It does not count for prizes at that weighoff because it was not presented at the weighoff itself, just an official report for the fruit to count for things such as Master Gardener.
We hold an official 'just tomato' weighoff, and we only count what is entered at the time of the weighoff for the prizes we offer. Any early or late reports are listed as EXH on our weighoff list, as would if someone brought 3 tomatoes to be weighed out at the same time, the other two would be EXH.
The GPC does not officially offer any national/international recognition (plaques, trophies, etc) or (blazers and additional prize money) for tomatoes.
The separation is for site prize money, as no other organization is offering national/international prizes at this time.
So sorry if your 8.33# went two weeks before the weighoff, it can be officially reported, and if you presented it here, we'd report it through our official weighoff, but it won't be in our weighoff prize list.
I have seen the 'pool' listing; those poor tomatoes are in somewhat of limbo though they are reported.
I hope that helps some, and if a GPC officer comments, I will defer to that.
10/7/2011 3:04:17 PM
sammypammy |
thank you again. i think my point is made. i agree that if a fruit isnt presented at a weigh off it should not be eligible for a prize.
10/7/2011 3:12:09 PM
lcheckon |
Northern Cambria, Pa.
Currently there is no way to "attach" and early entry to a designated site, it seems to be a weighoff manager software problem. At Altoona, we did not discover this until 2 days before the weighoff but since it is to be designated to a site there is no reason why it should not be an official site entry. We need to clarify the rules on this. Perhaps it should be left up to each individual site if they should recognize early entries.
10/7/2011 3:27:45 PM
sammypammy |
Thanks Larry. I do think the rule on this topic needs reviewed. I just think its tough when those who bring tomatoes they've calculated growth days and what not to be close to ripe the first weekend of oct are in competition with fruits raised a month earlier. I also think if its going tobe a site record, it should be weighed in at that site, on that day. If I think my 'kin wont make it till oct 1 and I take it to roba farms, I can't transfer it to altoona. Its the principal behind it.
10/7/2011 4:36:25 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
Since when is the only date to weigh tomatoes 1 Oct or so? Unless it is a weighoff date... in which case it's just like trying to time a pumpkin for optimal size at the right time.
We weighed a bunch of tomatoes here the 14th of Sept...
And reading some more of this list entries. It is up to the site how their prizes are awarded.
As for early or late entries, we at least judge, document, weigh, and report them. Anyone in our area, can ask for a documented official weigh, and we arrange it and report it. That is a courtesy we do to encourage growing and to report the results.
10/7/2011 6:41:53 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
Okie Gal does not speak for the GPC! For correct and accurate interpretation of the GPC BI LAWS and contests rules I strongly advise you to contact your local GPC representative! You can find that contact information for areas and the official representatives for the GPC Executive Committee at the following URL:
Gary J Grande SouthWestern Territory GPC Executive Committee
10/10/2011 11:36:37 AM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
And I do apologize if I have stepped over. It was not intentional. I always defer to the GPC and their officers and their official rulings.
Deb Rebel
10/10/2011 4:12:40 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
This thread belongs to Okie and it about a trophy for tomatoes. Okie said in an earlier post on this thread that she defers to the GPC. So her thread has been hijacked by the anonymous sammy and she ends up beng criticized for something she never said. Is there no justice in the world? Sammy should start his own thread and identify himself and post something constructive.. Wiz needs to learn how to spell bylaws. We all need to cool a little, The weighoffs have been over for less than 3 hours. This could be a long winter. Marv
10/10/2011 6:56:47 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
10/10/2011 9:43:05 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
Thank you, North Shore Boyz for the link.
Marv, I moved to another thread, as this one has done what it needed to do, hijack, response, response, response, and response included.
Everyone should look up the link provided....
10/10/2011 10:29:26 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
You are right Marv, I stand corrected, and it wont be my last miZspeling either.
Marv, Please email me
10/11/2011 11:47:06 AM
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