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Subject:  Gordon grahams delicious strain.

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Dodge city

Does anyone have any seeds from Gordon grahams old record from 1986 cause I was wondering if I should grow them to try to see if they can produce a good size tomato.

2/27/2016 1:57:40 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Some time ago a lot of these seeds were distributed to growers and none of them were able to grow anything over 4 pounds, or at least not 5 pounds. Phil Hunt and his wife did grow a big tomato from some Delicious seeds originally purchased as a pack of seeds at a store, nothing special. So, I think if you want to grow big and you want to grow Delicious, you should get some Delicious seeds that are the Hunt strain, originated from the Hunt tomato. That is what is being used mostly now.

2/27/2016 2:22:20 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I have seeds that are stated to be 5th generation from Gordon Grahams 7.75 monster. The seeds are from a tomato that weighed 2.868.

2/29/2016 6:00:50 AM


Dodge city


3/1/2016 9:08:14 PM

West of the Blue Ridge

Waynesboro, Virginia

I will be trying to germinate a few 2nd generation Gordon Graham seeds that Glenn Knox gave me from a 3 pounder he grew.Old seeds and not many left.

3/2/2016 5:09:22 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Years ago I received some of the original seeds from Gordon Graham's world record tomato from a grower in England who was a friend of Gordon's and who received seeds from him. There were 6 seeds or so. Minnie Z was able to germinate one of these very old seeds and sent me the plant through the mail. I grew it and got many tomatoes and seeds on that one plant. I sent them out to numerous people interested in growing them. Nobody got a really big tomato from the seeds sent. I still have some of those seeds left if you really need a few. Delicious is an heirloom and so the seeds should be stable. Marv

3/3/2016 8:48:33 AM

Total Posts: 6 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:22:10 PM
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