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Subject:  Who will grow the heaviest tomato of 2016?

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On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

The season is about to begin. Most of us have our seeds and our plans. Who do you think will come up with the heaviest tomato of 2016? I am thinking Fabrice has to be the favorite but this year he will have to weigh it in time and there are a lot of us he will have to beat. I give him a 50% chance to win. Who do you think can beat him in 2016? Also, which variety will produce this tomato. Certainly Big Zac is the favorite here but don't sell Domingo or Delicious short. MegaMarv could be the one, outside chance. Anyone familiar with Michael's Portugese Monster? Weather conditions will be a factor. So, Fabrice and Big Zac are my favorites but it isn't in the bag or, for that matter, on the scale yet. Marv

3/18/2016 11:46:54 AM


Oak Grove, Mn

I hope to be getting very familiar with Michaels's Portuguese Monster over the summer. The first tomato seed i intend to start this spring is from the 3.754 Thurber (michaels portuguese monster-bigzarro). Interesting doing web research on this variety. If the information is correct, came into the hands of competitive growing from Louie Market, northern portugal 2006. Seems that the many of the MPM are nothing for the competive grower to get too excited about. But there is a line that is wildly bizarre...hence the bigzarro. I believe this a temporary name, to identify the wild growth characteristics. I hope someone can chip in with some more information. Of the seeds that i have, this one is the one that has most most interested.

3/18/2016 5:49:58 PM


Cobleskill Ny

porkchop has my vote

3/18/2016 7:06:15 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

i will go with a new guy Paul Fulk or maybe Quinn Werner !

3/18/2016 7:28:00 PM

Master P

Ely Mn


3/18/2016 8:12:03 PM


Torrance, Ca.

After the pictures I've been getting this winter, I'm sticking with Master P.

PH is coming way down and the weights are going way up again!

Remodel on the house or not, a biggie is coming!

3/18/2016 8:40:06 PM


Central NY

Ha!.. I wish!...Could very well be all downhill for me..smart money has to go to fabrice..

3/18/2016 9:14:35 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I think good chance for the biggest will be anyone who has the genetics from the Big Zac 5.07 Boudyo '10. Just follow that seed. It grew the 4.57 MacCoy which grew the 8.41 McCoy. Down the line it also resulted in the 7.05 Porkchop. Four of the top 11 tomatoes from 2013 resulted from the 5.07 Boudyo. It's directly related to the 7.10 Foss and 6.88 McCoy. The list goes on. I work this crazy night shift for a while..I have time. Again, I think the heaviest will have something to do with this seed.

3/19/2016 3:37:56 AM


Prairie Du Sac Wi

I think fabrice McCoy porkchop or Martin. But as far as heavest having to do with the seed,im just not convinced yet. I started with a generic bigzac seed from totally tomatoes and two years later, got a 5.88 before storing for a weigh off. I know it's not a magga slammer but I also suck at growing.lol.
I'm just saying I think it comes down to the perfect blossom at the right time,after that its your root system and skill that puts on the pounds. A great grower could take a unknown bigzac seed and grow a world record. I.. think anyways. Just my thought.

3/20/2016 3:25:30 AM

Q Tip


Can I be the tomato bookie? Even money on Fabrice, 3/1 on Porkchop and MacCoy, 4/1 on Martin, 5/1 on Wixom and Domke, 7/1 on So.Cal and Bnot and Bigtim, 100/1 on QTip.

3/21/2016 2:37:07 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

at 100 to 1 on QTip i will put down $10 :o) lol....

3/21/2016 3:05:37 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Should I even bother to plant my seeds? Looks like I am already out. My wife says I have a ghost of a chance. What does that mean? And what odds am I given here?

3/21/2016 3:16:24 PM

Q Tip


LOL - You're throwing your money away Chris!

3/21/2016 3:17:44 PM

Q Tip


Sorry Marv - You're at 4-1 with Martin - Haha

3/21/2016 3:18:17 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I think you need to correct bnot odds too qtip. Closer might be 7/1 of getting into the top 200.

3/21/2016 3:27:04 PM


Albuquerque NM

I will grow the WR record in the high desert of New Mexico

3/21/2016 3:38:04 PM


Torrance, Ca.

100/1 is a pretty good shot:)

3/21/2016 3:46:36 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

1,000,000 to 1 on QTip ?
so your saying their is a chance ???

their were 13,000,000 brackets on ESPN tournament and everyone was eliminated in the first round !!! i think betting on QTip has better odds !!!

3/21/2016 3:58:06 PM



Don't forget about that Foss gentleman from Minnesota.

3/21/2016 4:27:14 PM

Q Tip


I would have put Mr. Foss atop the list, however, a little birdie told me he is taking a break from maters this year. I'll put the odds on Foss at 150-1 in case he comes out of retirement for the season :)

3/21/2016 4:50:16 PM

Q Tip


Alright Cozy - Grow baby grow! Show that MacCoy fella how to grow! :)..... & lol So.Cal put some money down :).....& Chris I am flattered that I am your 1 in a million :)

3/21/2016 5:04:47 PM


Hamilton Nj

thats a hard decision alot of great growers, i got a new patch will be happy with a 4 pounder!!!

3/21/2016 10:07:44 PM


Dodge city

I grew a five pounded big zac last year I hope I grow a nine pounded this year.

3/23/2016 5:31:45 PM


Bloomington, IN USA

Only 9?
Why not 10?
Realistically I'm hoping for 5.
However my soil is better & I've been honing my mater-growing skills!

3/23/2016 10:33:28 PM

Total Posts: 24 Current Server Time: 1/10/2025 12:39:28 AM
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