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Subject:  So hot.

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On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Weather here in Central Pa has not been ideal this year so far. It is either cloudy and wet or extremely hot, not ideal for tomatoes. The rest of July, August and September are still available for tomatoes and I am hoping for better weather. I started later than usual this year and have not actually been punished for having done so. My corn was 5 feet high on July 4th so I am thinking that will give me lots of corn. Also Sunflowers are growing like crazy and just starting to produce some flowers. Disease has been minimal to this point. I have some shade cloths which I am very happy with and a small high tunnel. About half of my "tomatoes for big" have large blossoms going, probably the three or four fused blossoms variety. I only hope they all get fertilized properly. There has not been much action here on this thread and even less at Tomato Depot. Anyone doing anything different this year that they believe could be promising? The thread on pruning just below this one was interesting and of value. Everyone keeping their plants small and trying to grow low on the plant?

7/9/2017 1:53:22 PM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

Our weather has been about like yours, over 100 for quite a few days and looks like a lot more to come, the only problem I'm having is that the plants are growing sooo fast they can't take up calcium fast enough so I'm getting a lot of BER,lost some super nice ones.

7/9/2017 3:27:46 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

My plants are just now in flower, it's been very dry here till yesterday got about 1/2" of rain. A few hot days but not to bad. Season is just getting started with first flowers and I have a later planting that should flower at the end of July. Hope that they are ready for September October weighoffs.courious witch group of plants will do better ? Early or late.

7/9/2017 4:36:16 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Planted many more large tomatoes this year. Earlier in the ground with effort into the low, big blossoms. If they don't take I will wait for something when the plant is bigger. I am finding that the first suckers near the bottom of the plant will also throw a megabloom on its first flowers so that is an option. If it takes I will make that the main and cut the rest. I did not till this year, only used a large 7 tine broad fork to aerate the soil. Keeps the weeds down. Doing less watering. For me, I am excited I made my first cross. I looks like it took and is the size of a dime. Between a 7.15 White (BZ) and 4.66 Spaz (Oxheart).

7/9/2017 5:14:55 PM


Central NY

Same crap weather here in ny Marv..this is the first year I'll actually have to pull a tomato plant..been growing in a puddle since the end of May ....none of the first megas took which is about what usually happens...they are looking good though...

7/9/2017 5:32:30 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Wet and hot here.
Surprisingly disease free.
Couple of nice MBs going.
I can't complain.
Not like I'm gmay with one the size of a steering wheel.

7/9/2017 7:19:18 PM


Bloomington Indiana

51 last night high of 85 to day and rain next five days. just hope I can keep them going for 10-15 more days.

7/9/2017 7:31:25 PM


Hamilton Nj

hot hear all my flowers are burning off ,lol

7/9/2017 9:00:29 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Anyone have any idea how I can find what the state record for tomato is in Virginia?

7/9/2017 9:10:42 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.


One entry at 1.81

7/9/2017 9:17:07 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Thanks Wixom !
That rascal will be mine this year !

7/9/2017 10:10:11 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Hank I'm coming for ya !
You can have the pumpkin record !

7/9/2017 10:13:32 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I have one other thing going, I am asking my plants to "make me proud."

7/10/2017 9:09:04 AM

Total Posts: 13 Current Server Time: 1/7/2025 10:59:58 PM
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