Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Guess the weight!!!!!
Date Posted
Porkchop |
Central NY
I gotta say, this one is starting to look special... Guess the weight on this SLaMmeR!!!!...WIN a PRiZe!!!...and SeeDs!!!! Closest to the correct weight wins!!! case of tie, first post takes it...if you guess within .02 of the weight?... An extra special gift ...guess right on the button?...Win a $50.00 wallace WOW gift CArd!!!...(GET SOME STARTEr PACKs!!)....good luck GUeSSING!!!!....
9/26/2017 12:00:13 PM
Lew Dog |
Lakeville, OH
10.06 pounds!
9/26/2017 12:04:40 PM
Hobbit |
Walhalla, ND.
11.22 lbs.
9/26/2017 12:06:54 PM
john boy |
9lbs 4 ounces
9/26/2017 12:13:12 PM
iceman |
10.00001 pounds
9/26/2017 12:20:05 PM
Tyler |
7.89 lbs
9/26/2017 12:20:54 PM
Henry-the giant pumpkin grower |
Topsfield, MA
9.8 pounds!!!
9/26/2017 12:21:18 PM
D Barron |
8.08 lbs
9/26/2017 12:36:48 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
9.91 Good luck!!
9/26/2017 12:40:16 PM
WiZZy |
President - GPC
8.75 lbs and a new WR
9/26/2017 12:41:39 PM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
9/26/2017 12:42:37 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
8.81 Wonder if we will see a picture of you holding the new world record over your head..just like qtip did with his carrot
9/26/2017 12:45:41 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Heck yea!!.. I'll even get some of those fancy knee pads like Qtip..!!
9/26/2017 12:48:05 PM
DJW (Dan) |
New Berlin, PA
9/26/2017 1:13:17 PM
So.Cal.Grower |
Torrance, Ca.
8.61 big dog!!!
Get um pork!!
9/26/2017 1:14:27 PM
Steve O. |
Hobart, Indiana
8.95 lbs. Good luck!!
9/26/2017 1:22:06 PM
Virtual Veggies |
Southeastern Illinois
8.78 good work!
9/26/2017 1:42:28 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Tyler took my guess, so I'll go with 7.88,one less for the Domingo factor.
9/26/2017 1:42:31 PM
Q Tip |
oh I can't wait until the 30th! ummmmm 8.9lbs, no......9.8lbs ....nope....gotta be bigger ummmmmm 15.69lbs final answer!
9/26/2017 1:44:16 PM
Q Tip |
Maybe for Christmas you'll get a pair .....
9/26/2017 1:44:46 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Can't do it Qtip...The five gallon pail idea didn't fly too well...
9/26/2017 1:46:36 PM
Q Tip |
What a diva! :)
9/26/2017 1:50:26 PM
Rick j. |
stoughton WI
9/26/2017 1:51:43 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Lol..Yer up shit crick pal...I'm tellin her you said that..that's worse than calling her Lambchop...
9/26/2017 1:52:14 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
9/26/2017 2:15:28 PM
Weird Wint (Tomatoes) |
Newcastle, CA
8.11 I just want to smash my face in it.
9/26/2017 2:33:00 PM
cojoe |
7.95 hope its much heavier
9/26/2017 2:45:31 PM
gmay |
Bloomington Indiana
9/26/2017 4:05:59 PM
SmallTownUSA |
Alex, IN
9/26/2017 4:08:15 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
9/26/2017 4:09:47 PM
Mr.Charlie |
New Hampshire
9/26/2017 4:18:28 PM
megakin(Team Illiana) |
west central IN/East central IL
9/26/2017 4:33:37 PM
Ned |
Honesdale, Pennsylvania
9/26/2017 4:36:01 PM
Mike F. |
Hanson Ma
9/26/2017 5:35:38 PM
VTJohn |
Jericho Vermont
8.83 That's a monster! Hope she weighs more then my guess.
9/26/2017 5:42:23 PM
Vol4Life |
9/26/2017 5:49:09 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
7.99 :)
9/26/2017 6:02:52 PM
OrangeGhost |
9/26/2017 6:33:34 PM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
9/26/2017 6:36:23 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Some of these guesses give me a shiver...
9/26/2017 6:39:26 PM
26 West |
50 Acres
9/26/2017 6:45:45 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Porkchop you will have to post you guess the morning before you weigh it !!! See how close you can get !!!
9/26/2017 6:51:18 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Yes, that could be interesting...what the grower actually thinks it will go...ineligible for prizes though :) We have to you have your gpc rep lined up?
9/26/2017 6:58:17 PM
marley |
8.25, good luck marley...
9/26/2017 7:02:38 PM
Master P |
Ely Mn
8.62 and I'm shivering!!
9/26/2017 7:38:03 PM
Chris L |
9/26/2017 7:55:59 PM
Hayden R |
Western Massachusetts
10 lbs Why not
9/26/2017 7:58:55 PM
Jay Yohe |
Pittsburgh, PA
9/26/2017 8:11:50 PM
BK Whopper |
Western N.Y.
9/26/2017 8:20:22 PM
Western PA
9/26/2017 8:43:01 PM
jerseyshore |
9/26/2017 9:01:58 PM
spudder |
9/26/2017 9:29:27 PM
Ben Carter |
New Brunswick
9/26/2017 9:30:22 PM
Moby Mike Pumpkins |
399 lbs
9/26/2017 9:32:56 PM
Gooigi |
8.31 Good Luck!
9/26/2017 9:34:18 PM
Farmer Brown (Chris Brown) |
Zimmerman, Minnesota
9.00 pounds right on the nose:-)
9/26/2017 9:37:02 PM
Tim Pennington (Uncle Dunkel) |
Corbin, KY
8.23 pounds
9/26/2017 9:41:40 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Yea bnot ...if it's a new record I'll go meet w Andy wolf for an official once over...he has already agreed to my terms for the guiness photo...
9/26/2017 9:43:42 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
...that he will also be in...
9/26/2017 9:44:03 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
9/26/2017 9:44:18 PM
jsterry |
East Tennessee
9/26/2017 9:51:26 PM
9.21 pounds
9/26/2017 10:27:27 PM
JohnnyB |
Fullerton, California
9/27/2017 12:42:21 AM
cozy |
Albuquerque NM
9/27/2017 8:44:12 AM
SizeMaterz! |
Wellsville, New York
10.1010 "Big Lily"
9/27/2017 9:25:31 AM
jules |
Middlegrove Ny
9/27/2017 5:30:09 PM
51cub |
Canaan NH
9/27/2017 6:20:18 PM
pizzapete |
Hamilton Nj
That's a monster 10.69
9/27/2017 7:44:45 PM
cweibz |
Karns City PA
9/27/2017 8:36:00 PM
Materdoc |
Bloomington, IN USA
Porkchop that's fantastic! Considering it has a few days to grow before you pick it & employing extensive calculus while muttering mumbo jumbo... I believe it will indeed eclipse the current World record at... 8.71 Best of Luck!
9/27/2017 10:59:19 PM
PatchMaster |
Santa Rosa, CA.
Good luck porkchop. I hope it's a world record.
9/28/2017 12:15:21 AM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
8.88 Peace, Wayne
9/28/2017 12:28:47 AM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
Mobymike stole my guess so maybe 9.31
9/28/2017 12:30:16 AM
DJW (Dan) |
New Berlin, PA
8.88 was already guessed Wayne.
9/28/2017 7:39:24 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
She's turning quick...back into the 60's for the next couple days...timing couldn't be better...
9/28/2017 9:32:34 AM
Twinnie(Micheal) |
9.16, very significant number in Irish history, can it be a significant number in tomato history?!! Lets hope so, fingers crossed for ya buddy, all the best Porkchop!!
9/28/2017 12:30:03 PM
Tomislav |
Croatia, EU
9/28/2017 2:07:58 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA
9/28/2017 2:23:28 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
For Christ sakes, pick it already!! It probably was 10, now dwindled down to 9.91!
9/28/2017 2:37:21 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Really!?,,, it's still growing...;)
9/28/2017 2:47:24 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
It's just me Steve, keep it going.
9/28/2017 4:39:49 PM
Master P |
Ely Mn
Remember what I said.... Don't jump the gun :-)
9/28/2017 6:07:08 PM
Materdoc |
Bloomington, IN USA
Porkchop, I am not the authority that some of the others are here. But I recommend you pick it tomorrow. Check your weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow. If you get an inch of rain that monster will pop a crack so quickly your head will spin. Realistically it is not going to gain a significant amount of weight by waiting until Saturday.
9/28/2017 10:13:29 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Is Garden Rebel in charge of finding the winner again ? I think that he did an excellent job last time !!!
9/28/2017 10:25:01 PM
Framac |
New Berlin,NY
9/28/2017 10:44:57 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Woah- shocking -lambchop just gave me her guess...(this after two weeks of non-stop badgering.).,,she NEVER guesses weight...this is exciting...9.99...I'm sure she just wants me to shut up about it but she assured me it was a legit guess...I'm still debating my's swellin up like a bastard now ...Qtip and MATERdoc say pick it...
9/28/2017 10:45:41 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Whatever happened to the theory of our tomatoes being the heaviest at first sign of blushing, have we reversed that for some reason?
9/29/2017 12:06:34 AM
Don And Jeanne |
Middleton Ma
8.50 ugly pounds :) good luck with it
9/29/2017 3:20:11 AM
catond |
Prairie Du Sac Wi
9/29/2017 9:19:36 AM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
Getting weighed tomorrow??
9/29/2017 9:50:00 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
I think so ...I'm scared
9/29/2017 10:09:16 AM
Master P |
Ely Mn
The theory is there's more juice and a ripe tomato so they weigh heavier... Also they can grow up to 1 inch or more during the ripening process
9/29/2017 10:21:49 AM
Master P |
Ely Mn
Send me a picture pork chop Let's see what you're working with
9/29/2017 10:22:33 AM
Q Tip |
pick the f-er! don't make us wait another 24 hours!
9/29/2017 10:50:40 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
9/29/2017 11:13:55 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
In case I pick it tonight I'm gonna give my guess...8.23..(it's a domingo)...goal for this year was to grow a domingo over 6lbs
9/29/2017 11:40:39 AM
mellowpumpkin(Josiah Brandt) |
10.2 pounds porkchop.... good luck, try not to pull out all your hair by Saturday
9/29/2017 1:59:34 PM
Master P |
Ely Mn
Trim that beard up buddy... It's showtime! Tonight's the night! I weighed mine on a Friday night too :-)
9/29/2017 2:13:13 PM
Q Tip |
You should probably wear a suit and tie....don't want you looking all trashy for the photos
9/29/2017 2:17:32 PM
Mehdi |
8.67 good luck !
9/29/2017 3:14:52 PM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
Pick it !!!
9/29/2017 5:33:50 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
It's getting picked at brought to the weighoff in oswego...not going to pre-weigh---we'll all find out together what it weighs...guessing closes at 10am...wish us luck!!
9/29/2017 7:24:44 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Looking forward to know the final weight. What time do you think it will be official?
9/29/2017 7:39:21 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
We're all excited for you Porkchop. Can't imagine how it will be for you when it's weighed...I mean all the tears, ect.
9/29/2017 7:44:47 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Let's not go overboard ...
9/29/2017 7:45:55 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
Lots of excitement. Hope it isn't hollow. Good luck and wouldn't it be something if the 9 pound barrier is broken.
9/29/2017 9:31:21 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Just DON'T DROP IT !!! Lol... (0:
9/29/2017 9:58:28 PM
Q Tip |
Suit and tie baby - like a pro ......or a shitty old flannel some carharts and a dirty ball cap :) 12 hours to go ! Wheeeeeeee
9/29/2017 11:06:23 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
| least a beer bottle for under that shirt, well in this case a wine bottle.
9/30/2017 2:17:49 AM
benny_p |
9.22 if guessing is not already closed (;-)
9/30/2017 4:58:26 AM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Don't show the crowed your tomato excitement !!! It might not be appropriate at a weighoff ???
9/30/2017 7:06:17 AM
fisherray |
Western NY
9/30/2017 7:49:44 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Yea...I know... lamchop already said no...gonna pick and head out shortly...oh boy, please weigh more than 7.07...!!
9/30/2017 7:52:33 AM
jsterry |
East Tennessee
Best of luck today, hope its a world record!!!
9/30/2017 9:55:53 AM
bigtim |
Cobleskill Ny
12 lbs
9/30/2017 10:03:20 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
The verdict is in ...,8.22 lbs ...!!!!
9/30/2017 12:33:30 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Awesome porkchop congratulations! !
9/30/2017 12:36:12 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Your guess was sooo close,good estimate.
9/30/2017 12:38:12 PM
catond |
Prairie Du Sac Wi
Wow! Awesome!!! Dude ! Your guess was only .01 over!!!! Amazing!
9/30/2017 12:43:27 PM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
8.22 ?!! Awesome porkchop!
9/30/2017 12:46:26 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
9/30/2017 12:49:20 PM
Master P |
Ely Mn
Awesome pork chop welcome to the 8-pound club!!!
9/30/2017 1:05:42 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Congtatulations Porkchop. Not a World Record but still the biggest so far this year. There has been one eight pounder in each of 2014,2015,2016 and now yours in 2017. Maybe next year there can be two. Your final multiplier factor comes out to .00045. Must have the Domingo factor.
9/30/2017 1:27:27 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
Uncle Dunkel guessed 8.23. Looks like he is the winner?
9/30/2017 3:01:37 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
Congrats porky!!
Looks like Tim wins with the 8.23 guess. Porkchop also guessed 8.23 so I guess he won his own contest. lol
9/30/2017 3:02:34 PM
Tomislav |
Croatia, EU
I sincerely hoped that this would be new wr, but this is also great, compliments.
9/30/2017 3:14:42 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Uncle dunkle won!!!...that's awesome!!! fitting that it was his fertilzer that helped this beast grow!!...thanks everyone !!!!
9/30/2017 4:08:52 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Uncle Dunkle won my contest too !!! Tim is a prety good at these tomato guessing contests. By the way tim i will send out your seeds to you monday.
9/30/2017 4:53:32 PM
Master P |
Ely Mn
Your Awsome too Tim!!
9/30/2017 5:01:22 PM
Tim Pennington (Uncle Dunkel) |
Corbin, KY
Sweet! Congratulations
9/30/2017 5:45:53 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Email your addres again Tim ...I'm gonna send prize/s out now to you...they are perishable...I'll seeds when they are ready ...
9/30/2017 7:00:04 PM
Materdoc |
Bloomington, IN USA
Congrats Steve! Fantastic mater!
10/1/2017 12:33:37 AM
marley |
damn I was so far off, 8.25. next year. lol. congrats steve omg what a monster!
10/3/2017 9:52:21 PM
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