Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Winter Indoor Grow Tomato Challenge
Date Posted
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Now that the fall weigh offs are winding down it is time for the start of the next season. No need to wait until is time for the Winter Indoor Grow Tomato Challenge.
The rules are the same as in previous years. It starts now and the winner will be the person that weighs the biggest tomato by 11:59 pm central time on the first day of spring 2018.
The tomato must be grown inside. You can choose any source of light you want. This is a competition for fun, if you feel you have a good home scale I will accept that weight. No need to carry a small tomato around town to find a certified scale.
The BP record indoor weight to beat is 3.69 grown by Dan Sutherland two years ago. The prizes will be the same as last year...Ribbons for 1st thru 3rd.
If there are any new tomato growers that would like to attempt this challenge but do not have seeds just email me at and I will get seeds to you immediately. There is plenty of time yet to start a seedling to make it in time for the spring deadline. Last year I started some in December that still had time to mature by spring.
If you are growing this winter, please let us know here so we can watch your progress in your diary.
Good luck everyone...lets have fun this winter.
10/15/2017 6:54:51 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
I'm in,come on everyone let's enjoy having something green or red growing during the long dark hours of winter.
10/15/2017 12:31:43 PM
pizzapete |
Hamilton Nj
I'm in hopefully I'll get a tomato to set lol makes the winter interesting with something to grow, are clones allowed I got a few plants still in ground was thinking of takeing a few clippings ,just want to make sure if they have to be started from seeds?? Pizza
10/15/2017 2:41:27 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Two years ago a clone was allowed into the competition. I beleive he grew a bit over one pound. I am thinking you can do better from seed and so I am thinking that clones should be allowed. If the overwhelming vote is against clones I will go with that.
Glad to hear you are giving it a try again this year Dan. I am really going to have to improve to keep up. i think this year will be the year for the four pound indoor tomato.
10/15/2017 3:30:27 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
I appreciate you taking charge of this, it would be nice to have someone donate something to increase the incentive,maybe even a can of dint Moore !
10/15/2017 3:59:33 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
I'm def a maybe...awaiting clone determination...
10/15/2017 5:29:34 PM
Virtual Veggies |
Southeastern Illinois
I'm in thanks for the opportunity!
10/15/2017 6:12:36 PM
Farmer Brown (Chris Brown) |
Zimmerman, Minnesota
I'm in...with it being my rookie year out in the garden I might as well try my luck indoors...besides winters are so long and lifeless here in the northland...I need some green (and hopefully red) to keep me dreaming of spring:-)
10/15/2017 6:31:50 PM
Q Tip |
I am also a 100% maybe
10/15/2017 7:22:07 PM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
I'm in. I didn't have any luck this year thanks to blossom drop and early blight. Can't get blight indoors. Can you ? Worth a shot anyway.
10/15/2017 9:48:03 PM
Master P |
Ely Mn
What size pots or buckets or what not is everybody using that has success growing at least A 2 pounder?
10/15/2017 10:59:44 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Last winter, I grew 2 1/2 pounders in both a 15 gallon soil pot and 5 gallon hydroponic bucket. This summer, I grew over 3 pounds in a 15 gallon soil pot outdoors so I know that 3 is at least possible in that size container. I hope you try it Master P and also Porkchop. That would put 3 of the 4 growers that have grown over 8 pounds into the competition.
10/16/2017 4:50:59 AM
Illinois |
Dixon, Illinois
Interesting! How you do it with out bee? Use by hands?
10/16/2017 8:18:08 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Like like frost tonight...should I clip some clones?
10/16/2017 9:44:23 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Yes Illinois ...just vibrate that flower ...check out bnot's winter diary..a 2 on tomato indoors? blt's in feburary? can Ya go wrong?...
10/16/2017 9:47:01 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
So far no one has complained about clones. Maybe you can set the record for winter clones. If they don't look promising you can always start some from seeds. As far as pollinating there should be something in my diary from last year on how i do it. This year I will also make some posts this year about how I do it. I can get a set now with all the plants. My challenge isnto get the sets t grow big.Before you pollinate the first challenge is to get blossoms...hint..It is much easier if your light includes the red spectrum.
10/16/2017 10:11:58 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Aight... If I can get some to root...I'm IN!!
10/16/2017 11:15:29 AM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
Alright Q tip. Put your Dinty More on the table !
10/16/2017 12:58:05 PM
Q Tip |
10/16/2017 1:03:19 PM
Weird Wint (Tomatoes) |
Newcastle, CA
Yeah! I'm going to try at least one plant this year.
10/16/2017 1:32:15 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Already started. Plants already up and ready for new crosses this winter !!!
10/16/2017 7:58:28 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
You probably don't need a pot any biger than 5 to 10 gallons indoors ? I grew this 1 pound tomato indoors in a 3 gallon pot two years ago and grew a 3.80 lbs tomato out doors in a 10 gallon pot.
10/16/2017 8:11:36 PM
Pumpkinman Dan |
Johnston, Iowa
10/17/2017 11:51:35 AM
Pumpkinman Dan |
Johnston, Iowa
10/17/2017 11:51:35 AM
Moby Mike Pumpkins |
Im in, I think maybe
10/18/2017 9:19:54 AM
Master P |
Ely Mn
I'm with mike.I think maybe :)
10/18/2017 11:25:38 AM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
bnot, maybe a quick tutorial is needed here? What does it take to win this? How big a container, what nutrients are needed on a weekly basis, what kind of water? tap or well? what light source is needed, fans, humidity, etc? It might be simple to some...but details would certainly help!! I might be in, if I can learn a bit? Peace, Wayne
10/19/2017 12:38:35 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I am not sure what it will take to win this year. Indoors you could potentially control all environment. To grow a two pounder indoors, I think that a 10 gallon soil pot and a reasonable grow light with red spectrum will get you to that level. As far as water goes, I started out with tap water..but after realizing that my in the basement goes thru the water softener, i chose to install a reverse osmosis unit. By the end of my first indoor grow...the salt content in my soil had slowly rose to almost toxic level. I could have used the upstairs faucet that was not softened, but I was lazy, did not want to carry water up and down stairs. I started with using soiless media from local grow store and then adding a bit of nutrients every other watering. Have to be careful not to give it too much love. A smaller container helps...if you decide that your soil is becoming can pick up the whole container and do a flush of the soil. This year..I will be expanding on what I learned the last 2 winters. My plan to start is a couple of plants in 15 gallon pots under 300 watt LED's, 4 plants in 13 gallon hydro buckets under ceramic metal halide lights. Maybe this weekend, I will get the first of my seeds started. This winter towards the middle of the season..I hope to have a plant in CO2 and also have one growing aeroponically. There is no formula for success yet. We are all still learning.
10/19/2017 5:00:02 AM
Illinois |
Dixon, Illinois
Porkchop and bnot.... Thank you for information and would not hurt to try in winter!
10/19/2017 7:43:01 AM
Wyecomber |
Ill giver a shot!!
11/2/2017 8:38:43 PM
Wyecomber |
when would everyone be starting seeds for the winter indoor comp?
11/2/2017 8:39:39 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Anytime, now is as good a time as any.
11/2/2017 8:46:58 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I have been so busy with other issues in life, that my winter grow schedule has been really delayed. There is still plenty of time available before spring. I am hoping to get a real start in about a week. I appreciate the diary entries of the growers that have already started. Soon I expect to be showing what crazy ideas I have for this winter. My personal deadline for the winter grow start...December 15th. When you are ready...get them seeds started.
11/5/2017 6:21:58 PM
Bob C |
Bnot, I'm going to email you for seeds. Thanks for the offer, and this sounds interesting
11/11/2017 3:19:49 PM
EVandy |
Bnot, Can I get some seeds too? I did this last year for the first time and had a blast, I can't seem to find my seeds ugh!
11/11/2017 7:30:21 PM
Q Tip |
What is this idiot challenge all about? I want it in - I feel this is something i would excel in....
11/11/2017 8:08:15 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I will get both of you seeds in the mail on Monday. Fortunately, I have time available again to get growing things done. I apologize to all those who were kept waiting for seeds. They are in the mailbox and you should all be getting them this week. If you have asked for seeds and they haven't arrived by the end of the week be sure to email me. I think I got everyone, but could have overlooked someone.
11/11/2017 8:09:52 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Do you think you can do it Qtip? might have to forget all your science. The competition is going to be difficult this year. I expect to see some really good weights considering who I know is attempting the challenge. Who will be the first to break 4 pounds indoors. I think it can be done.
11/11/2017 8:17:05 PM
glassman |
Lindon, Utah
I would like to join your challenge. This will be my first attempt at tomato winter challenge. If there is anything I need to do please let me know.
11/14/2017 1:51:09 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Glad to have you join us glassman. Remember everyone, post some pictures of your indoor grow in your diary. It makes the winter go so much faster to have diary entries to read.
11/14/2017 4:47:43 AM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
bnot, how do ceramic metal halide lights compare to florescent T5 bulbs? Growing potential? Peace, Wayne
11/16/2017 12:48:06 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
I'll add my .02 worth,it's much better, the t-5 can't penetrate the canopy,it's good for seedlings though.
11/16/2017 11:27:37 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Last winter we have had quite the discussion of grow lights. My personal favorite is the ceramic metal halide. Right now, I am using ceramic metal halide, led, and T5's. I also have the option of metal halide and HPs. As biscuitridge said..the ceramic metal halide puts out much more usable light per watt than a T5. I took my PAR meter and checked the different lights tonight. At 12 inch height, 300 watt LED (actual draw about 180 watts) put out 1800 uMols of light. The 300 watt ceramic metal halide (actual draw 330 watts) put out 1450 uMols and the eight bulb T-5 put out 450 uMols. I like to run my indoor tomatoes at about 1150 uMols for 15 hours per day which is equivalent to the DLI (Daily LIght Integral) of the sun in July. I can not get that high of a number from a T-5.
From a cost perspective, the LED's are much cheaper to run. I can get more usable per watt from them, they have a life expectancy of 50,000 hours, and there is no yearly bulb replacing. You might wonder why they are not my favorites. There are two reasons...1st reason..each section of leaf does not receive a balanced light spectrum. The way the different color led's are spaced, at 1200 uMols some leaves or leaf sections are exposed to nothing but blue spectrum...or red spectrum...or you get the idea. The ceramic metal halide is much more blended for spectrum..each leaf gets the full spectrum of light. The second takes awhile to recognize what a healthy plant looks like under the purplish light of the LED. With a near absence of green spectrum the coloration of the leafs are completely different than what you see outside. Both the T-5 and the ceramic metal halide are natural white lights. It is much easier on my eyesight to observe the plants as they would appear under sunlight.
11/16/2017 5:48:24 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I did say that I using T-5's now. These are over an NFT channel garden that I set up for my wife to grow lettuce and other greens indoors. These plants do not require the high intensity of the CMH or LED's. The advantage of the T-5's in this case is the wide foot print of the light. I can cover the 3 x 10 foot area, giving each plant equal light with less overall wattage. I also use T-5's for seed starting. Young seedlings do not need and in fact can be harmed by early exposure to july noon sunshine levels.
11/16/2017 5:52:59 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
My least favorite lights..metal halide and hps. These lights seem to me to be very inefficient as far as electric costs. My 600 watt metal halide puts out less light than the 300 watt ceramic metal halide. They also tend to run very hot. Unless there is a reason you need a heater in your grow room, you are paying to ventilate that excess heat away from your plants. That said, I moved the metal halide lights to my garage. In the spring..on a cold day, I can move the plants under the metal halide lights and the lights not only supply the light..but they also heat the garage. Many choices for lights...depending on your application, one may be better for you than the others.
11/16/2017 5:53:15 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
I agree with you bnot,that being said, I did use hps and mh to grow the one that we're all trying to beat,but I needed the heat since my basement was cool.
11/16/2017 6:15:19 PM
East Carbon, Utah
Ok, count me in. I need something green in this dreary basement room anyhow!
11/18/2017 12:54:18 AM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
bnot, one more question? How much $'s to set up your favorite lighting system for a couple of winter tomato plants? Peace, Wayne PS...thanks for all of the info you have sent! Peace, Wayne
11/18/2017 1:17:37 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
When i purchase my ceramic metal halide, the only company making them was Sun Systems. I did a quick search on Amazon, the SunSystem LEC 315 is now selling for $485. One of these lights would be sufficient for two plants. I also see that there are other companies that are now offering similar CMH lights with prices under $200. I know it seems like a lot to spend for a grow light for winter tomatoes but the way I figure it...divide the cost over many years of use. The resulting cost per year is quite reasonable for the hours of enjoyment during the cold winter.
11/18/2017 4:42:00 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Ok I would like to give it a shot. Any seeds still out there?
11/20/2017 10:22:24 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I still have seeds available. Email me your address and I will get them out to you.
11/20/2017 11:18:36 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Email Sent thanks Kreig Taylor
11/20/2017 2:09:23 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Thanks, bnot...I asked for a short tutorial on "How To" & got a very comprehensive one!!! Thanks!!! Now that lighting is covered...let's move on to a feeding program! LOL Peace, Wayne
11/20/2017 3:53:08 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I think Biscuitridge needs to give the tutorial on feeding. I have my pencil sharpened and ready to take notes.
11/20/2017 5:11:02 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Okay, biscuit...bnot said, you are on the clock!!! LOL Peace, Wayne
11/20/2017 6:50:00 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Give them just the exact right amount of necessary nutrients. That's all there is to sorry I'm not very good at tutorials. Saved bnot a lot of writing, that's why I made this short and sweet.
11/20/2017 8:36:18 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
The nutrient feeding is probably the hardest part of this. Last winter, I spent many hours searching the web for pictures of tomato leaves with known nutrient deficiencies. This is one area where I find Hydro easier. I can just dump the whole nutrient reservoir and refill with a fresh mixture. You can flush a soil pot, but not to same extent as hydro. Be careful to not give the plants too much, if you do, it becomes a lot harder to correct later.
11/21/2017 3:10:08 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
We better watch out for pumpkinman Dan,he's got a big grow tent,I think he's planning on showing who's who in the indoor winter challenge! Grow em BIG! !
11/21/2017 11:48:08 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
That looks sweet. I am guessing he might have HPS lighting in there based on the yellow tint. The harder the competition...the bigger everyone grows. I think it is going to be a great year.
11/22/2017 3:06:29 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
TNorange...still waiting for your mailing address. I received an email from you, but it did not say where to send seeds to.
11/23/2017 8:46:10 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Looks like Bnot is leading the pac so far,has blossoms forming already, slow down so I can catch up bnot,your leaving me in the
11/23/2017 12:04:59 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
So far, I am not showing any improvement over last year. Was getting the blossoms and getting them set last year. My warm grow area and strong red spectrum helps. My problem, getting them to grow big. I figure I have to about double my weights from last year to keep up with you Biscuit. Need to do more has to be in the Walla Walla water...time to do some research... hmmm...doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary there...what is your secret..
11/23/2017 1:09:36 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
11/23/2017 11:07:32 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I was just looking at Farmer Browns diary. He looks way ahead of the pack. He was getting blossoms two weeks ago. And I see he is trying hydro also. Will it take over 4 pounds to take first.
11/24/2017 4:23:03 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Good call,my bad,sorry farmer brown,keep em coming and grow em big.
11/24/2017 1:33:27 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Just an inclosed greenhouse structure, outside of your primary living area w/heat controls, automated watering, and fertilizing systems, okay to qualify for an "Indoor Grow" contest? Peace, Wayne
11/25/2017 11:48:58 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Part of indoor grow is the use of artificial lighting. If you are in Alaska and are growing in a greenhouse that is lit with HID lighting..yes, i would think it is the same as indoor. If you are in the southern hemisphere..and your main source of light is the sun, then I would say no. Remember this is a contest for prize money involved. I think that as more growers get involved and improve their techniques we will start to see weights close to outdoor weights. Sunlight is really hard to replace. Eventually though, I think indoor will surpass the outdoor.
11/26/2017 2:59:23 AM
Farmer Brown (Chris Brown) |
Zimmerman, Minnesota
nope I’m not ahead, My first two blossoms failed to set so I’m hoping the next group does better, I think there might be a mega blossom, but we’ll see. Starting another round of seeds this next week. My hydro plants look better then my soil plants.
11/26/2017 7:55:10 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
sorry to hear that Chris...what did you use for pollination method?
11/26/2017 9:40:54 AM
Farmer Brown (Chris Brown) |
Zimmerman, Minnesota
I shook and flicked the plant and blossom. Thinking I might try A super sonic toothbrush on this round.
11/26/2017 5:09:39 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
If you use the electric vibrator method, get a black plastic spoon to put under the blossom. That way you can tell if pollen is dropping. It is also possible to put what you collect back into the blossom. I am still about 1 to 2 weeks from pollinating. When mine open I will put some pictures into my diary.
11/26/2017 5:42:20 PM
East Carbon, Utah
I just got around to planting seeds last night! See diary entry. Not much chance of getting a ripe tomato by the first day of Spring, but maybe a big green monster?
11/28/2017 10:45:11 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
There is plenty of time left to get a ripe tomato by the first day of spring, 111 days to be exact. I figure about mid December is the cutoff date to get one fully ripe by the deadline but green ones count too. My final seed start will be around Dec 15th to replace any plant that doesn't seem to be competitive. Last year I started my hydro plants in the last week of December and they were ready by the first day of spring.
11/29/2017 4:44:54 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
| spoon...good tip
11/29/2017 10:08:43 AM
Q Tip |
Is it too late to sign up for the winter indoor grow? Asking for a friend....
12/20/2017 9:23:34 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
The last day to sign up is the first day of spring. Competition also ends on the first day of spring. I am still starting seeds expecting to have enough time. It helps that I have a warm environment. I also might have to boost the red spectrum to induce early flowering. It will be interesting to see if I can get an entry that is started January 1.
12/20/2017 10:16:05 AM
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