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Subject:  Team growing contest for 2018?

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Central NY

What say we?...teams of two or three?... Combined best three tomatoes?Schoolyard pick for teams?...might be some insider secrets leaked...who knows ...time to plan for sure...any interest?..

10/15/2017 5:58:26 PM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

What is school yard pick,its been a looong time since I was on a school yard.

10/15/2017 6:07:07 PM


Central NY

Randomly choose however many captains we need...captains take turns choosing...

10/15/2017 6:20:58 PM


Bloomington Indiana

do I get a handicap?

10/15/2017 6:25:52 PM


Central NY

Sandbaggers= 0 handicap

10/15/2017 6:38:06 PM


Central NY

So no...

10/15/2017 6:38:19 PM


Bloomington Indiana

Who me Man!

10/15/2017 6:46:56 PM

Q Tip


oh i like it! I bet Fabrice pulls himself out of retirement for this baby!

10/15/2017 7:21:19 PM


Central NY

Yea fabrice!!.. Do it for the children!!!!...don't be selfish!!!...

10/15/2017 7:39:02 PM

Rick j.

stoughton WI

im in, ill take dan sutherland and steve marley :)

10/15/2017 8:10:52 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

That's a great idea! A lot of questions worth discussing. I think three. Can it be exclusive with only people that have ever weighed 5,6,7+ lbs? How to make if fair? What if someone wants in that has never grown a 4 pounder? Do we say no? Two competitions, upper, lower tier? I think pulling names out of the hat (neutral party) with all interested would be the best way but you have to have minimum qualifications...?? Either way, great idea Steve!

10/15/2017 8:36:13 PM


East Tennessee

6 lb and up a player
4-5 lb b player
Under 4 lb c player
3 player teams?

10/15/2017 8:59:21 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Yes, something like that. Three tiers. Enter with your max weight to someone neutral who picks out of a box. Maybe 6 pounds + teams of two since there are not that many. It depends on how many are interested.

10/15/2017 9:11:48 PM


Central NY

Put the word out...I call dibs on the name " TeAm SLaAmMeR!"...

10/16/2017 7:59:55 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I like the pulling names out of a hat as long as I get to do the pulling. Three members to a team sounds pretty good. Try to put people on the teams who hate each other if possible for the most exciting contest with better posts. Spread it out geographically so no one team gets slammed by bad weather. Prizes???

10/16/2017 9:05:28 AM


Central NY

I do hate master p...I guess if I had to be on his team..,and what about a "newbie" on each team?...could make things interesting when it comes down to the wire......def need some sweet prizes...gift cards?..traveling team trophy?...(I could make one)...date night with Qtip?..who knows...keep the ideas coming...

10/16/2017 9:21:50 AM


Central NY

And fyi pizza -if yer on my team we are gonna have a long talk this winter...

10/16/2017 9:39:19 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Could have three members on each team based on top weights they have ever achieved. Team one a 7 or 8 pound grower, a 5 or 6 pound grower and the third member, 4 or less pounds. Something like that. Would the winner be based on top tomato or total weight of top tomato grown by each of the three members? Or maybe two prizes, top tomato and top three tomato total. Since Porkchop thought this idea up maybe he could decide some random way to put together teams and then just do it. There has to be some trust at least initially.

10/16/2017 9:54:37 AM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

Sounds like a great idea, I'm in.

10/16/2017 10:01:12 AM

Master P

Ely Mn

Cool idea!
I don't care if you hate me pork chop....I still love you and want you on my team...lol

10/16/2017 10:07:13 AM


Central NY

Team total weight on best three tomatoes...9 total fruit..or maybe best two each??....(I lost one to a mouse this year..5+...my third biggest after that was maybe 3lbs...you sure you would want me master p??...I can imagine a bunch of different combinations of growers that could be "dream teams"...

10/16/2017 10:40:56 AM


Central NY

The tiers a b c that jsterrt came up with seems like that could really level the playing field although I can't help to think what kind of shenanigans would be generated by a "random pick" team selection...

10/16/2017 10:52:11 AM

Q Tip


Should we have a "bonus seed" that everyone grows....you get to add an extra pound to your team total weight if everyone on your team grows one over 4 or 5 lbs on the "bonus seed" something like that....I like the date with QTip idea

10/16/2017 11:08:59 AM



God help whoever lands on the same team as me haha:)

10/16/2017 11:37:09 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Trash talking should be encouraged.

10/16/2017 12:20:05 PM


Central NY

Yea!!!...and none of this fake carrot stuff Qtip..I know you are gunning for team sLamMer already...!!...garden prolly all prepped already...cheater...

10/16/2017 12:32:56 PM

Q Tip


Ummm please address me as World Carrot Champion from now on or WCC for short....I wouldn't dream of talking trash to my fellow growers....and for the record we all now Lambchop grew the 8.22...I'd pick her long before porkchop

10/16/2017 12:50:21 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I could supply a team with all the three pounders that they would want. I have a special talent to grow 3 pounders. I want on Dan Sutherlands team..he might grow three over seven pounds and maybe he would send me some of that Walla Walla water.

10/16/2017 12:58:57 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Sounds good.
Is there a tier for 2 lbers ?
I can be the water boy.

10/16/2017 2:39:35 PM


Hamilton Nj

Oh boy , I'm in if anyone wants me on there team lol I'll have to open the secret squril vault for this one

10/16/2017 2:43:26 PM



Drawings for teams should be seeded by prvious fruits grown. This would allow novices to get a chance to be in the same team as the heavy hitters. This would keep the contest open and give all teams a fair craic at the title.
Just my two cents worth

10/16/2017 4:52:15 PM


Jericho Vermont

Sounds like fun. I think how I would pick is to have everyone list their pb and split the group in half. The top half would be the "captains" and choose who to partner with as long as it is not another top half grower.

10/16/2017 5:43:30 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Have we got a count yet ?
Could be a lot of teams.
Make it like the NBA draft.
Although I have to be upfront.
If selected,my agent will have some heavy contract demands.

10/16/2017 5:55:55 PM


Central NY

I'm sure the contract negotiations will be what get us through the winter...

10/16/2017 6:00:28 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I think there should also be a prize for the biggest tomato so a grower has a chance to win even if saddled with two people he thinks are losers. Also, It will be in the interest of the "slammer" growers to help the "newbies" on their team so that their team has a chance at a big total weight. Porkchop will figure out how to get this done. Since he dreamed this up, he should be in charge of seeing that it gets done fairly and to everyone's satisfaction.

10/16/2017 6:05:25 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I think I like the idea of 3 person teams..divide the group interested 3 ways by personal best and then each team would made up with members of each 3 tiers. Depending on who enters would determine the weight cutoff. I also think that each member should enter only 1 or 2 tomatoes to go for the group score. That keeps those that grow only a few plants able to participate. Then again, if next year is like this year...I could have 40.

10/16/2017 6:13:46 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA


10/16/2017 6:39:10 PM


Central NY

So far I'm settled on teams of three...top two tomatoes from each teammate...it will def be in our interest to help each other out...let's add also a fantasy pick or two??.,,I'm sure there's guys growing huge that won't even hear of this contest so let's just snake off thier numbers...6 total fruit and a fantasy pick to be made at the beginning of the season...choose from non-contest growers...

10/16/2017 6:44:17 PM

Q Tip


We should have a live draft in one of the chat rooms

10/16/2017 6:54:54 PM

Q Tip


We only have 6 more months to dream up all sorts of crap lol

10/16/2017 6:55:20 PM



Cool Idea I will put together a prize structure for the 1st, second, and third place teams, No idea yet but we can make it a little more interesting

10/16/2017 6:59:43 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Instead of draft..i am wondering if selection of teams from random drawing might be better. Draft might lead to some hard feelings...we all know..tomato growers stress fun as the most important thing.

10/16/2017 7:15:53 PM


Central NY

Lmao...live draft...I love it

10/16/2017 7:18:54 PM



Sounds like fun says the 2 pounder.

10/16/2017 7:31:25 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I think that since me and porkchop are the only ones growing domingos and marv wonts to grow them to we can be the THREE DOMINGO'S !!! Lol... (0:

10/16/2017 7:38:43 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

We will have to come up with some kind of handicap like the bowling league's have ?

10/16/2017 7:48:28 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Date night with qtip ? He better keep his panties on !!! Pockchop told us about your pool party !!!

10/16/2017 7:54:27 PM

Q Tip


Pool party at QTips!!! And Good call bob - we don't want wixom to be upset when he's picked last ;) ....- Eddy!!! I have no idea what you'll come up with but thanks ahead of time!!! Also - once we get the rules ironed out we should probably post on the "general discussion" forum to get some more growers ...I'm excited already and the season just ended 2 days ago -lol

10/16/2017 8:09:40 PM


Central NY


10/16/2017 8:13:13 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Does it matter what seed ?

10/16/2017 8:18:34 PM


Central NY


10/16/2017 8:27:18 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Say 45 join. They enter with their top GPC weight. Divided into 3 parts. The top 1/3rd, middle and bottom. One member random picked from each group to make the three. Two tomato's entered from each person. That means that you have to be competent enough to grow and weigh at least 1-2 tomato's next year before you commit, otherwise we help each other. Live draft would be fun! After the auctions. Prizes? Maybe 3 red jackets.

10/16/2017 8:33:56 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Great !
8.22s for everybody !

10/16/2017 8:37:02 PM

Master P

Ely Mn

Well if ice is putting a prize structure together we know its going to be good!
This could really help growers grow a few new pb tomatoes.
I'm in only if you can promise I'm not teamed up with Q tip....

10/16/2017 8:40:00 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Red jackets ?
Like the Masters.

10/16/2017 8:44:10 PM


Central NY

Daanng...eddys onboard ?...rebels talking jackets?...this could be good..email me about seeds esheel

10/16/2017 8:50:04 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Email sent porkchop.

10/16/2017 9:26:05 PM

megakin(Team Illiana)

west central IN/East central IL

we could do fantasy growing too.

10/16/2017 10:27:02 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

That's cool.
I'll go first.
I grew a 10 pounder !

10/16/2017 10:51:48 PM

Farmer Brown (Chris Brown)

Zimmerman, Minnesota

I'm in....competition, comradery, and trash talking...I love it. So I'm the newbie, first year guy....but I did pull off a 4.00 pound on the nose. Of course by next spring I'll probably have a 5 pounder from the winter challenge;-)

10/17/2017 12:15:00 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Optimism is good !

10/17/2017 6:15:00 AM


Hamilton Nj

I think we should put the heavy hitters with the worst to make it interesting lol

10/17/2017 11:14:54 AM


Central NY

That's how it's supposed to work pizza!!...you and twinny are gonna grow huge next year!!!....(unless yer on qtips team -he's pretty stingy when it comes to his gardening secrets)...

10/17/2017 12:03:38 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I am surprised that you are already starting the official entry list. I was looking forward to a few months of throwing around ideas for rules and wild ideas. Right now I am thinking that the highest number is the c's followed by the b's followed by the a's. I think everyone should put down there pb numbers, just in case the a,b,c groups need to be rearranged. Ideally should have the pb of the top 2 tomatoes a grower has since it is sounding like top 2 from 2018 is going to be counted...then could rearrange the teams for the most even distribution. Lets not finish setting this team competition in a week...we have all winter to try to keep busy.

10/17/2017 7:42:35 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Good points.

10/17/2017 7:44:59 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Might not be a bad idea to allow people to try and form their own groups if possible and if not then team then up without their input. One A, one B and one C per team.

10/17/2017 9:22:21 PM


Central NY

Could try that after the pools are evened up..or team up two pools and "draft" the last pool?...we got time to fiqure it out...I wonder how well some of us would have done this year if we knew teammates were also counting on us...

10/18/2017 10:53:23 AM



I bagsy the team name of "The three Domingo's"

10/18/2017 12:30:25 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I would like to reserve the name "The Three Stooges" and invite Materdoc to join me as I think together we can do great things.

10/18/2017 1:02:36 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Wise guy hey yuk,yuk,yuk !!!

10/18/2017 5:25:15 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I know two michigan growers who tried my growing meathods and grew a 5.10 and the other grew a 4.37 and i think that bnot and garden rebel used my meathods to witch i think worked for them so sharing techniques with each other i think can help out alot.

10/18/2017 5:34:12 PM

Q Tip


Are you talking about Master P method or did you come up with something new wixom? Don't hold out on us!!!

10/18/2017 6:27:00 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I thought I was using a variation of the McCoy method. I actually tried more than one pruning technique. Growing only late season tomatoes is a disadvantage..tried to go all in on first truss. Next summer hopefully will have some early tomatoes to experiment with the Sutherland method. Let me know next spring what team I am on..my growing plans won't change because of teams. Getting personal best is more important to me than winning a team competition.

10/18/2017 6:27:41 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

I'm looking forward to your diary bnot.
I've been reading yours from last year.
Good stuff.

10/18/2017 7:06:26 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Yes the Dan MacCoy meathod. I just stole it from him and made it mine now !!! lol... (0: i put that meathod in the michigan news letter and southern new england gaint pumpkin growers news letter and had several people write back saying that this was their best year ever.

10/18/2017 7:10:43 PM


Central NY

Lmao...I want wixom on my team...

10/18/2017 7:33:31 PM

Master P

Ely Mn

Lol Wixom! At least you're honest!

10/18/2017 7:52:24 PM

Q Tip


lmao - this is gonna be a long off season :)

10/18/2017 8:24:58 PM


Central NY

Good growers borrow ideas from thier friends...great growers steal them...;)

10/18/2017 8:25:34 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Who is this Master P guy anyways ??? Doesn't he grow carrott and cucummbers???

10/18/2017 9:44:51 PM

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