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Subject:  Team Grow Update

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Good news, Just had somebody step up and offer to double the prize money
So the Prize Money will be as follows

First place Each grower will receive $200.00
Second place Each grower will receive $100.00
Third place Each grower will receive $50.00

Anybody want to add to the prize structure, please email me

10/26/2017 10:17:20 AM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

Thank you very much for your great generosity, this should be fun!

10/26/2017 11:18:29 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Man,this is really taking off.
Thanks to everyone putting this together.
Win or lose we will have a blast.

10/26/2017 1:09:28 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

If I win will I still get my shirt?

10/26/2017 2:24:29 PM



yes do not want to see you without a shirt, that just isn't fair to everyone, kinda like me in spandex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously yes everything is exactly the same except the $ part is now doubled

10/26/2017 5:43:29 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Thanks Eddy...I hope this brings tomato growing to a new level of popularity. Who is going to be determine the teams? It is looking like right now with initial sign up that there is about equal number of A and B growers but as many C growers as both A+B. Still many more that can sign up. Ideally everyone that is interested can get into a team.

10/26/2017 6:31:45 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

If there are too many C growers more than one could be assigned to each team and their best 2 tomatoes entered into the team numbers.

10/26/2017 7:41:08 PM


Central NY

WOW!!!...that's great news...spread the word

10/28/2017 1:00:56 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Consider each team being made up of one A and one B grower and 2 C growers. The A and B growers each enter their top 2 tomatoes and the C growers enter one tomato each, their biggest. That way more C growers could get in. Only problem is that tomatoes grown by the C growers could be the biggest tomatoes of all. Glad I don't have to decide this.

10/28/2017 1:58:51 PM


Central NY

Let's stick to three per team...the prize pool is already starting to get set up..and what a start...one of the things I'll add to the first place team---a ten yr old aged Cuban cigar each to celebrate your victory ...also to the last place team--a bag of starter packs each teamate...I took the dinty moore back to the store...sorry Qtip ...hope yer still in...I'm still thinking some kind of trophy/trophies...plenty of time...keep the ideas coming as to how to pick teams...Equal out weights/groups and ramdom pick sounds good to me...with some type of live draft...?..Who else wants mobymike on ThEIr team??

10/28/2017 2:30:57 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

More Group C’s than A’s and B’s.
Maybe we should just break into categories?
Let the C’s compete in a novice category?

10/28/2017 4:22:24 PM


Central NY

Upper end of c group will be put into group b...or whatever it takes to even out the teams..

10/28/2017 4:30:31 PM


Hamilton Nj

That's awsome thank you

10/29/2017 12:14:43 AM

Jane & Phil

Ontario, Canada

Not sure about a live draft. Random picking should make it more fair for all.

If & only if there is 2x as many C group growers, than A & B growers, then I like Marv's idea of a 4 man team. Just divided up the prize money into 4, instead of 3. So 1st place would get $100 each, 2nd - $75 & 3rd - $50. The extra money left over would help cover the costs of the 4th shirt/hoodie for the top 3 teams.

11/1/2017 8:07:41 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I agree with that too. Even if we get a 3c 1b 1a to make 5 in a group i would go with that too. I think that this would help out the lower level grower to learn how to grow bigger tomatoes to have teamates to go to for questions and help !!!

11/1/2017 9:37:02 AM

Farmer Brown (Chris Brown)

Zimmerman, Minnesota

Would it help to adjust the group requirement...for example under 4lbs. Group C, 4-6 lbs. group B, 6-9 lbs. group A...might pull enough up to B group so there are not so many C....just a thought?

11/1/2017 11:24:48 AM

Total Posts: 16 Current Server Time: 1/6/2025 5:14:29 PM
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