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Subject:  2018 Team Challenge

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Central NY

Here's the list of contestants listed in order of weights achieved ...let's make any corrections and or additions ...choose teams this weekend!!!

1. Dan Sutherland
2. Dan MacCoy
3. Porkchop
4. Jane & Phil
5. Qtip
6. Marc
7. Wixom
8. Rebel
9. Jon Niewenhoff
10. Jon Butler
11. VT John

12. Steve Strickler
13. Gary May
14. Steve Ellis
15. Mister Charlie
16. B Not
17. Frostbite
18. Todd K
19. Size Matrz
20. Dale Thurber
21. Gene LaRiviere

22. Jon Brinkley
23. Farmer Brown
24. James Hartley
25. Mike DeMars
26. Moby Mike 'Sandbag' Schmidt
27. Doug English
28. Andrew Vial
29. Gary Rodine
30. Sandkin
31. Hank Houston

32. E Sheel
33. Wycomber
34. Pizza Pete
35. Chris MacDonald
36. P Swain
37. Wizzy
38. TN Orange
39. Pumpkinman Dan
40. E Vandy
41. Kerry Cummings
42. Weird Wint

43. Tyler
44. Megakin
45. Tree Doctor
46. Gritch
47. Whyz
48. Twinny *
49. Bob C *
50. Steve Rozzo *
51. Spence *
52. Jeff Warner *
53. Bob Causebrook *
54. Wizz *
- [ ]

1/17/2018 7:16:12 PM

Q Tip


Big thank you for setting this up sir!

1/17/2018 9:03:25 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

i am very serious about giving it a try this year.

my pb is 1.5 lb i think. its been awhile. I thought that was really big. Add me?

1/18/2018 12:02:24 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Let the games begin! Thank you for heading this up.

1/18/2018 1:17:16 AM


Oak Grove, Mn

Looks like we still need to update some weights...#43 Tyler should be higher 5.5 PB, #45 Tree Doctor should be 4.55 PB both of these according to Giantstomatotogrow.com. #6should be Marv not Marc. #46 Gritch also should be higher...I do not know PB but 2017 diary showed a 5.0 pound on a scale.

1/18/2018 4:23:52 AM


Bloomington Indiana

Gritch 5.31 or 5.32

1/18/2018 6:05:34 AM

Bob C


49 and 53 are the same guy. Cross one out please.

1/18/2018 6:44:26 AM


Central NY

Gloenompkins -yer in.....

1/18/2018 7:45:24 AM



#14 and #15 is the same person too I believe

1/18/2018 9:22:37 AM

26 West

50 Acres

I will join also, if there openings. My pb is 3.5 lb but not on an official scale. 26 West Jim Hudson

1/18/2018 9:34:05 AM


Central NY

Double check for us Hank ...

1/18/2018 10:58:41 AM


Central NY

26 West...yer in

1/18/2018 10:59:12 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

thanks p/c. I.m ready to put a dozen plants in.
Go team Gloematoes!!

1/18/2018 12:26:43 PM


Central NY

Yea baby!!!!

1/18/2018 12:30:23 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Does it matter the seeds we plant or will it be a certain seed per team ?

1/18/2018 1:17:20 PM


Central NY

Nope ...although only one way to find out which variety grows best for you...

1/18/2018 1:42:09 PM


Corryton, TN

Room for 1 more? PB 4.59

1/18/2018 2:14:18 PM


Central NY

Yuuup... room for plenty more...sign up here w your pb weight or an * if yer new to the giants...you’ll be on the list...

1/18/2018 3:08:07 PM


East Tennessee

If there is still time count me in. I wasn't gonna grow maters this year but this is gonna be to much fun. I may need seeds. PB is 4.53

1/18/2018 4:53:21 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Porkchop, did you spell my name wrong or leave me off the list? lol. Marv

1/19/2018 8:20:44 AM


Central NY

Let me check on that Marc ...lambchop been drinkin a lot lately...

1/19/2018 8:26:55 AM


New Berlin,NY

Looking forward to it.

1/19/2018 10:29:53 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Thanks Borkchop.

1/19/2018 11:04:57 AM


New Hampshire

Steve Ellis and Mr Charlie are one in the same.

1/19/2018 11:51:26 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Mr. Borkchop Sir, LOL...do us less experienced growers get added to a team? Or, are we out of the game? It's all good whatever you decide! or is #36 P Swain another spelling thing? Peace, Wayne

1/20/2018 1:16:46 AM


New Berlin,NY


1/20/2018 11:58:14 AM


New Berlin,NY

Where is that coming from?

1/20/2018 11:59:09 AM


Central NY

Yea... p.swain makes sense...pretty sure that’s you...I’m gonna hide her vodka ..(.just spelling errors framac....)

1/20/2018 12:28:14 PM


Central NY

Who else wants in?...compiling the final list for review...will split into 3 groups wherever that line falls acording to weight...

1/20/2018 12:30:56 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Let’s do this !

1/20/2018 12:32:08 PM

Bob C


Esheel13 your only about 30 miles from me. Fellow Virginian!

1/20/2018 2:07:56 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

cmon jack la rue...
make your wife proud!

1/20/2018 6:07:35 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

its a good thing holland doesnt do tomatoes huh?

1/20/2018 6:11:39 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

...lets hear some noise for mr. Jack Larue!!!!!!

1/20/2018 6:17:56 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Where you at Bob ?

1/20/2018 6:37:18 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Hank is a fellow Virginian as well.

1/20/2018 6:42:33 PM



If not too late I would like to be included. Sorry- in hibernation up here in Alaska- just peeked out for a moment and read about your contest.

1/21/2018 2:14:44 AM


Central NY

Dang... who told Patrick!!!??....uugh...yer in...

1/21/2018 8:14:08 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Patrick could not have possibly thawed out this early. Maybe we are experiencing global warming? What's the temperature up there Patrick?

1/21/2018 8:21:22 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

hows it gonna go? Top 3 from the a&b top 3 from 2 c growers?

1/21/2018 10:24:07 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

maybe i could look for a sponsor for prize money to cover the fourth grower? Or we could knock the c growers down to fifty... hey... its a dog eat dog world

1/21/2018 10:30:13 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

last idea if there is a 300 prize just award to top six tomatoes fifty bucks each regardless of who grew them. One person can carry the whole team but if so they get all the sauce...

1/21/2018 10:35:00 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

i think that should be doubled got my numbers wrong. Everyone would still get a hoodie for trying and there would still be incentive to help the c growers. But maybe for team result to be more valid... require one or two entries from the c growers... Still could break the prize into which entries actually helped the winning team win.

1/21/2018 10:51:00 AM


new middletown ohio

correction## #50 spelling-- is steve razo!!


1/21/2018 12:08:48 PM


Central NY

I don’t want to change things as Eddy has already graciously provided the prize structure...(huge thanks to Wallace wow as well...don’t forget to use the starter packs)...also , something tells me there may be some “special” awards giving out ...we’ll fiqure that out as the season progresses...as far “c” growers...would not be surprise to see a “c” grower break a WR...eh-hmm...mobymike...After I cheat and hand pick my team ,i will split into 3 equal groups...a b c...will draw one name from each group making one team...repeat until names are gone...let’s take a few more days to get this list straight and get signed up who needs to be signed up...com ON SPRING!!!

1/21/2018 12:39:01 PM


Central NY

All set raggu...mmmm

1/21/2018 12:39:38 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Hey! I heard that Iceman is giving a brand new car to the winning team if they can then figure out how best to divide it.

1/21/2018 2:00:09 PM


Central NY

Me , Patrick , and master p have agreed to share it ...

1/21/2018 2:43:25 PM

Bob C


Esheel, I live in Bristow, Va. Near Manassas.

1/21/2018 2:49:56 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Eastern Shore here.

1/21/2018 5:07:24 PM



Thanks for setting this up Porkchop.

Its good to here from some fellow Virginians! I'm located between Fredericksburg and Richmond.

1/21/2018 5:27:10 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

P/c hear me out on this.... I think it would be good to have an a and b grower on each team. The b grower can learn/ share with the a grower. And the c growers... Well I'm not sure we can be depended on with that much optimism. I think with two c growers you would probably get one good result. A three legged table can stand but if one person drops out of a three person team that's not very viable any more.

I think Eddy will be open to whatever is best. I can put up the extra prize money myself if necessary. Feel free to focus on getting the competition right rather than on the money. But of course we do owe a ton of thanks to Eddy.

1/21/2018 5:31:59 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thank you Eddy z...

1/21/2018 5:34:08 PM


Central NY

Each team will have 1 a grower, 1 b grower, 1 c grower....two tomatoes each...6 big fat sturdy legs ....

1/21/2018 6:06:26 PM


Central NY

If a team “loses” a player, we’ll know early enough to find a substitute for that team per group classification...

1/21/2018 6:11:43 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

At a quick glance it looks to me like the A/B cutoff will be lower 5's and the B/C cutoff will be high 2's. I would suggest ranking the A group top to bottom. and then matching the bottom of the A with the top of the B and, 2nd lowest A with second highest B etc, when you get the to C group the top A would be matched with the top C and then down the line. I think this would be the easiest way to get somewhat equal teams. Whatever you decide Porkchop...is fine..for me, I just want to have fun and grow some tomatoes.

1/21/2018 6:15:37 PM


Central NY

There “may” be “some” considerations when picking teams...even it up as much as possible without sucking the fun out of it...

1/21/2018 6:45:58 PM


New Berlin,NY

How many are in the challenge so far?

1/21/2018 7:18:20 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Sounds like a good idea bnot.
Seems like that would really level the teams out.

1/21/2018 7:59:39 PM


Central NY

Closing in on 60 framac....get yer game face on

1/21/2018 8:30:16 PM


Bloomington Indiana

Game face is on! Put 12 tomatoes in to dirt tonight. No joke.

1/21/2018 9:06:10 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Does four seem like a crowd?.. you seem pretty set on three.

I bet you knew I was going to make trouble. Sorry but I'm going with this... its just a fact that half the c growers are gonna suck and and probably half will more or less drop out (the other half will probably do great and hit pb's) I don't see how you are going to swap this many teams or people around early/ or mid season... I think it's just gonna be brutal and possibly even unfair. But if that's the way people want it... Could we just vote on it? Three or four? Doubling up the c growers, but requiring two entries from either of the two c growers? Some of these guys have never grown...

1/21/2018 10:16:48 PM


Central NY

I mean, if you wanna be a total pain in the ass alreadddyyyyyy......I guess we could vote on how many per team...you gotta buy my hoodie though ....yay or nay people?...

1/21/2018 10:48:30 PM


Central NY

Definitely killin my buzz though .....yea...buzzkill glen..,I like that.,,yer on qtips team...

1/21/2018 10:49:49 PM


Central NY

Qtips one of those guys that never grew before...;)

1/21/2018 11:05:39 PM


Central NY

Actually , I just thought it over...who the hell loses a tomato plant?...three person teams...enough horseshit...time to get serious about this...right esheel!!?...

1/21/2018 11:13:50 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thanks. Are we in favor of three or four? Three is simple and straightforward do or die competition. Four is more forgiving to the new guys/gals, like maybe a team of four could be successful even if one of the new guys was in over their head or just having problems he or she couldn't have anticipated.

We could debate endlessly, but one thing I would like to settle is... Is there some reason four is not a good idea?

Thanks, sincerely, for all input. Thanks pc... and yes my wallet says uh would a wife beater be ok?

1/21/2018 11:20:38 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Who let buzzkill brandon onto the tomato board:(

1/21/2018 11:32:44 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

What would you guys enjoy more... teams of three? ...or four?

1/21/2018 11:39:39 PM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

What will happen if one of the growers has a complete failure, what is going to happen, any ideas of how to deal with these different situations?

1/21/2018 11:43:54 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I mentioned at the beginning there needs to be a sense of committment before you sign up. People here really know anybody. There is some blind trust that the people that signed up want to do well and are at least halfway serious. But there will be those that have unforeseen circumstances or didn't think it through and will not make it. That's the reality. I for one will move on if that happened on my team and will still try to grow my biggest tomatoes cheering on the other teams. I envisioned, and I'm sure Porkchop, three people emailing or calling each other with tips on how to kick some tomato ass and win. If someone drops out, oh well. There will be those teams that will make it and it will be super fun. Enough of the what ifs. If mistakes in this process occur I'm sure Porkchop will create a makeover and pick teams differently next year! Not everybody will agree on everything. Pick teams abc 123!

1/22/2018 12:57:43 AM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

Sounds good to me,let's go!

1/22/2018 1:07:25 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Well looks like a couple of "b" growers are ready to go... ;)

1/22/2018 1:50:17 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

This has been in the works for a couple of months now.
I see your point Glen,but people had an idea of the format when they signed up.
I agree with Rebel,if shit happens,it happens.
Everybody wants to win,but if I lose all my tomatoes to blight I’m going to cheer on my teammates.
It’s all about fun anyway.
I’m a “ c “ grower.
I’m just shooting for personal bests.
I’m fine with 3 person teams.
Let’s pick them and go !!

By the way Porkchop,I would like my hoodie monogrammed.

1/22/2018 6:54:53 AM

Virtual Veggies

Southeastern Illinois

A "C" grower such as myself would be silly to drop out early and miss the opportunity of being mentored by A and B growers all season. The team grow is a great idea for the sport by teaching many new growers they are more likely to succeed and expand the sport and seed bank. Maybe if a C grower drops there is some default size of tomato to enter for their entries or something like that. Or a handicap for that team etc.

1/22/2018 8:12:09 AM



3 teams with less rules. What esheel and garden rebel said.

By signing up that is your word to give it your best effort.
If a team member of mine quits he will be sent to the pit of misery with no bud-light!

1/22/2018 8:36:49 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Might consider adding a 4th member to each team as an alternate in case one drops out. That 4th person could be an MIT, member-in-training. They do this at summer camps and call them CIT, counsellor-in-training. Just a thought.

1/22/2018 8:56:05 AM

26 West

50 Acres

Hell, it's a fun competition lets just grow. too many rules spoil things. Jim

1/22/2018 9:01:38 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

No beer Hank ?

That’s a little harsh isn’t it ?

1/22/2018 9:25:34 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

More bud light for me then !!!
Dilly Dilly !!!

1/22/2018 10:14:09 AM



It froze last night winters over. Can we start now?

1/22/2018 10:44:21 AM


Central NY

Rub it in sandkin...geeze...I’m gonna post the revised list...can we agree that “whyz” is another drunken mistAke?...I’m crossing it off...and also, am I missing westham from the list?...let me know... I think the young guns should get in on this ...Hayden - Henry to name a few...(both future sandbaggers)...quit being scumbags and sign up...we gonna smash the WoRLD RECORD this year!...get our PitcheR next to qtip in the book!!!....COM ON BABY!!!!....

1/22/2018 12:13:01 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

you have westham by his real name.

1/22/2018 12:48:44 PM


Central NY


1/22/2018 12:54:05 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

James Hartley= westham

1/22/2018 12:58:20 PM


Central NY

Got it...thanks bnot...I Def don’t want to forget anyone that signed up on the previous 17 sign up sheets...we’ll get her ironed out...

1/22/2018 1:08:37 PM


NE Arkansas

I want in

1/22/2018 1:33:10 PM


NE Arkansas

My PB is 3.16

1/22/2018 1:35:02 PM

Jane & Phil

Ontario, Canada

OK here is my thoughts. Pick your teams of 3. 2 maters per team member.

If 1 grower craps out on the team, then the other 2 growers could enter 1 extra tomato, as compensation for their loss of a team member.

1/23/2018 7:34:50 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Good idea.

1/23/2018 9:08:25 AM


Central NY

When u say craps out, what do you mean?...loses plants early in the season?...I think we could find a sub...if you crap out because of blight?...weather?...inattentiveness?...tough cookies?...or...?...

1/23/2018 9:35:40 AM


Central NY

Maybe that’s where a fantasy pick could come in handy....make your fantasy pick from grower not in the contest...each team makes pick preseason..say my team chooses bill foss...say I over spray with round up during the season and kill my plants....got nutthin...add my teams four tomatoes and bill’s biggest ...or do we choose jack larue?...or mike out in mass?...i really have faith that everyone can and will get some fat slobs to the end but just in case, could make things interesting...

1/23/2018 9:45:07 AM


Oak Grove, Mn

The problem with a fantasy pick or even an extra tomato among the remaining too, there could be an incentive to get your C grower to drop out. I think best to stick with 3 person teams. If you have one grower have problems..then have to help them get back on track. Season is long enough that a person could start a few times and have an entry.

1/23/2018 10:02:57 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Like 26 west said above. Lets not have too many rules this year. Ruins the fun. Pick three person teams, blind faith we all stick together and do our best, and see where this goes this year. Keep it simple. There will be teams that make it and teams that don't. We can talk and make changes later this year for the following year.

1/23/2018 10:16:22 AM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Agree with Rebel.

1/23/2018 10:21:13 AM

Farmer Brown (Chris Brown)

Zimmerman, Minnesota

Yes agree with 26 West, bnot, and rebel lets have fun, get PB and learn better techniques. Only one team will win, the rest will lose, that’s a contest! None of us will really lose because of the knowledge shared and gained and the friendships and camaraderie we will all have! Let’s Grow!

1/23/2018 12:12:23 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think two is a party, three is a crowd, four is a team. But that's just one opinion out of many. I think the consensus seems to be three and get going... let p/c figure out the rest ha ha...

1/23/2018 3:05:20 PM



Fantasy pick of A team growers just in case one grower doesn't make it to the scale. (However, I think everyone who's entered is in it for the long haul and will take a new pb to scale in 2018!!)
Spring where are ye?

1/23/2018 6:03:01 PM

Jane & Phil

Ontario, Canada

When I said Craps out, I meant they didn't get a tomato to scale. That way the other 2 team members aren't completely out of the contest.

1/24/2018 9:01:22 AM


Central NY

if Tomatoes popped like pumpkins I’d be with you...but if you can’t get one to the end, you just let your team down ...hopefully that person is on wixoms team....

1/24/2018 9:22:25 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

i think its not a team unless one individual can limp to the finish. This is just two individuals crossing their fingers and hoping the third doesnt have any issues.
A lot of skilled growers are gonna be wasting their hopes and the person who has a health or soil issue or just bad luck . . . well no one on that team is gonna have fun.
Why not fifteen teams of four.
Take the gambling out of it so it reflects the skill and effort of the a and b growers too... Less gambling = more about skill= more fun.

1/24/2018 2:23:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

i mean is this about fun and winning cuz you were lucky and didnt draft a dud seed... or is this about showing who has the top skills? If rebel puts three seeds in the ground and one does not sprout that means he is not going to win?
This is like saying our skill and effort can be acurately measured with a very limited number of plants (3) and no ability to cull the worst one. Well, there i go again...

1/24/2018 2:36:01 PM


Central NY

I have faith in you buzzkill...

1/24/2018 2:41:48 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Let it go Glenomkins. Two could be fun, three could be fun, 4 could be fun. It is all a matter if attitude. Most A and B growers will be planting more than 3 plants. I am thinking I will have 40 next year. If the C grower on my team doesn't make it...I won't be upset and it won't hurt my season and I will be glad to have had a chance to make a new friend.

1/24/2018 2:46:00 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

i want this competition to recognize achievement without luck.
If you dont have a spare c grower in your group then its mostly about luck. I think you guys are afraid.
It makes no sense... why... if you big 'beefy' tomato guys are all confident in your skill... why would you need luck....?

1/24/2018 2:46:52 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

you know having two c growers would put the pressure back on the a and b portion... Are you guys in this to have fun like boys or to show how big your tomatoes are...like men?
Cmon a and b tomato men... lets be men!

1/24/2018 2:54:30 PM


Central NY

Is there any “c” growers besides Glenn that think they won’t make it to the end?....If so, I’ll amend the bylaws...(you are sooo going on qtips team)

1/24/2018 2:55:46 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

It's almost impossible to end up with absolutely nothing. We all have bad years, bad weather, or bad luck, but I've never had nothing. Even if you lose your plants completely early on there is always time to replant. Worst case senario I mail you a big tomato, tape it on the plant and snap a selfie...or is that not allowed?....asking for a friend.

1/24/2018 3:04:26 PM

Q Tip


No fun suckers here! If you don't like the format don't play - it's easy as that :) Remember we are talking about growing TOMATOES ....repeat TOMATOES....pretty sure my 6 year old could get a couple of 1 pounders to end! No more BS what are the teams Porkchop! Let's play!

1/24/2018 3:04:26 PM


Central NY

Hold on Q...I’m writing down pumpkin shepherds idea ...

1/24/2018 3:08:23 PM


Central NY

It’s GO TIME BABY!!!!!!!

1/24/2018 3:09:00 PM

Q Tip


lol Shepherd - we'll allow it haha

1/24/2018 3:09:38 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

You got some good points Glen, but lets keep all the hypotheticals for discussion for next season and see what went wrong, ect. I think most of us have had three man teams in our minds for months and we just want to move on. Lets just do the best we can with what we have. I'm worried PC will just settle back to 1 man teams if this discussion lingers. Some of us, including me, just seed to sit in the sun again for an afternoon enjoying a beverage. That would solve a lot of things.

1/24/2018 3:14:09 PM



im a C grower, but I'm going hell for leather to break the 5 lb mark. I think anyone who hasn't should be pushing it. This team scenario is just a great way of doing it while having a bit of craic at the same time.

1/24/2018 3:25:44 PM



We're the ones pushing these fruits to their extremes

1/24/2018 3:26:52 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

put me on team 'seis cojones grandes' please and wish me luck.

1/24/2018 3:28:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

we will need it...

1/24/2018 3:33:17 PM


Central NY

That’s the spirit Glenn!!!....pb’s all around!!!

1/24/2018 3:58:42 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Yeah, lets have some craic. Twinnie..I had to look it up. You are giving away your location....I guess i knew where you were already :)
"Craic" (/kræk/ KRAK) or "crack" is a term for news, gossip, fun, entertainment, and enjoyable conversation, particularly prominent in Ireland.
Hope you are on my team...I will copy everything you do. Just so we beat Qtips team.

1/24/2018 4:01:32 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

we are gonna win... Uh and if a raccoon eats mine la rue's gonna help me out with some transplants...the kind that have five and six pound tomatoes hanging on them:)

1/24/2018 4:03:08 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

...thats ok right?

1/24/2018 4:06:49 PM


Central NY

I say Whatever it takes...on your honor...

1/24/2018 4:08:28 PM


Central NY

Let’s get some crack up in this piece....

1/24/2018 4:09:06 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

You mean "Hell bent for leather" Twinnie? A Judas Priest fan. Put him on my team!

1/24/2018 4:14:27 PM

Q Tip


That a boy Gleno!!! Balls and crack is all you need to grow giant maters!!!

1/24/2018 5:11:40 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

if i say all you a and b growers have no balls... I will get a laugh. I think its funny the hotshot growers want to put all the pressure on the c guys.

Any c guys who agree with me are on my team!
Forget these squeaky voiced a and b guys. Be on my all-team-c team... our average will beat half the 'abc' teams on here...

I think i'm violating the no trash talk from c guys rule...

1/24/2018 5:23:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

i'll make an exception for a guy like q tip.
Plenty of luck but no skill... he belongs on the 'c' list.

1/24/2018 5:30:31 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

By the end of the season, Glen, you might understand. This is not a competition of A and B growers. The C's are very important to us. I know I can supply the C member of my team with a wide variety genetics to grow with. They could grow 100 plants if they wish. I am willing to share my limited experience with them..they might give me insights on what I could do better. I love tomato growing...I hope that those on my team can find the same joy I have. The tomato group is probably the best group on this site. New growers or growers that have grown for 2 decades should be able to find enjoyment in this team competition. As it is....all tomato growers are on one team...to keep sharing knowledge and raising the WR a bit at a time.

1/24/2018 5:38:17 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I vote that if Glenomkins can find two C growers to join his team..he should be able to have the all "C" team. He has to find two growers to join him first.

1/24/2018 5:43:29 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

if i am rubbing you guys the wrong way just remove me. I want to have fun thats why i brought the issue up. If im the only c grower who will admit i dont know what i.m getting into . . . Oh well. Deal the cards and lets grow...

1/24/2018 5:46:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

c team or alone is fine with me. You will let me average my own six entries walk away with all six hundred and the hoodie? Put me on Donkins team:)

1/24/2018 6:01:09 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Glen, you will do just fine. You should at least reach your personal best of 1.5 pounds. Knowhow is important but to go really big you also need some luck. Luck for most growers comes in the form of good weather. Don't worry about rubbing anyone here the wrong way. Most of these guys don't even get a rub let alone one that is the wrong way.

1/24/2018 6:23:12 PM

Q Tip


Who’s giving rubs? Am I on the “c” team? I agree with glenokins and marv luck is my best friend and trick to growing

1/24/2018 6:33:16 PM

Q Tip


Oh and I almost forgot the most important part...SCIENCE!!!! I love me some science- the Tomato cation exchange order of operations rate i found to be critical in artificial potassium input ... I love science

1/24/2018 6:38:01 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Porkchops rub comment...wait for it..

1/24/2018 6:39:39 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

sorry Qtip...science is so yesterday....next summer i am going to take it to the next level....Magic is the next frontier

1/24/2018 6:43:54 PM

Rick j.

stoughton WI

Is it to late to get into the team challenge, I stink at growing maters. My u.o.w for maters is 4.04 but if it's not to late just put me where ever and I'll give it my best shot.

1/24/2018 7:19:56 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

That’s it.
I want to be on bnot’s team.
He’s talking about pulling 10 pounders out of a hat.

1/24/2018 7:26:14 PM

Don And Jeanne

Middleton Ma

Holy crap is this blog legal lol someone pick me for there team lol

1/24/2018 8:18:33 PM


Central NY

Lol rebel...

1/24/2018 8:25:00 PM


Central NY

If we let rick j in we need two more..

1/24/2018 8:27:21 PM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

I'll grow 3 so Rick can be in.lol

1/24/2018 8:42:46 PM

Don And Jeanne

Middleton Ma

I grow it I just need seed and a team

1/24/2018 8:47:04 PM

Don And Jeanne

Middleton Ma

Hey Rick do you want to make a team I don’t have any seed though lol

1/24/2018 8:50:11 PM


Central NY

Right on...rick j and d+j are in ....one more contestant and we are ready to pick teams....

1/24/2018 9:46:26 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Sweet !

1/24/2018 10:00:12 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Bnot may be pulling a 10 pounder out of a hat. Guess what I am pulling mine out of.

1/24/2018 10:14:58 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Ouch !!! you may have to see a doctor after pulling one that big out !!! (0:

1/24/2018 10:31:02 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

the bull%n!+ stops when the pants drop... One more huh. . . Where is bathabitat he is the only guy i.m afraid of... How bout cindy she is pretty fierce too. . .!

1/24/2018 11:01:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

p/c... put annakins dowm as a 0.0 c grower if you need an extra.
She is gonna help put up the greenhouse. She gets her half... And I guarantee she can beat me...

1/24/2018 11:23:05 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

You guy's & gals!! are getting fairly scairy!!! LOL

1/25/2018 12:50:26 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

One more time...is P Swain, the same as Peace, Wayne?

1/25/2018 12:53:20 AM


Oak Grove, Mn

Don and Jeanne...dont worry about not having seeds to sign up. I would think that all teams could supply new growers with seeds to get started. After the teams are picked, if you still need seeds let us know. I have plenty that I can share.

1/25/2018 3:28:16 AM


Central NY

Yes peace wayne..yer in....

1/25/2018 6:53:43 AM



haha Judas Priest fan, thats a first!! If tomatoes talked, they'd have something to say about us...

1/25/2018 3:05:32 PM


Karns City PA

Still able to get in this ?

1/25/2018 5:49:52 PM


Bloomington, IN USA

I don’t see all the pressure on the C growers.
Whether I am an A or B, I am counting on my 2 10-pounders to carry the team! Haha!

1/25/2018 6:13:51 PM


Central NY

Oooo...I was just about to drop the gavel...cory yer in....we need two more...anyone on the sidelines that think they might wanna get in?...experience not Necessary...so cal?...Marley?...

1/25/2018 6:22:05 PM


Central NY

What’s yer pb cory?

1/25/2018 6:25:05 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I am going to need a bigger hat..just to keep up with materdoc and marv. Porkchop, if you have an odd number don't be too concerned. I think as tomato growers we can think of a fair solution and still let everyone that wants to enter the team competition participate.

1/25/2018 7:06:32 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

So much pressure to perform. Looks like the tomato plants will get lots of fertilizer and more attention than usual and maybe some of the growers will need Prozac.

1/25/2018 7:27:26 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Or more beer?

1/25/2018 7:27:57 PM

Jay Yohe

Pittsburgh, PA

I’ll join if it’s not to late. I won seeds from bnot last year on a “guess the weight” competition so I have some seeds. Biggest tomato I ever grew was an Italian Roma. Lol. Mark me down for a 0.00 PB.

1/25/2018 7:53:10 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Is this the legendary Marv Meisner Marv? The "Marv says size matters" name is throwing me off. Trying to get all these mater characters straight.

1/25/2018 9:08:01 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

How do you say “may the force be with you” in tomato talk? May the force be with you, Materdoc!

1/26/2018 5:59:28 AM


Central NY

Still need cbweiz’s NTB....(number to beat)...so cal’s too..didn’t he grow a 5lber in a bucket??...

1/26/2018 8:42:56 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Yes, it is I. I have undergone a temporary name change in preparation for the competition. Size Does Matter, here and elsewhere if you get the drift.

1/26/2018 9:09:09 AM



I grew a 5.11 Dunn last year.

1/26/2018 9:24:00 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Nothing wrong with tweeking your name a little bit !!!

1/26/2018 10:28:02 AM

Jay Yohe

Pittsburgh, PA

I just wish everyone would use their real name on here. So tired of not knowing who some people are.

1/26/2018 10:46:55 AM


Central NY

Yea..tell me about it...I asked 1064 if he was a newB...eesh

1/26/2018 2:15:45 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

We know who you are Jay. And, we know where you live.

1/26/2018 3:24:04 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Maybe I spend too much time on this site. I know the real names of about 80%-90% of the growers entered so far in this team challenge just from their screen name. I know less of the pumpkin or watermelon growers. I like having the BP screen names. The growers that have been around for a long time, tend to know who is who. The screen names give a bit a protection from the 1 day visitor, without being completely anonoymous.

1/26/2018 5:24:38 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I am so old that I can't remember Jack Sht. I would prefer real names maybe combined with whatever pseudonym anyone wants to use. Bottom line though is whatever everyone wants is fine. Like Wixom has his real name there along with his unreal name. Jay Yohe uses his complete real name. I use part of my name. Porkchop is Porkchop. And so on.......

1/26/2018 5:32:46 PM


Central NY

Yea...let’s put Jack Shit on qtips team...that’s all he’s getting this year anyway...

1/26/2018 6:27:28 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Sounds good to me except you would be giving some fertilizer sort of.

1/26/2018 6:47:39 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

with Qtips luck...Jack Sht is going to grow the first 9 pound tomato. Maybe I should be on Qtips team..i think i could bring him down to zero.

1/26/2018 7:08:38 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Bnot showed me one thing, that the megamutt is the only tomato that he hasn't been able to kill so far !!!

1/26/2018 7:19:09 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

you are right wixom...megamutt D is great for me...it has grown my PB..It is the only survivor of my first round winter grow. I throw everything at it..and it still survives. It is resistant to blight...resistant to 5.0 EC nutrient solution. Thanks for the seeds Wixom...I will do this genetics in yet...or grow the WR.

1/26/2018 7:27:25 PM


Valencia Spain

Your megamutt d came out as one of my strongest seedlings Bob

1/27/2018 9:23:56 AM


Valencia Spain

Planted outside under 5 litre plastic bottle

1/27/2018 9:25:06 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

My goal is to make a tomato bnot Resistant !!! (0:

1/27/2018 11:00:12 AM

Q Tip


Awesome!!! I am on QTips team!! Heard he is a much better grower than bnot porkchop and marv! I couldn’t be happier! I heard he taught master p and biscuit how to grow world records....

1/27/2018 11:27:43 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Lol....you hold true too your name Jack !!!

1/27/2018 11:47:41 AM


Central NY


1/27/2018 11:49:44 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Porkchop you never told us that you know jack shit ???

1/27/2018 12:36:56 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Now that we have a Jack Sh!t can a Jack !ss not be far behind.

1/27/2018 2:37:33 PM


Northwest Indiana

Can I still sign up, or am I too late? PB is 1.2 :(

1/27/2018 3:33:15 PM


Central NY

Yer are the final contestant Armstrong...what’s yer ntb?..

1/27/2018 5:35:18 PM

Master P

Ely Mn

Marv you mean Jack @ss

1/27/2018 7:07:03 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

WOW! I love it Master p.

1/27/2018 9:08:31 PM


Northwest Indiana

What's ntb?

1/27/2018 9:58:51 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.


1/28/2018 8:30:01 AM


Central NY

NTB -number to beat...I see you posted it...yer in!

1/28/2018 9:53:49 AM

Total Posts: 194 Current Server Time: 1/4/2025 8:28:23 PM
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