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Subject:  What a turn out ....

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Central NY

I couldn’t be more excited about the turn out of this contest...originally I thought it would be about 12-15 of us idoits...turns out there’s a bunch more than I thought....pretty cool...we will have a second round of team drafting at the end march...more people, more sharing, more shenanigans...sign up here with your pb...those who know interested parties , send them the link and get them signed up...i have to stay a bit hush for right now but I can say there will be MANY ways to win in this contest...it’s a win-win-win situation...;)......COME oONN SPrING!!!!

2/5/2018 11:18:53 AM


Central NY

GO TeAM SLaMMER!!!!!!!!

2/5/2018 11:24:38 AM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

I'm sorry porkchop but please remove my name from the competition, trust you will take good care of my team mates.

2/5/2018 11:33:08 AM


Central NY

Actually, it’s a challenge...part of that challenge is not letting down your team..at least take a day or two to think about it...I know how excited I would be to be on your team...besides...we would just hit up yer numbers anyway...now I gotta make a new sign up sheet...anyone else wanna tell thier team to take a crap?

2/5/2018 11:41:58 AM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

Like I said,remove my name from the competition. Thank you.

2/5/2018 11:43:35 AM


Central NY

Ok...will do....(hey wixom...it worked!!)...

2/5/2018 11:48:31 AM



Wow. What are the prizes? I don't have a clue? From what's going on I would think the fun contest was for 10,000! LOL.

2/5/2018 11:49:13 AM

Q Tip


I believe the winners each get a new 2019 F-150, a lifting ring, $1000 in Wow Products, a 2145, a 2009, and $5,000 cash.....or a hoodie lol

2/5/2018 11:52:01 AM

Q Tip


We are looking for a replacement for Diva Dan - Foss? Menting? Marley? Barlow? .....

2/5/2018 11:53:15 AM


Central NY

I’m still givin him a few days to reconsider ....just not cool ...I’m gonna beat him anyway...just sayin...

2/5/2018 11:56:47 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Now look what you did PC. Dan is crawling back into his cave again. I am sure there are many with the same feelings as Dan but deal with it somehow, someway. Oh, it will be a great summer! The team trials and tribulations, people stumbling to the finish. Q Tip having to go down to the local fruit stand to buy a couple of tomato's 'cause he can't grow a pair! It's all coming soon! But see it from the perspective from people who live life with some organization. There are those that are very serious about competition who need the guidelines, boundaries. That's why they are the best at it. The volume on this add campaign has been turned up for a while and many are in step 2 now 'cause draft day was it. Don't go backwards, go forwards.

2/5/2018 11:57:11 AM


NE Arkansas

So are yall gonna redraw all the teams??

2/5/2018 12:34:36 PM


Central NY

No way ...

2/5/2018 12:35:09 PM


Central NY

Just like posted back on November 11th
Oh... Now you want quick answers ...what happened to stringing it out over the winter?..lol....Rebel and I will be picking teams...by jan 1st... You may still enter after team selection but need to pull a 3 member(non-loaded team)..hard deadline for entry is April 1st ...

2/5/2018 12:44:23 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I agree i never thought that we would have had such a great responce Wow !!! And having eddie come along and sponcer it was just unbeivable!!! So i have to think that we are doing somethhing right !!! You can't make everyone 100% happy but i think that we are doing a prety good job.

2/5/2018 12:52:46 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

A second round of random team selection is much better than telling growers that if they find two more members they will be allowed to enter. We all know in the second case that the grower will recruit those he would think would do best. I understand where Dan is coming from. It is hard to stay focused in a competition where you do not know the rules and they can change at a whim. I have had enough contact with my team members so far that I am in it to the end. But I don't know about next year. I prefer a little more consistency.

2/5/2018 12:56:26 PM

Q Tip


Maybe I am in the minority here but - Was I going to grow tomatoes even if there wasn't this competition? ummm yes. Do I still get to bring my tomatoes to any weigh off or weigh them for early mater entries? Yes. This whole competition is just a free added bonus for growers. Even if this competition wasn't here you would still grow maters and if the comp added to some new growers to the mater world woohoo....I don't see what all the fuss is about letting some more people join in on the fun.....and really rebel "boundaries and guidelines" jeesh....also it's FEBRUARY not April.....This thing is turning into the next 1965 Brandt lol...I said it :)

2/5/2018 1:07:32 PM


Central NY

Ok ...so bobs out next year...anyone else?...jindly?... we good?...-man..this morning I was thinking to myself...I should get Vincenzo domingos great great great grandchildren to enter as well... 3 youngsters carrying on a family tradition ...they grow for a local competition in Long Island every year with “papas” seeds that they’ve kept going...they were thrilled when dale put a package together for them with the 8.22’s and sent them along for Christmas ...well the package arrived Christmas Eve ...the anniversary of Vincent’s passing...long story short...they were moved and thrilled... and super excited about trying the 8.22’s this spring ...I thought I’d drop a line..see if they wanted to get in on some tomato fun...guess I’ll just find out how they did in the fall....

2/5/2018 1:12:09 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Great story porkchop. If you get them to goin we would let them have the name The Three Domingos.and give them some 5.95 domingo seeds too !!!!

2/5/2018 2:32:06 PM


NE Arkansas

I don't guess we are good porkchop due to the fact that we lost a teammate, So do we get to pick an A grower or are we just AO-ed?

2/5/2018 2:45:41 PM


Central NY

Ya know what wixom...id love to get those seeds to them..they couldn’t have been more appreciative...Vincent’s great granddaughter emailed me expressing her thanks, I could hear the tears in her words...very touching moment...awesome moment actually if you read her email...I’m gonna tell em though....no, sorry little Sophia ...sorry geppto...the Whiiiirld record holder will quit...give me a break...you better man up busicut...

2/5/2018 2:45:52 PM


Central NY

If it comes to that jindley I have NO PROBLEM with you choosing Who EVER you want On your team...and my personal apologies as well

2/5/2018 2:47:46 PM


NE Arkansas

I planned on sending an email but if you want to call folks out we can air it out here, no need to be a douche

2/5/2018 2:48:06 PM


Central NY

I’ll take the heat...

2/5/2018 2:54:32 PM


Central NY

If I’m off base I’ll own it...

2/5/2018 2:55:14 PM


Torrance, Ca.

So many threads about this,,,,, working as much as I have this winter its been hard to get online as much. What thread talks about the rules, timing, anything that has to do with the contest?

I need to get caught up!


2/5/2018 3:13:09 PM


NE Arkansas

I understand the all inclusiveness part(Kinda like the democrats) but I also understand the rules part (kinda like the republicans). I understand some Canadians don't like free enterprise or me and I'm ok with that, I just didn't know you were a democrat? I'm not mad at Dan as I understand his issue with things. I don't like losing a teammate, I'd like to know who will be replacing him before April. I feel this hurts the contest and the integrity of it.

2/5/2018 3:14:16 PM


Central NY

Integrity?....you know I post fake boner pics on here right?....integrity...pppfft...over a hoodie...??..a contest that essentially does nothing more than keep track of your tomatoes in a new and creative way...while Trying to promote some friggin Kom-Rodda-ree ...tomatoes you most likely were gonna grow anyway...a free contest...a contest that gets you prizes .,,for nutthin...and we’re gonna drop out why?...busicut is supposed to be our champion ...I don’t get it...

2/5/2018 3:26:05 PM


Central NY

If yer checkin out of BP in the fall, and believe me , people are checkin out asap...you come back now, you’ve got 800 tomato posts to sift through...yes I kept things vague like the government but I was thinking of the guys that won’t hop on here til spring ...Zappa comes to mind...you think he’d like to be included?...some of these guys that have been teaching us how to grow these things?...we all decided we would just let this grow with an idiot at the helm..like I tell lambchop all the time...just friggin trust me...

2/5/2018 3:54:00 PM


Central NY

“Man up”...?...alright ...that sounds a TAD douchy... what I guess I meant was take back the reigns...yea...that sounds better...take back the reigns busicut....

2/5/2018 4:01:40 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I consider both you a friend Steve and also Dan is a friend. The problem with what you posted at about late entries was written in November at a time when the format for the team challenge was changing daily. Review this thread..it is the final one before team selection.


I think most growers at that time, thought this is it..all the talk and debate about how things are going to be set up for the team challenge was finalized. Teams would be chosen by random selection of one A, one B and one C..two tomatoes GPC per teammate.
The day before the random drawing was a mess...figuring out who still wanted in and trying to make the teams even.
Sure after the selection...there has been a lot of excitement generated. Some growers that probably new about the competition..and thought, nah not for me..all of sudden are interested.
I know for a fact that there is at least one grower that you emailed before the random drawing that turned it down. Now that person is a possible late entry.

Like I said before...a second random drawing is much better than adding teams that find each other. I think that a majority of the growers that joined this year that have an opinion...many dont...would have prefered that the random drawing was the end of stage one.
What else might change?

2/5/2018 4:07:27 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Don't worry jlindley im sure if dan doesn't come back that we can find a good replacement. Im sure we can get a don foss or te martians or zappa etc....their are just so many growers that just didn't know that their was a big tomato contest being set up in Dec and Jan.

2/5/2018 4:13:28 PM


Central NY

bob...of course we are all friends...can u just let me set this up...now I count four emails from new growers interested but don’t want the BP train to come rolling down on them...give us a break...it just tomatoes....trust

2/5/2018 4:15:24 PM


Central NY

Ok.. I checked the thread...sign-up for team selection was closed..yes...for the draft...but always had intention on letting people in...to be put on a team..that I would make sure is fair...mostly to appease the fair police...besides...April 1st was yer idea...

2/5/2018 4:20:28 PM

Pumpkin JAM


I went back once I saw thread, and saw till april 1st. I will not abandon partner Scott who I asked to join with me. so Either we are in together or not. I dont abandon friends. Nothing is more important in this world than friends, other than family!

2/5/2018 5:03:17 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Scott...were you emailed by Porkchop before the random drawing for the team picks? Remember I chatted with you on the day before. If so, did you turn down team competition?

2/5/2018 5:07:41 PM


Central NY

and why again would that matter?....

2/5/2018 5:32:25 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

it matters because..i will join if i know i am paired with a friend...you know what I am saying is truth porkchop...take me out of the competition....so much for second round random

2/5/2018 5:34:41 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

bnot, I don't understand? All of the first 20+ teams were drawn at random? We did not get to pick our Giant Tomato friends, which I (b/4 random selection) had none of. Why should you be allowed to pick your own team? I now am in the process of making two new friends & doing my best to help my team win!! Sorta thinkin that making new friends, and learning was the basic principal of this contest!! Peace, Wayne PorkChop Rules!!! again...Peace!!

2/5/2018 8:01:35 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

peace wayne...this is porkchop stating what team 23 is..guess teaming with friends are ok...if you ignore sign-up deadlines

2/5/2018 8:42:16 PM


Central NY

Numbers lined up ...no brainer for me...another team on the board...and a new grower to boot...very exciting...

2/5/2018 8:55:52 PM


NE Arkansas

Wayne you really should not post on this site... For God sake READ... BNOT said it wasn't fair for people to pick their teams... Damn you are about as annoying as it gets... The person you say rules is letting people pick their team... Hell I want Jam as my A grower... You said I can pick porkchop

2/5/2018 9:37:16 PM


Central NY

Yup ...you got screwed jindley...you can choose whatever a grower you want...jam would still be on team 23 but your team will use his numbers..or pick master p....or Qtip ...any of us are willing to step up and help...your choice...

2/5/2018 9:50:29 PM


Valencia Spain

If u want more growers post in giant veg community

2/6/2018 3:48:00 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Mr. Lindley sir...I totally respect everything you say!!! Once again, I will follow your lead & never grow anything again...ever!!! Peace, Wayne Duh?

2/7/2018 12:59:05 AM


NE Arkansas

Another post that makes no sense Wayne, You don't grow anyway, I have yet to see you bring anything to a weigh off, Just spout off terrible info, if a new grower reads and does what you post he would ruin his entire season. Just drunken late night post.

2/7/2018 9:27:23 AM


Central NY

I’ve got 20.00 on peeswain...

2/7/2018 2:53:45 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Sorry, Mr. Lindley sir, my appologies...just a typo...misplaced names. I totally agree that teams should not be hand picked. Thanks Porkchop...it's gonna be a long, fun summer!!! Peace, Wayne

2/8/2018 12:37:03 AM

Mark G.


@jlindley, I'm shocked, so you're saying wayne does not grow anything? From the answers he gives on all the different message boards, I thought he was a master grower. If he doesn't grow anything, how does he have all this knowledge?

2/8/2018 12:12:50 PM

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