Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Just started 32 more...
Date Posted
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Aphids got into the last tray. I will be going for first truss megas. Since these are my last chance... Any ideas how to get awesome & stockier plants other than take good care of them? Anna used the wow packs one per plant whem they were little with good results. I will try those but I am all out any new good ideas. THANKS...!!
6/13/2018 4:54:46 AM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
Azos ?
6/13/2018 8:40:33 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Never tried yet... Who is a good supplier?
6/13/2018 3:08:39 PM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
Azos is supposed to increase root size. Not sure if that’s what you are looking for.
6/13/2018 6:40:37 PM
TomatoTim |
Gone With The Win
Difference between azos and mykos???
6/15/2018 11:24:14 PM
ESheel31(team sLamMer) |
Eastern Shore of VA
Honestly,the descriptions on Wallace can explain it better than I can. I’ve used both in the planting holes this year and my plants have never looked better.
6/16/2018 9:09:57 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Finally got my 8.22 in the ground it’s on a diet though only one wow pack... shoulda put more now that I think about it. Thanks for sharing.
6/16/2018 5:00:02 PM
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