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Subject:  hello fellow growers

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your guess of the LYVERS2012 cantaloupe was a little short.Try around 65 POUNDS and growing strong at 2 lbs a day.NO MISTAKE

8/5/2012 6:17:01 PM



Put your inches measurement in the pumpkin estimate chart to get an estimate for a cantaloupe. The pumpkin chart will give you a close estimate. Your other option is to put an actual scales under your cantaloupe and get a weight.

8/5/2012 7:26:21 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

I like to see the picture on the scales it a nice lobe good luck

8/6/2012 10:15:46 AM

Spudley (Scott)


I'm watching and I wish you the best of luck BUT I want to see clear pictures of both the blossom end and the stem end when it's picked. Lopes are thin on both ends and it's all for not if they split open. The weight to beat is 64.8. GOOD LUCK!! The only reason I'm responding is because of your cockiness. Buy the way I grew the WR lope in a 20 gallon pot.

8/7/2012 3:38:05 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Thanks for the new pics, it's clear to see that a 5 gallon bucket won't hold that one! LOL. Thanks for taking the "typo" out of the equation.

Do you have a plan for obtaining an "official" weight? If you're on pace to break the Kentucky and World records, weigh it right so that you eliminate any and all questions. Spudley will help, he knows his stuff and yes he is the current world record holder. If you have a world record on your hands, you'll need to put her thru the ringer to make it stand. Best of luck on the finish!

8/7/2012 9:49:03 AM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

The Kentuky is 42lb you should have it if it sound good luck I like to see a world record come to ky

8/7/2012 1:51:09 PM



sorry if i rubbed anyone the wrong way.Its not cockiness but lack of experince.u guys are the pros and i have alot to learn.i havent reached the finish line yet.today big mamma taped 130ott.like u say,wont know the true weight until i put it on a scale.After all this is my very first cantaloupe.ever

8/7/2012 6:28:06 PM



does anyone know peace waynes e-mail adress?

8/7/2012 9:23:20 PM

Spudley (Scott)


You're okay man, just hang in there.

8/7/2012 9:50:36 PM


Bowdon, GA

lyvers1210 130" on the old pumpkin chart should be about 53 pounds. It is ussually within a pound or two either way. You maybe on the upside with the girth. Keep it going it is a very nice lope. Jake

8/8/2012 12:06:39 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

it looks nice & green, so you still have growing time left, good luck !

8/8/2012 5:49:12 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

my biggest was 50.5, that lope is bigger than that for sure! WOW!

8/8/2012 9:54:22 PM



i going to pick the lope tommorow or sat.planted 100 days ago today.going to bardstown ky. its close.

8/9/2012 9:17:07 PM


Bowdon, GA

If you really think it is close to the record take it to a GPC event this weekend. The drive would be worth it. Otherwise you will need alot of documentation.

8/10/2012 12:37:30 AM



56.7 is the final weight.

8/11/2012 10:47:28 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Good job! Actually for a first timer excellent job! Congratulations!

8/11/2012 2:49:52 PM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

congratz.. lyvers well done

8/11/2012 2:55:26 PM


Bowdon, GA

Wow! Very Nice congrats!

8/11/2012 3:00:12 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Wow what a great lope for first time grower now I known how big I got to be next year my biggest was 55 lb

8/11/2012 3:59:35 PM



Congrats !

8/11/2012 4:18:23 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Was that grow off a 21 Crosby

8/11/2012 4:41:06 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Do you have a picture of it on the scales

8/12/2012 1:11:57 AM


Corryton, TN

Great job!!!

8/12/2012 6:42:38 AM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

very nice lope, congrads !

8/12/2012 8:28:20 AM



the 56.7Lyvers was grown from a 42Moore that Mr.Wayne grew.I belive his was from the 64Robb.I dont know if it is a state record or not but if it is my name is Allen Lyvers from New Haven, ky

8/12/2012 4:26:25 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Dang, nice pair of cantaloupes Allen and John! Congrats

8/13/2012 9:46:59 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Regarding the State record......I hope you haven't eaten it yet! At a minimum, you must have a picture of the cantaloupe AND the official weight in the same photograph. Generally, an employee from your County Extension office is needed to verify the weight as well. I think that if you have one of the two, it would probably stand. I certainly wouldn't argue against you in that case.

8/13/2012 9:52:32 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

I may be wrong on this but I think you might have to display photos of both ends of the cantaloupe as well. Hopefully Pumpkin Head Vic will chime in as he went thru the process last year......

8/13/2012 9:54:40 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Please disregard my previous post, I can see both ends very well in your diary photos but there was one more issue that comes to mind....is the scale certified by the State of Kentucky? It should be for state record purposes. The scale should have a current sticker on it, this ensures that the scale has been calibrated for agricultural weights. You would need to photograph that as well.....

8/13/2012 9:59:56 AM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Looks good to me now we have a new state record now time to get a new patch ready for next year Mr Wayne call me

8/13/2012 4:49:14 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Looks good to me now we have a new state record now time to get a new patch ready for next year Mr Wayne call me

8/13/2012 4:49:34 PM



Mr.pumpkinhead it sounds like were both heavy hitters.with a 55lb lope yourself i'd call it a tie! we'll see how it goes next year

8/13/2012 9:49:38 PM


Bowdon, GA

I agree you documented it well. Congrats. You can really see the size in the pic where your holding it. Well done.

8/13/2012 10:36:59 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Without a picture of the cantaloupe AND weight together in the same photograph, there's no way this fruit should be considered a State record. For all we know, there could have been a cinder block on the scale when the photo of the weight was taken. It is not documented well at all. Just because the previous record holder says "looks good to me" doesn't mean it should be a record either.

Come on guys, I more than anyone want to see a new State Record in this category but we must do it right. I jumped thru alot of hoops to certify mine three years ago, why is it so easy now?!

8/14/2012 9:16:02 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

pumpkinhead vic's certification....


8/14/2012 9:34:40 AM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

That's true Jammie lets do it right or don't do it at all

8/14/2012 9:51:36 AM



and just because frenchburg says it aint does that make it so?I know its not easy for a new guy to come in the picture and take the gold but Thats what happend!I have a certified weight ticket from Bardstown Mills that is signed by the owner him self.ahalf dozen people were there to see it.call him for your self if u desire.I know for a fact they wouldent run their name in the ground over something that grew from it...Ive been riding this thing around in my truck since friday night,its been on many scales,its still in my truck.There will be a picture of it in the Kentucky Standard this week.whole towns dont lie people do so say all u want to i know what i got.going to cut sunday come get u some!

8/14/2012 7:15:57 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Cool your tracks Jammie was making a point that the picture didn't show the weight a ticket is fine but if everyone had to do it why not you take it to the ky state fair this weekend then there would be no ?????

8/14/2012 10:01:12 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

I had a 55 lb that something eat a hole in it I could have put it on the scales and no one would have seen the hole or filled it with rock got my point

8/14/2012 10:06:41 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

It's not Frenchburg that says it isn't so, it's the process that will keep you from claiming it as a record. Because you are a new grower is exactly the reason why I'm trying to help you. It is easy for a new guy to take the gold if he'll take the advice from the old guys. This potential state record isn't about individuals, it's about our collective state and how we stack up against others. We need your cantaloupe to be a record but it has to be done right. I can't tell you how many old farmers that I've spoken with over the years that claim to have grown 8 pound tomatoes, 300 pound watermelons, 60 pound cantaloupe, it's easy to make the claim that's why this extraordinary fruit needs proper documentation. It's possible that another one like it will never be grown. I'm not rallying to take this from you, I'm trying to help you get it, it's quite an accomplishment. It's a simple picture, if it's gonna cost you to have it reweighed, I'll pay for it.

P.S. Save every seed!

8/15/2012 9:43:28 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Vic makes a very good point about his 55 pounder. When I set the official record a few years ago, I paid for a County Extension agent to travel to my county to certify it. It was that important to me.....

8/15/2012 9:45:58 AM



save your money for Miracle-Gro 1320, Robbie Smith(Nelson co. Extension Agent of Horticulture) and Judy Creech(4-H)checked it out this morning

8/15/2012 8:52:33 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

I've done all I can to help you so don't start bitching when someone weighs a 45 pounder next week and properly takes the Kentucky State Record.

8/16/2012 8:56:25 AM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Jammie give up some people don't want help

8/16/2012 11:35:37 AM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

I usually dont get involved with these things, but why is this guy being so stubborn? simple picture of the fruit on the scale is all that is needed, especially if its a record. wow. go to the grocery store, put it on the scale and take a friggin picture...lol

8/16/2012 2:23:15 PM



new pic is in my diary.on a different cert. scale 5days after the first time i weighed the lope.Now it is 54pounds and really ripe.

8/16/2012 6:39:12 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

That should do it job well done

8/17/2012 8:09:44 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Well done Allen! Congrats on smashing the Kentucky record, it's an awesome accomplishment both as a new grower and the final weight. New guys do get the gold, you earned it.
Got any left over Mircle grow that I can borrow?

8/17/2012 8:24:47 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Thanks Ray, your input convinced me that I wasn't being over the top. I would have hated to see this cantaloupe labeled unofficial. It was within reach of a new World Record and now perhaps serious growers will seek out his seeds. It also puts the mother seed on the map.

8/17/2012 8:29:51 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Allen, was your cantaloupe an open or controlled pollination?

8/17/2012 8:30:54 AM



i only had 1 plant in my garden.the bees did all the work thanks everybody ill bring abunch of seeds to the weigh-off

8/17/2012 8:53:56 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Okay is it 56.7 o4 54? That's 2.7 pound drift from the unofficial weigh in earlier to the official weight of 54. You have to show the fruit on the scale with the fruit and weight clearly displayed according to Guinness.

8/18/2012 3:52:27 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Let's get our act together folks.

8/18/2012 4:08:00 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Scott, I will petition the Kentucky records for an official weight of 54 pounds. It's just not possible nor proper to ask for the record at 56.7. I agree, we must get out act together. The veteren growers need to take a more proactive role with the up and coming record setters. Cantaloupe have taken a back seat lately but, with all of the recent success, perhaps we'll collectively police this category much better in the future......

8/18/2012 9:09:38 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Allen, was John's cantaloupe grown off of the 42 Moore as well? There's a possibility that the KGPG would want some of the seeds to put into the annual seed auction if you're interested in making a donation. Again, thanks for getting that picture.

8/18/2012 9:14:44 AM



hey look here Its a 56.7pound cantaloupe!IT was certified on certified scales.Robbie Smith our horticulture agent certified it as well. the only reason i put it back on the scale was to REprove that it was a 56.7 cantaloupe!U pick a loupe,pack it around for 5 days and see how much it lost!!!I am not claming a 54pound lope,Im claming a 56.7 cantaloupe!! and thats that.mabey i read it the wrong way but u guys Need to quit dicken me around.im fed up

8/18/2012 3:07:55 PM



ur not and will never be the guy who decides these things.U need to get UR act together pudley and get off that high horse you been livin on!!!!!Ive got KENTUCKYs state record for lopes this year, next year im going for the ALASKA state record .I am so sick of ur dought.Lets see ur perfect documented cantaloupe pictures.all of u.And for the record 56.7 is the offical weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/18/2012 3:23:22 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

lyvers I know how you feel I was unaware of the pics on a scale mine weighed 59 15 days before the weigh off. my official weight is 50.5 official or not we know what they weighed when picked! I'm not trying to stir the pot!I was thrilled to get one that close to Scott's! Maybe we can swap seeds, will you be at Bear Wallow?

8/18/2012 3:30:47 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I'm amazed the record has stood as long as it has. And I will be the first to congratulate the person who sets the new mark. But come on man use a little common sense here. Showing a picture of it on a scale and a separate photo of the digital read out isn't gonna cut it with Guinness. It may be good for Kentucky so be it. Anyone who has looked at this site can plainly see how to do it right. Follow those rules and bring your lope to a sanctioned weigh off in your area. It's that easy. Otherwise be ready for the scrutiny. I believe Ray W can chime in here. If I remember right someone back sometime ago grew one over 70 pounds but didn't take it to an official weigh off. Ray tried to get it accepted by Guinness but because of improper documentation even Ray was unable to git er done. What say ye Ray?

8/18/2012 4:05:32 PM



the county extension agent certified it.I have a certified ticket of weight.i even re-weighted it 5 days later.you dont think it would have dropped a couple of pounds after being picked for that long.If i was trying to get one over on everyone i would not have weighed it agian. I took all the proper steps to document this lope.I would like to see ur pics.August 10 on cert scales it weighed 56.7,on August 15 it weighed 54.the state fair is going on right now.Belive me there is nothing i wanted more than to enter it.I called the fair board in late july and they said i had to make an entry no later than june 15.Robbie Smith extension agent of hortuculture called them too.I was told an agents certification and a certified weight ticket would be more than enough.u have got to be smoken lopes ifu dont see that.Lets see a picture of your cantaloupe.I would understand not believing how big it was if all i had was a picture of the lope and the weight seperate but its not.put all the peices together,check out my diary,the nelson county agent or hortuculture and the head honcho of 4-H is standing in front of it holding my cert ticket.Its done right alright just not at the same time.I will be at Bear Wallow

8/18/2012 5:01:16 PM



josh i was wanderin if u had an extension agent certifi ur melon or did u just go by pics

8/18/2012 5:14:05 PM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I waited until Oct and took it to a GPC sanctioned event so GPC officials could make it official! No question that way if it was a world record I may have done it different.

8/18/2012 9:08:31 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

"I would understand not believing how big it was if all I had was a picture of the lope and the weight separate"......

Enough said. Doesn't matter what you did after the fact. Hey, we tried like hell to help you, please accept the responsibility for your own screw up. You'll have other chances and believe me, you ain't making friends with the folks that can and will help you in the future. An apology and a thank you would be nice.

Scott's cantaloupe was well documented...any simple Google or Yahoo search will reveal that. You're lucky that Scott has taken your remarks with a grain of salt. He has earned the high horse that he's riding. Taking shots at him will further alienate you from the guys that have been doing it right for years. Heck, Scott would have helped you break the World record.

8/20/2012 12:53:13 PM


New haven

I have seen the lope seen the weight ticket and helped eat it it's all legite. You guys must just be jealous of him. This is just his first time he's tried so y'all best be looking out.

8/22/2012 5:56:46 PM

James VanHook

Somerset Ky

blue balls gpc is where its at.

8/22/2012 6:58:13 PM



ok, i have no interest in either way this goes, but from my view, if i was going to accept this, it would have to be no.here is why, entry #32 scale is on a grain store floor and the scale does not show the weight or cirtification, entry#30 scale has now moved to a table of some sort, and all we see is the weight and a cable going somewhere? entry#31 is just the store owners signiture. entry#39 now days later, at a house, with no scale present, he says these two people verified it, did they see it on a scale? did they sign a form? even so it looks like it lost weight.. entry#40 , this is the best photo, but still no photo of a cirtificate of weight inspection.
anybody could borrow a scale. this is a sad thing, when someone would not listen to all of the help people were offering, and chose to do things his own way, i do believe that this melon did weigh what he said, but for official use? i have a world record melon on a scale if you all want to see it, and booballs, i'm not jealous in any way, i do not even grow lopes! i let a judge friend of mine read all of this and he already threw it out of court!lyvers if you could just sit back and think about whats going on here, think that everyone is trying to help you, not take away your dreams, do it the right way and the sky is the limit,think about if your neighbor takes away your record next year with only what you have presented us? would you agree? good luck,

8/22/2012 8:15:57 PM


Smithville, Tn

I agree James. If my lope holds on 23 more days I'll be headed to Bear Wallow on the 15th.

8/22/2012 11:45:07 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

I realize it's his first time growing cantaloupes but the odds are stacked against him repeating, that's why we pushed him to do it right. It could be a once in a lifetime fruit.

8/23/2012 10:51:00 AM



i feel so bad for him, its an exciting thing, and your right, a repeat is a tough thing. i hope he does not take all of these comments to hard and continues to grow in the future,he might have the golden soil??

8/23/2012 11:08:24 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Good points marley. Well, sometimes getting someone mad will inspire them to grow better and bigger. I'd like to see him back it up and put it right back in our face. First time growers generally don't have their growing skills fine tuned, couple that with some golden soil and a new World Record can easily come from his patch.

8/23/2012 11:34:18 AM


El Paso TX.

So any official word from the State ?? Interested to see what the state says since the county extension agent can only verify the lower weight but the weight certificate records the higher weight 5 days earlier -- it will be interesting to see what the final decision is since normally the county can only verify what they have seen which is the 5 day later weight.

8/23/2012 1:46:07 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

Give up guys some know more then guys that's been growing and trying to do things right for years

8/23/2012 7:02:01 PM



Dont feel bad for me mr.bob Marley this is a great thing if u think about it.there is and will be alot of new growers enter the gates of THE LAND of the LARGE, what better way to show everybody how importian it is to properly document our new borns than this way.they grow up so fast and are gone befor u know it. The pictures we take might be the only way to see the oddities we grow.New growers need to prepare long befor its time to pick.And yes my head is as hard as the fruit cake i got last year for christmas!!! I've heard it befor.Its easy to get all worked up from the comments that get typed up from this faceless box we call a computer and i'll be the first to say i got out of line abit but a good oboy will always stand up for what he belives in.you might as well called my dog a mutt.So take in what u can new growers as will I... enybody want to buy some Golden dirt@: Cant wait for the GPC

8/23/2012 8:00:47 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

I spoke with a representative for Ky State records last night and he has reviewed this thread and spoke with at least one witness (maybe more?) The decision has been made that Kentucky will recognize 56.7 as the official weight and new State record.

8/24/2012 8:23:47 AM


Bowdon, GA

Jamie what organization keeps KY's records?

8/24/2012 10:39:48 AM


El Paso TX.

Cool -- Glad to hear the lack of the pic on the scale with the weight shown did not keep him from the record -- sometimes they are pretty strict in the requirements and would have hated to see it be lost due to a technicality. Congrats on the successful first year Lyvers !

8/24/2012 11:52:17 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Holloway, there's not an organization per se, the records are collected from the annual State Fair, GPC events, GPC coordinators and from county Extension offices. The data is presented to our GPC coordinator who then sends the data to the ipga website (Kelly Klinker?) for recording purposes only. As far as I know, the ipga site is the only place that holds Kentucky's collective records...go figure!

Until recently, our State Fair had a short memory regarding fruit/vegtable weights. Most of the fair contests are for "prettiest" or "arrangement", not a good source for data from the past. Frank Mudd probably has a number of State Records from other fruit that he's grown over the years but the infomation isn't recorded anywhere or at least, hasn't been found yet. Frank is too modest to let anyone know that he may have/had a record, he's making us do the work!

With all due respect, thanks to the ipga for hosting our State records as well as many other states. The Kentucky growers don't have a website....someone needs to pick up the pumpkin......

8/24/2012 1:59:09 PM


Bowdon, GA

Thanks Jamie, I'll have to check into that. I know in Georgia the pumpkin record was just kept up with by the growers. There are and where just a handfull of growers so there was nothing really official. Jason weighed his at Bear Wallow so no dispute there. I assume that on melons and kins if no documented fruits exist, and there are no fairs or weighoffs in your state, the biggests recorded by the GPC would stand as the record. Is that right?

8/25/2012 12:04:03 AM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

"the biggest recorded by the GPC would stand as the record"....I absolutely agree with you. By default, the GPC is becoming the "holder" of the records. I would like to see the GPC carry all the States records, in all categories. No such depository exists right now except with the ipga. I think Pumpkin Nook or some other site used to keep the data but it was no where near complete and seldom updated. The ipga does an excellent job of collecting and maintaining, hats off to them.

8/25/2012 10:16:20 AM

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