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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 205 Entries.
Thursday, April 22 View Page
Time to start the diary. Started the primary pumpkins 904 Stelts 06 1568 Connolly 08 (2) 1314 Beauchemin 05 1596 Wallace 09 1725 C Harp 09 1236 Vincent-McGill 09 and 3 of mine 1237 Horton 09 1017 Horton 09 1094 Horton 09
Saturday, April 24 View Page
All but the 1568 Connolly 08 are up all going strong
Wednesday, April 28 View Page
Last entry should have been dated 4/26. Below is a picture of the seedlings and the starting setup. The plant are now in the green house
Thursday, April 29 View Page
Started Backup plants 1033 Magdycz 07 1139 Sherwood 1139 Rose 06 1019 Horton 08 1170 Vincent-McGill 08 also started 85.5" Hamilton 09 long gourds
Sunday, May 2 View Page
Just a few pictures of the yard fist is of the plant house
Sunday, May 2 View Page
Picture of the new long gourd trellis
Sunday, May 2 View Page
Overview of the patch
Tuesday, May 4 View Page
Planted my primary plants today. I will be leaving them on their own for 3 days due to a buisiness trip to Arkansas
Saturday, May 22 View Page
Removed all cold frames due to the upcoming week of high temperatures
Sunday, May 23 View Page
904 Stelts 06, The best plant so far in the patch, should hit the ground end of week
Monday, May 24 View Page
1017 Horton 09
Monday, May 24 View Page
1094 Horton 09, best looking plant from last years pumpkins
Monday, May 24 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, My squash
Monday, May 24 View Page
1237 Horton 09
Monday, May 24 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05
Monday, May 24 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05
Monday, May 24 View Page
1596 Wallace 09
Monday, May 24 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Monday, May 24 View Page
The previous pictures were all taken on May 23. Today the cuke beetles arrived, The patch was sprayed to take care of them
Sunday, May 30 View Page
904 Stelts 06, The pumpkin is starting to run. The local woodchuck has taken 3 leaves off the end but the tip is ok.
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1017 Horton 09
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1094 Horton 09, It also was hit by the woodchuck with 2 leaves lost. The high temps did damage one of the leaves
Sunday, May 30 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, nice plant starting to get ready to run
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1237 Horton 09, This one was looking like it might become a ribbon but it seems to be straightening itself out
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, The plant is beginning to run
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1596 Wallace 09
Sunday, May 30 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Sunday, May 30 View Page
The big project was to setup a new watering system. I ran 900' of pipe along the stream along the north property border. The picture is of the control valves and controller which will automatically water the plants when complete.
Sunday, June 6 View Page
My long gourds, still small yet to climb the trellis
Sunday, June 6 View Page
904 Stelts 06, The plant is about 4' long. the missing leaves are woodchuck damage last week
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1017 Horton 09, on the ground and running
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1094 Horton 09, 2nd biggest plant, really starting to take off
Sunday, June 6 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, hasn't set down yet
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1237 Horton 09, The plant was slow starting to vine, thought it might be a mutant but it has strightened out and is vining
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, Really nice plant vining well and secondaries are long enough to bury
Sunday, June 6 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Sunday, June 13 View Page
904 Stelts 06, Best plant so far, over 6' long vine
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1017 Horton 09
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1094 Horton 09, another good growing plant
Sunday, June 13 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1237 Horton 09, I thought this one was going to be a mutant but it has strightened out and is running
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, This has the first pumpkin on it, will cull it next time I bury vines
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, nice plant but has small diameter vines
Sunday, June 13 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Sunday, June 20 View Page
904 Stelts 06, My largest plant so far and it has a small pumpkin at the end
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1017 Horton 09, Plant has a stem split cased by the wind twisting it
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1094 Horton 09, no females on it yet, some leaf burn near the end
Sunday, June 20 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1237 Horton 09, a slow starter but has really taken off this week
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, this is my fastest runner it has a female at 6 feet and is heading for 10 feet
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, nice plant with good side vines, female should be on it at 10 feet
Sunday, June 20 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Sunday, June 20 View Page
The long gourds, should begin climbing the trelis by next weekend
Thursday, June 24 View Page
My new pumpkin hauler
Sunday, June 27 View Page
904 Stelts 06, Pollenated the first pumpkin on this plant at 10' with a 1596 Wallace
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1017 Horton 09, have a small pumpkin at the end should be ready end of week
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1094 Horton 09, This one also has a couple of smmall pumpkins at 10'+ which should be ready by end of week
Sunday, June 27 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, polenated one on Saturday at 7'
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1237 Horton 09, slow and steady plant should have a pumpkin ready by end of week
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, Will be polenating one on this plant at 10' tomorrow
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, I expect to polenate one on this plant Tuesday
Sunday, June 27 View Page
1725 Harp 09, It has a small pumpkin at 10' should be readay end of week
Sunday, June 27 View Page
The long gourds finally started to climb
Saturday, July 3 View Page
I saw my first SVB flying around my pumpkins. Sprayed the plants with Ortho Max
Sunday, July 4 View Page
904 Stelts 06, Pollenation on 6/27 with 1596 Wallace 09, 6 lobe flower, another will be ready tomorrow
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1017 Horton 09, Pollenation on 7/1 at 10' with 904 Stelts, 5 lobe flower.
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1094 Horton 09, two pollenations 1st at 10' with 1725 Harp, 5 lobe flower 2nd at 12' with 904 stelts, 4 lobe flower
Sunday, July 4 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, first pollenation aborted and the second female died, here are the next two chances
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1237 Horton 09, the first chance for pollenation, should be ready in next couple of days
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, Pollenation on 6/28 at 11' with 1596 Wallace, 5 lobe.
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05, Pollenation on 6/29 at 10' with 1725 Harp, 4 lobe floer
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, two pollenations on plant 1st on 6/29 at 10' with 1725 Harp, 5 lobe flower 2nd on 7/3 at 13' with 904 Stelts, 5 lobe flower
Sunday, July 4 View Page
1725 Harp 09, Pollenation this morning at 12 ' with 1596 Wallace, 5 lobe
Sunday, July 4 View Page
The long gourds at about 3-4' high
Sunday, July 4 View Page
The chemicals I use on the plants, they were obtained at my local ACE Hardware or Agway stores
Tuesday, July 6 View Page
The heat is really burning my new leaves on all the plants. Took down the wind fence to get more air movement for coolong the ground. It appears to help some. Spraying water overhead to help. The good news is the heat wave should be ending soon.
Sunday, July 11 View Page
Been a long hot week in the patch, a lot of the early pollenations aborted. It will be interesting to see what has taken
Sunday, July 11 View Page
904 Stelts 06, I decided to keep the first fruit on the plant. I have adjusted the plant main and put down the fabric. The tip of the main broke off with the fast growth caused by the rain Saturday and the cooler temps.
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1017 Horton 09, There are three sets on this plant the even with the high temps they don't appear to have aborted. The only issue is the tip of the main was burned and killed. I cut it back to a good point
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1094 Horton 09, This plant really took a hit last week, but the first pollenation from the week before took. The high clay content in the soil near the tip burned most of the leaves off. The rain helped and it is recovering quickly
Sunday, July 11 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, The first pollenation aborted on the plant and the second squash never completly developed. The squash shown ar the 3rd and 4th. The desired fruit is the end one but I will take either
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1237 Horton 09, the plant was a bit burned but there are two pollenations on it near the end of last week. It has caught up ith the other plants
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, The desired pollenation aborted in the heat. The next two are at the edge of the patch. The one that takes will be the keeper
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05, Had the same problem on this plant with the fruit. To make things more fun the main snapped off due to the rain and the groth spurt
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, The first pollenation aborted on the plant and the second doesn't look good. Pollenations 3 and 4 are at the edge of the patch. It looks like the good news is a lot of plant behind any fruit
Sunday, July 11 View Page
1725 Harp 09, The first pollenation looks like a goner, the second should be tomorrow at the end of the vine. Lost the tip to sunburn on the plant. I will keep and eye out for fruit on the secondarys, if the second aborts I will train a new main
Sunday, July 11 View Page
The long gourds now are over 6 feet and I expect them to hit the top by the end of the week
Sunday, July 11 View Page
This is my marrow plant with on good sized fruit. It is mostly on its own other than weeding. It is sharing a spot with a field pumpkin which aborted all the small fruit last week
Sunday, July 18 View Page
904 Stelts 06, The keeper all the others aborted. Pollenated 6/27 at 10' with 1596 wallace 09, 6 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1017 Horton 09, The keeper on this plant pollenated 7/1 at 10' with 904 Stelts, 5 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1094 Horton 09, the keeper on this plant at 10' with 1725 Harp, 5 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
The remaining are all pollenations after the heat wave in the area all the pollenations between 7/2 and 7/8 aborted this last week. It sure has made selection easy on each plant.
Sunday, July 18 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, this is the keeper on 7/9 at 16' selfed, 5 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1237 Horton 09, I believe this is the keeper pollenated on 7/13 at 16' with 904 Stelts, 5 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, This is the keeper on this plant the preceeding pollenation aborted, pollenation 7/11 at 18' with sib. 4 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05, This is the keeper on this plant pollenated on 7/9 at 16' with 904 Stelts, 5 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, my last hope on this plant and it aborted, might be another pollenation on the main this week. Probably will let the plant go and see what I get with the open pollenations on the side vines
Sunday, July 18 View Page
1725 Harp 09, the final option on this plant main pollenated on 7/12 at 16' with self, 6 lobe
Sunday, July 18 View Page
After the pictures were taken all the keepers had mill fabric and sand put under them and the vines adjusted. A sheet was also placed on top of them
Sunday, July 25 View Page
904 Stelts 06, My biggest so far, looks like it won't be a nice orange color heading for white
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1017 Horton 09, good grower so far the only plant that hasn't aborted fruit
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1094 Horton 09, looks like this should be a good orange one if current color hold
Sunday, July 25 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, last closed pollenation on the plant if it takes. The local crows pecked at it for some reason. The back ups are two open pollenations on side vines
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1237 Horton 09, nice round set at the end
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, The last hope on this plant, all other aborted and no side vine sets
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05, The pumpkin is going good it is at the end of the main, the side vines are trained around it
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, The last closed pollenation on the plant on the main if it aborts I will go with and open pollenation on a side vine
Sunday, July 25 View Page
1725 Harp 09, The pollenation on the main aborted this week and I will be going with this side vine pumpkin
Sunday, July 25 View Page
The long gourds are at the trellis top, no female yet on top, The step ladder will be setup soon for pollenations
Friday, July 30 View Page
July 30, 2010 pumpkin stats 904 Stelts 06, 118"c, 82"ss, 79"ee, 279"ott, 463lbs 1017 Horton 09, 106"c, 76"ss, 72"ee, 254"ott, 353lbs 1094 Horton 09, Blossom end Split 8/2/2010 *1236 Vincent McGill 09, 78"c 1237 Horton 09, 66"c, 47"ss, 47"ee, 160"ott, 97lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 43"c 1314 b Beauchemin 05, Blosson end Split, 8/4/2010 1596 Wallace 09, 29"c 1725 Harp 09, 45"c
Sunday, August 1 View Page
904 Stelts 06, had to adjust main on this one 3" stem is hard to handle
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1017 Horton 09, the top is starting to grow over blossom
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1094 Horton 09, I like the color on this one, growing steady
Sunday, August 1 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, This is a keeper on the side vine and open pollenated. I have a baseball sized one on the main if it doesn't abort
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1237 Horton 09, The pumpkin is trying to be a birdbath, I have adjusted it so maybe it will be a wheel
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, growing fast at the end of the vine
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1314 b Beauchemin 05, another pumpkin growing fast, if you look closely it is pushing the sand out in front
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, The smallest of the pumpkins and the only closed pollenation on the plant. It better continue to grow since I culled everything else
Sunday, August 1 View Page
1725 Harp 09, This pumpkin has really started to take off, too bad it is an open pollenation on a side vine. It was the only option left
Sunday, August 1 View Page
The long gourds, I have hand pollenated a fe this week and will continue
Sunday, August 1 View Page
Disease wise the patch is ok found some powdery mildew toward the center of the patches where the sprays were not getting good coverage. I have seen a couple of precusors to the foaming stump a couple of leaves and ends of vine were leaking fluid.
Monday, August 2 View Page
lost the first pumpkin today. The 1094 horton 09 has a nice vertical blossom end split into the cavity
Wednesday, August 4 View Page
Lost the second pumpkin today with a blossom end split on the 1314 b Beauchemin 05
Friday, August 6 View Page
August 6, 2010 pumpkin stats 904 Stelts 06, 137"c, 91"ss, 91"ee, 319"ott, 684lbs 1017 Horton 09, 128"c, 88"ss, 83"ee, 299"ott, 566lbs *1236 Vincent McGill 09, 98"c, 68"ss, 65"ee, 231" ott, 269lbs 1237 Horton 09, 103"c, 72"ss, 68"ee, 243"ott, 310lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 78"c, 48"ss, 54"ee, 180"ott, 134lbs 1596 Wallace 09, 66"c, 38"ss, 46"ee, 150"ott, 81lbs 1725 Harp 09, 88"c, 58"ss, 57"ee, 203"ott, 187lbs
Sunday, August 8 View Page
904 Stelts 06, The plant is chugging along. Had to remove a side vine that went mushy and seemed to stop the problem
Sunday, August 8 View Page
1017 Horton 09, It has really started to grow over the blossom
Sunday, August 8 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, This one is the biggest on the side vine, There is one on the main finally
Sunday, August 8 View Page
1237 Horton 09, Starting to really take off, looks like the mother did at this tage
Sunday, August 8 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, Nice long one on the plant
Sunday, August 8 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, long and round for the most part, startting to take off
Sunday, August 8 View Page
1725 Harp 09, low wide and white for this one
Sunday, August 8 View Page
The long gourd, it looks like a few of my pollenations have taken. The longest is about 24" on the other side of the trellis
Sunday, August 8 View Page
The long gourd, it looks like a few of my pollenations have taken. The longest is about 24" on the other side of the trellis
Sunday, August 8 View Page
First year growing big field pumpkins if the stem is any indication this one should be big
Friday, August 13 View Page
Growth for the week 904 Stelts 06, 140"c, 96"ss, 95"ee, 331"ott, 763lbs 1017 Horton 09, 143"c, 92"ss, 87"ee, 322"ott, 703lbs *1236 Vincent McGill 09, 113"c, 75"ss, 75"ee, 263" ott, 390lbs 1237 Horton 09, 128"c, 84"ss, 78"ee, 290"ott, 519lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 102"c, 61"ss, 67"ee, 230"ott, 265lbs 1596 Wallace 09, 98"c, 57"ss, 63"ee, 218"ott, 228lbs 1725 Harp 09, 115"c, 74"ss, 67"ee, 256"ott, 361lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
904 Stelts 06, going well plant is still in good shape. The pumpkin is bigger than last years at the same time 140"c, 96"ss, 95"ee, 331"ott, 763lbs measurement were take friday night for all pumpkins
Sunday, August 15 View Page
1017 Horton 09, This one is really growing over the blossom. Plant is haviing issues with pm. I think it is under control sprayed with Kocide Friday and it knocked it down. 143"c, 92"ss, 87"ee, 322"ott, 703lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, This is my side vine Squash, right now my plan is to take it to the Champlain fair 113"c, 75"ss, 75"ee, 263" ott, 390lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, The main vine fruit on the plant just about beach ball size
Sunday, August 15 View Page
1237 Horton 09, The pumpkin is starting to take off it is off by about 100lbs from what the mother was at the same time. Shape is the same 128"c, 84"ss, 78"ee, 290"ott, 519lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, THe plan for this one if it keeps the shape is a boat for the VT regatta 102"c, 61"ss, 67"ee, 230"ott, 265lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, 98"c, 57"ss, 63"ee, 218"ott, 228lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
1725 Harp 09, The pumpkin is really taking off, funny sort of shape developing 115"c, 74"ss, 67"ee, 256"ott, 361lbs
Sunday, August 15 View Page
My long gourds on the back of the trellis about 4' long the front ones are 5' or so. just over two weeks old. The plant has a bad case of PM developing.
Sunday, August 15 View Page
The phat jack pumpkins, sort of fun to watch growing not intended for competition.
Friday, August 20 View Page
Pumpkin stats fot the week August 20, 2010 904 Stelts 06, 157"c, 100"ss, 100"ee, 357"ott, 954lbs 1017 Horton 09, 151"c, 98"ss, 93"ee, 342"ott, 840lbs *1236 Vincent McGill 09, 119"c, 82"ss, 80"ee, 281" ott, 472lbs 1237 Horton 09, 143"c, 95"ss, 87"ee, 325"ott, 723lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 126"c, 72"ss, 79"ee, 277"ott, 453lbs 1596 Wallace 09, 117"c, 72"ss, 76"ee, 265"ott, 398lbs 1725 Harp 09, 135"c, 89"ss, 78"ee, 302"ott, 583lbs
Sunday, August 22 View Page
904 Stelts 06, still growing steady with no major problems
Sunday, August 22 View Page
1017 Horton 09, The plant is on the decline but still putting on the pounds
Sunday, August 22 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, This is the one on the main the side vine squash was cut off
Sunday, August 22 View Page
1237 Horton 09, Really taken off in the last week, I have big hope for this one
Sunday, August 22 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, Growing fast and good boat shape
Sunday, August 22 View Page
1725 Harp 09, growing fast
Sunday, August 22 View Page
The long gourds
Thursday, August 26 View Page
I have loaded up my pumpkin for the Champlain fair, quite a difference from the smaller Dakota. Pictures to follow later tonight
Thursday, August 26 View Page
My 1017 pumpkin all loaded, truck end view
Thursday, August 26 View Page
Stem side view
Thursday, August 26 View Page
Back side view, the white spot is where I dropped the tripod on the pumpkin
Saturday, August 28 View Page
Pumpkin Stats for August 28, 2010 904 Stelts 06, 163"c, 104"ss, 104"ee, 371"ott, 1069lbs 1017 Horton 09, 1007lbs official weight at Champlain Fair *1236 Vincent McGill 09, 103"c, 83"ss, 74"ee, 260" ott, 377lbs 1237 Horton 09, 155"c, 100"ss, 91"ee, 346"ott, 869lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 134"c, 77"ss, 86"ee, 297"ott, 555lbs 1596 Wallace 09, 126"c, 79"ss, 82"ee, 287"ott, 502lbs 1725 Harp 09, 146"c, 96"ss, 83"ee, 325"ott, 723lbs
Sunday, August 29 View Page
904 Stelts 06
Sunday, August 29 View Page
*1236 Vincent McGill 09, The squash on the main
Sunday, August 29 View Page
1237 Horton 09, Looking more and more like its mother from last year
Sunday, August 29 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05
Sunday, August 29 View Page
1596 Wallace 09
Sunday, August 29 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Saturday, September 4 View Page
pumpkin stats for September 3, 2010 904 Stelts 06, 168"c, 107"ss, 106"ee, 381"ott, 1157lbs 1237 Horton 09, 159"c, 102"ss, 95"ee, 356"ott, 946lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 132"c, 82"ss, 89"ee, 303"ott, 588lbs 1596 Wallace 09, 130"c, 79"ss, 85"ee, 294"ott, 539lbs 1725 Harp 09, 157"c, 99"ss, 86"ee, 342"ott, 840lbs The squash went soft yesterday on the bottom and I pulled it
Sunday, September 5 View Page
904 Stelts 06, Stem view of my big one
Sunday, September 5 View Page
1237 Horton 09, Stem view, still growing slowly
Sunday, September 5 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, It picked up a few radial splits around the stem from the last rain storm, should make a good boat
Sunday, September 5 View Page
1596 Wallace 09, Getting nasty looking a lot of oozing
Sunday, September 5 View Page
1725 Harp 09, The youngest in the patch and coloring up nicely
Sunday, September 5 View Page
The longest of the long gourds still on the vine the shorter and older ones were removed
Wednesday, September 8 View Page
My 1017 Horton 09 been to the Champlain fair now back in the patch. I snow the 1007 Horton 2010, stats July 1, 2010 pollenation at 10' with 904 Stelts, 5 lobe Final measurements 1017 Horton 09, 156"c, 99"ss, 94"ee, 349"ott, 892lbs est actual weight 1007 lbs, 13% heavy
Wednesday, September 8 View Page
Pumpkin in the air after driving the truck out
Wednesday, September 8 View Page
Another View of it in the air. Forgot to mention it was harvested on August 26, 2010 making it 56 days old
Wednesday, September 8 View Page
Left side view, the dings are from the fork lift and my dropping the tripod on the pumpkin
Wednesday, September 8 View Page
Stem View, showing how wide the fruit is
Friday, September 10 View Page
These will be the last measurements until weigh offs September 10, 2010 904 Stelts 06, 168"c, 107"ss, 106"ee, 381"ott, 1157lbs 1237 Horton 09, 164"c, 104"ss, 94"ee, 362"ott, 994lbs 1314 a Beauchemin 05, 151"c, 82"ss, 92"ee, 325"ott, 723lbs 1596 Wallace 09, 131"c, 81"ss, 86"ee, 298"ott, 560lbs 1725 Harp 09, 161"c, 100"ss, 88"ee, 349"ott, 892lbs
Sunday, September 12 View Page
904 Stelts 06, A little stem rot has started and is under control
Sunday, September 12 View Page
1237 Horton 09
Tuesday, September 14 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05
Tuesday, September 14 View Page
1596 Wallace 09
Tuesday, September 14 View Page
1725 Harp 09
Monday, September 20 View Page
904 Stelts 06, The stem rot has dried today with influx of cool dry air. Now if it will only put on another 100lbs before Topsfield
Monday, September 20 View Page
1237 Horton 09, Had a small spot of rot near the bottom, scrapped it clean and it dried today
Monday, September 20 View Page
1314 a Beauchemin 05, New cracking on this around the stem showing it still is adding weight
Monday, September 20 View Page
1725 Harp 09, still yellow but streaks of orange is comming into it
Thursday, September 30 View Page
Loaded my 904 stelts pumpkin in the truck tonight between rain storms. It is all strapped in and ready to go.
Sunday, October 3 View Page
My 904 stelts pumpkin weighed 1237lbs at Topsfield Friday. I took 10th place with it. Here is a picture of it yesterday morning in my truck
Sunday, October 3 View Page
Another angle on the pumpkin
Sunday, October 3 View Page
Unloading the pumpkin under the tripod
Sunday, October 3 View Page
Another view before unloading comenced
Sunday, October 3 View Page
Looking back from the truck at the pumpkin in the air
Sunday, October 3 View Page
Close up of the pumpkin in the air
Sunday, October 3 View Page
Introducing the 1237 Horton 2010 pumpkin
Sunday, October 3 View Page
The 1237(09) pumpkin on the ground, there is a little bit of oozing around the stem. Today I lifted onto a pallet for Vermont weighoff.
Sunday, October 3 View Page
The 1314 Beauchemin 05 before loading onto the trailor. This will be going to the Vermont weighoff then to the regatta
Sunday, October 3 View Page
The 1725 Harp 09 on the ground
Thursday, October 7 View Page
Loaded my pumpkins for the Vermont weighoff and didn't get stuck in the patch.
Friday, October 8 View Page
All loaded and ready for the weigh off


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