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Friday, April 30, 2010 Dutch Brad Netherlands

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All giant veg has been started here except for SUNFLOWER (head and tall) and RUNNER BEANS. Sunflowers go in tomorrow and runner beans around May 10-15.

LONG GOURDS - germinated are 110 Butler (up and running) and 122 Eaton (not above soil yet). Waiting for 134.5 and 122 backup to germinate.
SQUASH - 947 Cuypers* in the greenhouse - tomorrow the backup 947 and the main 1236 Vincent* (yikes, she's aggressive!) go into the greenhouse too. Second 1236 (a wimp in comparison) to go in later and I still have a 1234 Wursten* as backup.
WATERMELON - 239 Leonard is in its greenhouse
CUCUMBERS - repotted them all (heavy and long)
PARSNIPS - doing very well, almost time to get rid of backup plants
BEETROOT - heavy ones in greenhouse doing well and down to 2-3 per hill, outside they have just popped up.
MARROWS - planted 118.8 Glazebrook today (had already sprouted quite some time ago in its seed bag so I don't know if it will germ). Also planted 3x 73.6 Wursten and 5x 206.5 Wursten today.
TALL CORN - doing well in its greenhouse - about 6-8 inches tall
TOMATOES - repotted today
SWEET PEPPERS - put into greenhouse this week
SWEDE and KOHLRABI - repotted, will put out in the next week or so
POTATOES - potted them up a day or two ago. Will put out around May 15.
CARROTS - heavy ones are doing ok
CARROT and BEETROOT long - don't think it will amount to much. Not my thing (ie. I'm no good at them...).

I am clearly behind Peter G - aka "giantveg" - with most things, but his fair is at the beginning of September and mine in October... that's what I tell myself...lol

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