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Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Dutch Brad Netherlands

Entry 10 of 86  
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SQUASH - 947 Cuypers* starting to vine. Still cold and dark over here but getting better.
1236 Vincent* working on 4th leaf.
LGs - 110 Butler and 122 Eaton waiting for better weather in their pots.
TALL CORN - still yellow
TALL SUNFLOWERS - first ones are popping up - hope to grow 11, planted about 30.
WATERMELON - no growth - will probably pull it and replace it with a field pumpkin
RUNNER BEANS - seeds sown - waiting for them to pop up
TOMATOES - 6 of the 7 planted out today
POTATOES - planted out 10 last week including one in a barrel. Doing well.
KOHLRABI - planted out 4 today
SWEDES - all three are doing ok - the one inside is the biggest
MARROWS - lost my 118.8 Glazebrook plant - have planted out 2x 206.5 Wursten plants and will soon plant out 1x 73.6 Wursten. Going to have to do some sibbing this year.
CARROTS - heavy carrots finally starting to pick up
CUCUMBERS - heavy and long ones planted out in the greenhouse today
PEPPERS - very slow - need more heat
BEETROOT - ones outside slow, ones inside are doing very well. Down to one per hill now
PARSNIP - down to one per hill now - a few nice ones going
LONG CARROT and BEETROOT - haven't killed them yet...
Started 3x giant FIELD PUMPKINS and 3x heavy CANTALOUPE. The cantaloupe haven't germinated. I guess melons are not my thing.
So, I think I remembered them all...

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