Best results in many years so far. Pumpkin has gone to 112 ins OTT. 36 x 37 x 49. This represents my best increase in a 2 day period in all the years I,ve been growing, and, even though the nights have been below 9 degrees for the past 2 nights, I think that the fact that I,ve covered the Pumpkin in a blanket, has kept the vital growing "gene" operational. Pumpkin is a lovely light yellow to white colour, and , we now expect some lovely warm sunny days over the next week, with showers, and warm humid nights. You can see where I had a problem with a crack on the vive, and, if this pumpkin gets much larger I,m going to have to decide what to do about it, e,g cut or try moving the pumpkin, which I,m very reluctant to do.